Title: A Horace Mann Charter School
1A Horace Mann CharterSchool
2Q. What is a charter school in Massachusetts?
- A. A charter school is a public school that is
governed by a board of trustees and operates
independently of any school committee under a
five-year charter granted by the Board of
3Q. What is a charter school in Massachusetts?
- It has the freedom to organize around a core
mission, curriculum, theme, and/or teaching
method and to control its own budget and hire
(and fire) teachers and staff.
4Q. What is a charter school in Massachusetts?
- In return for this freedom, a charter school must
attract students and produce positive results
within five years or its charter will not be
5Q. What is a charter school in Massachusetts?
- There are two types of charter schools,
Commonwealth charter schools and Horace Mann
charter schools. They operate under the same set
of rules as described above, with the following
6Q. What is a charter school in Massachusetts?
- First, a Horace Mann charter school must have its
charter approved by the local school committee
and the local teacher's union in addition to the
Board of Education.
7Q. What is a charter school in Massachusetts?
- Second, to the extent provided by their charters,
Horace Mann charter schools may be exempt from
certain provisions in local collective bargaining
8Q. What is a charter school in Massachusetts?
- Third, employees of a Horace Mann charter school
remain members of the local collective bargaining
unit continue to accrue seniority and receive,
at a minimum, the salary and benefits established
by the local collective bargaining agreement.
9Q. To whom is the charter granted?
- A. Charters are granted to the proposed school's
Board of Trustees. While a founding group may
also include individuals who do not intend to
serve on the Board of Trustees, a proposed Board
must be in place for the charter to be granted.
10Q. How are Horace Mann charter schools funded?
- A. Funding for a Horace Mann charter school comes
directly from the school district in which the
school is located, through a Memorandum of
Understanding with the district. An application
for a Horace Mann charter school will specify a
total budget allocation that the School Committee
has approved for the charter school's first year.
Each year thereafter, the Board of Trustees of a
Horace Mann charter school will submit a budget
request for the following fiscal year to the
superintendent and School Committee of the
11Q. How are Horace Mann charter schools funded?
- Under the law, a Horace Mann charter school
cannot receive less than it would have under the
district's standard budgetary allocation rules.
12Q. How are Horace Mann charter schools funded?
- A school may appeal a disproportionately small
budget allocation to the Commissioner of
Education. Depending upon the terms of its
charter and the Memorandum of Understanding, a
Horace Mann
13Q. How are Horace Mann charter schools funded?
- Depending upon the terms of its charter and the
Memorandum of Understanding, a Horace Mann
charter school may receive its share of federal
and state grant funds from the district or
receive the funds directly.
14Q. How are Horace Mann charter schools funded?
- Horace Mann charter schools may apply for private
grants and receive individual contributions.
15Q. Are charter schools entitled to federal funds?
- Yes. Charter schools are eligible for federal
funds that go to public schools such as Special
Education, Title 1, and Safe and Drug Free
16Q. Are laws and regulations waived for charter
- Charter schools must follow the same state
educational standards, administer the same state
tests, and abide by almost all the same state and
federal laws and regulations as other public
schools in the Commonwealth.
17Q. Are laws and regulations waived for charter
- Commonwealth charter schools however, are not
subject to local school district rules and may
operate without collective bargaining agreements.
18Q. Are laws and regulations waived for charter
- Horace Mann charter schools, depending on the
terms of their charters, may be exempt from some
local school district rules and some provisions
of the local collective bargaining agreement and
regulations. (As is the case for other public
schools, charter schools may request waivers from
state regulations.)
19Q. How does the federal No Child Left Behind
Act affect Massachusetts charter schools?
- A. Because Massachusetts charter schools are
public schools, the NCLB requirements are
applicable to charter schools in the
20Q. What do the state curriculum frameworks and
state tests mean for charter schools?
- A. All public schools, including charter schools,
must administer the Massachusetts Comprehensive
Assessment System (MCAS) tests. These tests are
based on the curriculum frameworks adopted by the
Board of Education. Charter schools must also
administer any other assessment the Board of
Education may require. MCAS results are used in
the charter school accountability process and are
central in evaluating whether a school is an
academic success.
