Title: What influences mothers food choices for young children
1What influences mothers food choices for young
- I Crombie, L Irvine, K Brown, W Wrieden,
- V Swanson, K Power, P Slane
2Issues to explore
- nutritional knowledge
- beliefs about benefits of good diet
- food preparation and serving
- mothers intentions
- barriers
- mothers
- with 2 year old children
- in disadvantaged areas
- in Dundee and Fife
- interviewer questionnaire
- literature review
- theory of planned behaviour
- focus groups
- 372 invited
- 49 refused
- 18 not contacted
- 5 excluded
- 300 successful interviews (81)
6Early feeding
- Never breastfed 78
- Solid food tried by 4 weeks 36
- Weaning initiated by 8 weeks 55
7Childrens current diet
- Breakfast cereal most days 95
- Fish at least once/week lt1
- At least 1 portion per day of
- Milk 96
- Other Dairy 92
- Vegetables 47
- Fruit 38
- Potatoes/pasta/rice/bread 49
- Non processed meat/poultry 7
- Processed meat/poultry 31
8Purchasing of food
Most shopping at supermarket 100 Fruit
vegetables of acceptable quality 77 Routinely
buys same food each week 100 Healthy foods cost
too much 91
9Food preparation and serving
- Cooks from raw 3 times/week 53
- Seldom plans meals 54
- Household seldom eat together 32
- Child eat fried foods 3 times/week 39
- Child has takeaway 1 time/week 82
10Cooking specific meals
11Mothers knowledge of general dietary
12Mothers perception of benefits
13Diet Quality Score
Balance of Good Health The plate model
14Planning and serving foods
15General barriers to a healthy diet
16Factors not associated with diet quality
- perceived cost
- food availability
- cooking equipment
- benefits of a healthy diet
- general food knowledge
- television viewing
- playing outdoors
17Knowledge of specific dietary recommendations
18Views on providing certain foods
- representative sample
- general knowledge on diet is good
- benefits of healthy diet well known
- access to healthy food is not a problem
20Predictors of diet quality
- knowledge of specific recommendations
- planning and serving meals
- concerns about how much child eats
- perceived control over childs diet
21The challenge of behaviour change
- encourage planning of
- specific healthy meals
- regular meal times
- family to eat together
- increase control of the childs diet
- limit unhealthy foods
- expand the range of foods eaten
- emphasise the benefits
- child (healthy weight)
- family (cohesion)
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