Title: Folie 1
3Analysis - Synthesis
Fixing the motion parameters the equation can be
used for synthesis Example Burmester problem
Design Space
4Analysis - Synthesis
Fixing the motion parameters the equation can be
used for synthesis Example Burmester problem
Design Space
5given five poses of a planar system, construct a
fourbar mechanism whose endeffector passes
through all five poses BURMESTER L. (19th
6Figures Example 1
Three equations give stratification of design
space Brunnthaler et.al. 2005
7Branch defect
two precision points to design a four-bar linkage
lie on separate circuits of a coupler
curve Waldron and Stevenson (1979) Gupta
(1980) Prentis (1991) Schaefer and Kramer
(1979) DaLio et al. (2000) The parameters in
the constraint equation yield three different
8Intersection of hyperboloids
One branch