21 - Marstons Mills East
- Horace Mann Charter Public
- School
22Why do we need a charter?
- The charter is essential to the schools
mission. - It creates the capacity for self-governance.
- It creates fiscal autonomy.
- It ensures adequate staff training.
- It gives us the ability to obtain grants.
23What is a Horace Mann Charter School?
- An independent public school that is provided a
charter or performance contract by the
Department of Education. - Accountability
- Is the School an academic success?
- Is the school a viable organization?
- Is the school faithful to the terms of the
24M.M.E.H.M.C.P.S. Mission Statement
- To be a whole school community that provides a
challenging and enriching environment for all
children kindergarten through grade 4. - Where all children achieve high academic
standards and develop character.
25M.M.E.H.M.C.P.S. Mission Statement
- We support the whole child
- And continuous improvement in the teaching
process - And consider a whole school community as integral
to success
26Research-based Comprehensive School Reform Model
27Charter is based on Accelerated Schools
Plus PhilosophyAll children can benefit
from and deserve the kinds of enriched learning
experiences we have traditionally offered in
thegifted and talented programs.
28Comprehensive School Reform
School culture
Student Activities
Instructional Strategies
Professional Development
29The Principles
Unity of Purpose
Empowerment coupled with Responsibility
Building on Strengths
30Communication and collaboration
School as the center of expertise
Community Spirit
Experimentation and discovery
Risk taking
31Powerful Learning Components
- AuthenticStudents relate what they are
experiencing - in the classroom to real issues and
situations. - InteractiveInteractive opportunities for
individuals to collaborate with others. - Learner-CenteredStudents become enabled to take
charge of - their own learning.
- InclusiveFocusing on giving all students equal
access - to learning opportunities.
- Continuous Students can apply existing
knowledge to what they have already learned and
make connections between different subject
32Powerful Learning is a philosophy and a process
that integrates
- ASP 3 Principles
- ASP 10 Values
- ASP Learning Framework TriangleWhat/How/Context
- ASP Five Components
- MMEHMCPS Mission
33Implementation Process
34School Structure
SAW (School as a whole)
Steering Committee
35OUR ROAD MAP 2002-2003
- September, 2002, Horace Mann study Group formed.
- October, 2002, All-staff meeting with Tom
McDonald and Susan Dahn - October, 2002, study group visited Charter Oakes
Academy in West Hartford, CT - January, 2003, Staff In-Service-Decision to
Continue pursuit of Charter Application - January, 2003, Vision and Mission Statement
Created - Winter, 2003, - Voted to go for Horace Mann
- Spring, 2003 Presentation to the staff from
Modern Red and Accelerated Schools Plus models - May, 2003, Ken Keenan and Beth-Anne Allen visit
Ben Martin Accelerated Learning Academy - May, 2003, Staff voted for a model-ASP
- June, 2003, Educational Program Committee formed
to work on Educational Program for Prospectus. - Summer, 2003, Prospectus written
36The Journey Continues2004-2008
- January, 2004, Charter Team interviewed by DOE
- February, 2004, DOE granted Charter.
- Spring, 2004, Leadership Team Formed. Visioning
Night took place. Board of Trustees formed. - Summer, 2004, First ASP Staff Summer Training
- September, 2004, Taking Stock as a school
community. - Fall, 2004, community reports out and sets
priorities. - Winter, 2005, Steering Committee formed - cadres
begin the inquiry process.
- Summer, 2005, ASP Training
- 2005-2006 Cadres use inquiry method
- Spring, 2007, implementation of Action Plans
- April, 2007, Awarded ASP National Demonstration
Site - May, 2007, Theme Team formed
- 2007-2008, Implementing and Maintaining Action
Plans - To be continued
37A Celebration of effort and excellence
- Marstons Mills East Horace Mann Charter
Public School - was selected as a demonstration site for the
2007-2008 school year.
38Marstons Mills East HMCPS