Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1EUROPLANET development of a European
Distributed Facility for Planetary Computational
Modelling Data Analysis (EDF PCM DA) A
dedicated Work Package in the European planetary
science RI project
M.L. Khodachenko1, S. Miller2, M. Blanc3
1 IWF-OeAW, Graz, Austria 2 UCL, London, UK
3 CESR/CNRS, France
2FP6 project Main Facts
Objectives ? Increase the productivity of
planetary projects with European investment ?
Initiate a long-term improvement of the European
planetary science infrastructure ? Improve
European scientific competitiveness, develop and
spread expertise in this research area ?
Improve public understanding of planetary
? Submitted to the EU, April 15th, 2003 ?
Supported as a Coordination Action within
6-th Framework Program, Research Infrastructures
Action ? Funding 2 M, for up to 48 months ?
Start date Jan 1st, 2005
3FP6 project Structure
N1 EuroPlaNet Management Michel Blanc
42 participants (60 institutions/labs.)
from 17 EU countries 42 associate participants
Krupp, Hari Rucker, Miller Lebreton
Discipline Working Groups
Ground-based Observation Coordination
Outreach Strategy
Dutuit, Szego
Personnel Exchange
Srama, Grande
Chanteur, Capri
4FP6 project Structure
N1 EuroPlaNet Management Michel Blanc
42 participants (60 institutions/labs.)
from 17 EU countries 42 associate participants
Krupp, Hari Rucker, Miller Lebreton
Discipline Working Groups
Ground-based Observation Coordination
Outreach Strategy
Dutuit, Szego
Personnel Exchange
Activity N2 Discipline working groups
Establishment of discipline working groups in
the different science areas of planetary sciences
with the aim to cover all major fields of
planetary sciences.
Activity N4 Developing an outreach
strategy Developing a pan-European outreach plan
that will help to associate the European Citizens
to the Planetary Exploration program activities
in Europe (incl. space agencies, research
institutes, Universities and science museums).
Activity N5 Personnel exchange Supporting key
exchanges of personnel between research groups
with the aim to establish a long-term working
relation between the groups.
Activity N7 Design and development of the
IDIS Creation of an Integrated and Distributed
Information Service (IDIS) and its further
evolution into a European Virtual Planetary
Activity N3 Coordinated space/earth-based
observations Developing synergies between in-situ
exploration of the planetary systems and
telescope observations from the ground or Earth
Activity N6 Meetings, conferences Organisation
of EuroPlaNet meetings during the project.
Srama, Grande
Chanteur, Capri
5FP6 project participants,geographical
- France OMP, LAM, LPPM, LCP, Obs. Paris, LISA,
Rennes Univ., IAS, LPG, LPCE, LPGN, OCA, CRPG,
L3AB, CNES - U.K. Open Univ., U. Leicester, Oxford Univ.,
MSSL, Imperial, U. Liverpool, UCL - Germany DLR Braunschweig, IPG Wirtzberg, IfP
Muenster, MPI Lindau, MPI Heidelberg, TUM
Munchen, IfP Postdam - Austria IWF Graz
- Greece ERL Heraklion
- Italy U. Trento, CISAS Padova, UNIPG Perugia,
IASF Roma, Upa Napoli, IRSPS Pescara, IFSI Roma,
- Poland SRC Warsaw, PAS Warsaw
- Romania AIRA, Bucharest
- Portugal IST-UTL Lisboa, U. Porto, Obs. Astro.
Lisboa - Finland FMI Helsinki
- Sweden IRF Uppsala
- Belgium Royal Obs. Belgium
- Spain IAA Granada
- Switzerland Univ. Basel, ISSI
- Hungary KFKI-RMKI
6(No Transcript)
7General Philosophy
ESAPlanetary Missions
Venus Express
Bepi Colombo
Smart 1
Mars Express
8FP7 project Structure
? EUROPLANET in the modern science context
9FP7 project Structure
Data flow Knowledge flow
I. Data acquisition
II. Data operation
III. Sci. Knowledge acquisition
IV. Sci. Knowledge operation
10 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Motivation for proposing EDF PCM DA
? Data analysis modeling two basic components
of scientific research ? Two aspects of
modeling -- Theoretical / Global
Conceptual modelling
-- Numerical modelling
/ simulation
? Variety of numerical models is available now at
the European planetary community ? Each
Algorithm, Numerical Code or Model is associated
with a certain team or group of teams ?
