Title: Southeast Michigan Council of Governments
1 Efficient Local Government Presentation to the
Michigan Local Government Benchmarking Consortium
Annual Conference Dave Boerger November 9,
Southeast Michigan Council of Governments
2Discussion Points
- Benchmarking our Benchmarks!
- Closing the Gaps.
- Whats Next?
3 SEMCOG Who? 163 member local governments
- Assist local governments deal with issues
- Plan for common needs
- Recognize regional opportunities.
- Facilitate cooperation among local governments
for mutual benefit. - Advocate for changes in public policy
4 Programs and Services
5SP/Case-Shiller Metro Area Home Price Indices
6Home Price, SEV, and Taxable ValuePercent Change
in SE Michigan
7Impact on You
- Municipal revenues dropping 20-30
- Government services being curtailed
- Office hours restricted/furlough days
- Government pay and benefits shrinking
- Police, Fire and EMS service cuts
- Snow plowing, salting park maintenance reduced
- Municipal capital expenditures near zero
- Infrastructure deteriorating rapidly
- Tax increases not possible
8Benchmarking our Benchmarks
- Versus ICMA, NC, FL SEMCOG data
- Service cost per resident 20-30 higher
- FTE ratios better by 10-15 (where measured)
- Benefit costs 2X higher
- Service satisfaction not measured
- MI Metrics differ substantially
9Benchmark Comparisons
10Benchmark Comparisons (contd)
11Closing the Gaps
- Measuring key indicators most important
- Comparing to others helps motivate
- Identify and quantify the gaps
- Prioritize your efforts
- Integrate process plans into budgets
- Form teams to drive improvements
- Recognize successes and fix problems
12Quantify the Gaps
13Prioritize Your Efforts
14Sterling Heights Budget
15Benchmark Costs Versus CPI (up 34 since
16Whats Next?
- Refine metrics for each service area
- Develop metrics for 4 new service areas
- Drive improvements locally
- Share successes and lessons learned
- Use benchmarking to solve fiscal challenges
- Invite your neighbors to join MLGBC
- Check out the resources on SEMCOG website
17 For additional information contact Dave
Boerger SEMCOG boerger_at_semcog.org 248-875-7120
Southeast Michigan Council of Governments 535
Griswold St., Suite 300 Detroit, MI
48226 www.semcog.org