Title: The High Middle Ages:
1The High Middle Ages 12th Century (Romanesque)
13th Century (Gothic) Social, Economic,
Political Worldview
2The Three Estates
Those who . . .
Pray, Fight, Work
3Medieval Worldview in 12th Century
The Last Judgment
St. Lazare, Autun, France, c. 1130
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6The Mouth of Hell
Book of Hours of Catherine of Cleves,c. 1440
Psalter of Henry of Blois, c. 1150
7Mosaic in Florence c. 1225-1274
Bedford Missal, 1423
8Jan van Eyck, Last Judgmentc. 1420
9The Great Chain of Being depicts a divinely
inspired universal hierarchy in which all forms
of life are ranked between heaven and hell.
10Medieval View of the Universe
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12Man was formed of dust, slime and ashes . . .
. . . conceived of the itch of the flesh . . .
13He commits depraved acts by which he offends God,
his neighbor and himself . . .
14He will become fuel for those fires which are
forever hot and burn forever bright
food for the worm which forever nibbles and
15a mass of rottenness which will forever stink and
reek. - Pope Innocent III, c. 1200
17Cult of Relics
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21Medieval PilgrimageRoutes
22Romanesque Art 1050-1200
A little after the year One Thousand, basilicas
began to be built throughout the known land, and
especially in Italy and the Gaul territories. And
because the majority of them were still in good
conditions and were not lacking in anything, a
great spirit of emulation overtook all Christian
populations each wishing to surpass the next in
magnificence. It was as if the world wanted to
shake off the old, and cover itself with a great
white cloak of churches". -Raul Glaber (c 1003)
23Rise of Trade Growth of Towns and Cities
24Gothic Cathedrals 1200-1300