Know-how (i. e. local nature) - Development
of software - Support of operation -
Application to particular problems
11 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Motivation for proposing EDF PCM DA
? Other research groups dealt with
theoretical and applied planetary science
problems may need application of advanced DA M
methods in their study. ? Potential users
? Engagement into development of advanced
complex software not always can be easy
combined with the efficient scientific research
12(No Transcript)
13 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Motivation for proposing EDF PCM DA
? Other research groups dealt with
theoretical and applied planetary science
problems may need application of advanced DA M
methods in their study. ? Potential users
? Engagement into development of advanced
complex software not always can be easy
combined with the efficient scientific research
Distributed and Coordinated Interdisciplinary
European Facility for Planetary Computational
Modelling Data Analysis a new type of Research
Infrastructure (RI)
14 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Evolution of the proposal
? As a reply to call for expression
of interest in FP7 pro- ject EUROPLANET
JRA Advanced Data Analysis Methods and
Modelling ( ADAM M)
? As an extended proposal of Joint
Research Activiry in FP7 project
JRA Interdisciplinary Computational Modelling
Data Analysis ( ICM DA)
? As a Work Package (JRA-3) in FP7 pro-
ject EUROPLANET supported by EC
JRA European Distributed Facility for
Planetary Computational Modelling and Data
Analysis ( EDF PCM DA)
15 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Main Strategic Goal Creation of a
distributed and coordinated RI, based on
the existing in Europe computational modelling
and data analysis centres, which will
provide the scientific community with the
dedicated services in the fields of their
computational data analysis expertise. ?
Tactical goals / Tasks ? provide
researchers with the numerical modelling service
? provide researchers
with the advanced data analysis service ?
perform coordinated, interconnected,
multi-disciplinary simulations of
planetary phenomena and objects ? provide
coordinated use of (access to) high performance
computing facilities, operated in
Europe (CINECA, DEISA-2) ? Further
elaboration of data analysis and modelling
methods for their coodinated use by the
scientific community ? Development of
standard routine packages, and user-friendly
comprehensive interfaces ? Development
of services tools for distant interactive
communication between the researchers
(users) computing experts (service providers)
16 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Organizational principles management
? EDF PCM DA JRA consists of 5 Working Tasks
related to particular type of computing
or RD activity (modelling, data analysis HPC)
? Each Task has its 2
responsible leaders team (group of scientists /
labs) ? Coordination of EDF PCM DA , as
a distributed RI, will be performed by
the Board of Experts (leaders of Tasks) ?
To reach its goals on establishing dedicated
modelling and data analysis services,
EDF PCM DA will develop and provide
- Specialized user services within
particular Tasks Flexible schedules
- Topic oriented tutorial teams
communication - Broad
advertising of the available services ?
Collaboration of many laboratories and individual
scientists will be ensured by 1) Joint
authorship of papers and the inclusion into
mission teams 2) Reimbursement of
computational service and software RD
work on a sub-contract basis. ? Cooperation
with other activities in EUROPLANET (NA1, NA2,
17 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Structure of the activity Tasks /
Task1 Coordination management Task2
Interactive Catalogue of
Planetary Models Task3 Distributed Planetary
Modelling Laboratory Task4
Distributed Data Analysis
Laboratory Task5 Enabling High Performance
Grid Computing Architec-
tures, Codes Standardization
18 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Tasks, staff effort, coordinating institutes
1 pers.m. 7,500 Euro (incl. 60 overheads)
19 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Institutes and personal involvement
Task1 Coordination
Task2 Interactive Catalogue IWF-OeAW
16 person months IWF-OeAW 8
person months UCL 8 person months
LPG-Grenoble 8 person
UCL 8 person
months Task3 Distributed Numerical Modelling
Task4 Distributed Data Analysis
Laboratory (DNML)
Laboratory (DDAL) UCL 16
person months NNGU
24 person months OP-LESIA 8 person
months IAP-Czech 8 person
months IWF-OeAW 8 person months
IWF OeAW 4 person months IRF
8 person months IKI-RAS
9 person months Task5
Enabling High Performance and Grid Computing
Architectures, Codes
Standardization and Inter-comparison CINECA
16 person months IWF-OeAW 4 person
20 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Similar activities world-wide ?
