Title: Developing Grant Sub-agreements
1- Developing Grant Sub-agreements
- Campus Forum
- July 23, 2008
2Diane Barrett Sandi Robins Susan Dahmen
Sharon Vetter Jo Beth Dudley George
Watson Steve Hahn Berta Ostrander
3- Problem Statement (mission/scope)
UW-Madison loses prestige, collaborative research
time, and money when our outgoing sponsored
project sub-agreement process is inefficient.
4Current Process for Creating an Outgoing
Sponsored Project Sub-Agreement Time duration not
available 1 day minimum / 2739 days maximum
/ 353 days median / wide variation
2.5 days minimum / 1139 days maximum / 15-25 days
most common Time not
available ---------------------------------------
------------------------------------- ( n
400 records extracted from the Sub-Award
Tracking System and the corresponding
Requisitions for the fiscal year 2007)
5Part One of Current Process Cycle Time 1 day
minimum /2739 days maximum/353 days median Part
Two of Current Process Cycle Time 2.5 days
minimum/1139 days maximum/15-25 days most common
6 7- Benefits of Proposed Solutions
- Number of times a requisition is handled reduced
from 9 to 2 - PI will no longer be required to initiate a
requisition - Number of process steps reduced from 12 to 5
8- Questions/Feedback
- Learn more _at_
- http//www.vc.wisc.edu/apr