Service tasks of DEF - PCM DA JRA are
to some extend similar to those of
the recently created in USA the
Community Coordinated Modeling Center
(CCMC) multi-agency partnership to enable,
support and perform the RD for
next-generation space science space weather
models (http//ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/index.php)
. Original features of EDF PCM DA,
which differ it from the CCMC are
- Orientation to the European modelling,
data analysis and user teams -
Inclusion into the EDF PCM DA service package
of not only modelling, but also
data analysis activities - Broader
then just space-weather applications spectrum of
topical areas for modelling and
data analysis work with the inclusion of the
whole variety of planetary science
phenomena and problems - Inclusion
into the EDF PCM DA activity scope of not only
applica- tion of separate existing
codes, but also providing of RD support for
users, development of standards, and
organization of coordinated
interconnected multi-disciplinary and multi-model
simulation runs.
21 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Work package major Deliverables
- a set of demonstrators and operational tests of
Computational Modelling - Data Analysis service in key areas of European
planetary science - Space weather
- Magnetospheres, atmospheres
- Mars in time space
- Environment of airless bodies, Mercury
? Task1 Coordination
22 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Work package major Deliverables
? Task2 Interactive Catalogue of Planetary
23 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Work package major Deliverables
? Task3 Distributed Planetary Modelling
24 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Work package major Deliverables
? Task4 Distributed Data Analysis Laboratory
25 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Work package major Deliverables
? Task5 Enabling High Performance Grid
Computing Architectures,
Codes Standardization
26 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Tentative budget
27 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? Work package time line
28Existing Interdisciplinary Cooperations in PCM
Distributed Data Analysis Laboratory -
Application of Wigner-Ville (WV) and Sliding
Window Fourier (SWF) transform methods
in planetary sciences - Combination with
Wavelet analysis methods
Saturnian Physics
? SKR impulsive modulation burst
? Variation of 10.77 h impulsive modulation of
29Existing Interdisciplinary Cooperations in PCM
Distributed Data Analysis Laboratory -
Application of Wigner-Ville (WV) and Sliding
Window Fourier (SWF) transform methods
in planetary sciences - Combination with
Wavelet analysis methods
Solar/stellar Physics
? HR1217 Luminocity modulation
? Postflare modulation of solar micro- wave
? Quasiperiodic impulsive modulations in
Gamma-Equ light curve
30Existing Interdisciplinary Cooperations in PCM
Distributed Numerical Modelling Laboratory
- Simulators of solar/stellar wind interactions
with planetary obstacles (MHD, Hybrid,
Kinetic codes) - Global system reconstruction
and conceptual modeling of complex natural
phenomena in planetary physics Neuron networks
? Magnetosphere compression by solar/stellar
wind and surface material spattering
Mercury Physics Space weather
Ordinary SW n 72 cm-3 VSW 430 km/s BzSW
10 nT
Extreme events (CMEs) n 72 cm-3
VSW 860 km/s BzSW 10 nT
31Existing Interdisciplinary Cooperations in PCM
Distributed Numerical Modelling Laboratory
- Simulators of solar/stellar wind interactions
with planetary obstacles (MHD, Hybrid,
Kinetic codes) - Global system reconstruction
and conceptual modeling of complex natural
phenomena in planetary physics Neuron networks
Global modelling
- Modeling of stellar planetary relations -
Radiation effects - Biospheric environments
32 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? General similarity with coordinated
33 European Distributed Facility for modelling
data analysis
? European/International Perspectives
EDF PCM DA within EUROPLANET FP7 will gain and
foster the synergies of coordinated and coherent
use of available computa-tional modelling and
data analysis RIs (computational resources and
services, data bases). It will serve as a
prototype of a new kind of pan-European
inter-national Research Infrastructure which will
provide the scientific community with the
dedicated services in the field of
computa-tional modelling and data analysis.