Title: Costbenefit Analysis
1Cost-benefit Analysis
- Determining the net benefits associated with a
project or action. - PVB PVC PVNB
- CBA as a framework or tool
- Moral and ethical issues
- Mechanical issues
2CBA as a Decision Framework or Tool
- Should actions be avoided if the costs exceed the
benefits? (Is a utilitarian perspective
warranted?) - Should / can we express all costs and benefits
associated with a particular action in (or some
other common denominator)? - Is it worthwhile trying to collect the data to
quantify the costs and benefits associated with
an action?
3Points to Consider
- Even if PVB gt PVC, the action may be undesirable
because of issues related to fairness, morality,
or other measures. - CBA is far from perfect
- What is the alternative should we attempt to
make decisions without considering the costs and
4Points to Consider
- CBA helps illuminate certain issues it does not
make the decision for us - For example
- The analyst decides what costs and benefits to
consider that is, which to quantify. The
framework does not dictate what is a cost or
benefit, or what to do at the end of the analysis.
5Mechanical Issues
- Net Present Value (PVB PVC)
- Benefit Cost Ratio (PVB/PVC)
- Internal Rate of Return
- (set PVB PVC 0 and solve for r)
- Are the different approaches effectively the
same? If not, which is the preferred method?
6The Importance of Nonmarket Values
- When calculating costs and benefits how do you
account for pollution costs where there is no
obvious market price or value? - what about the benefit people derive from clean
air, healthy ecosystems, open space, etc? We do
not buy these things in the marketplace, but
certainly want to consider them when analyzing
the net benefits of a given project.
7Values in Economics
- Use value
- For example the harvest of salmon for food
- Commercial activities can use available market
data (noting that price does not equal value!) - Sport activities market data provides insights
- Subsistence activities what were the avoided
8Values in Economics (cont.)
- Non-use Value
- Option Value
- including scientific value
- Cultural Value
- Existence Value (?)
9Estimating Nonmarket Values
- Contingent Valuation
- Survey methods
- WTP vs. WTA (to be covered later)
- Travel Cost
- Estimating what people are willing to pay to use
or protect certain resources based on what they
pay for related travel
10Travel Cost
Travel Cost per Visitor ()
Demand Curve
Consumer Surplus
Travel Cost
Annual Visitors
11Estimating Nonmarket Values
- Contingent Valuation
- Travel Cost
- Hedonic Analysis
- Often associated with real estate values
- If you think of an experience or place as a
bundle of resources, you can imagine finding
similar experiences or places that differ in
certain dimensions only. You can also imagine
isolating the contribution of the unique
12Related Topics
- Uncertainty
- Actually need to think about expected costs
and benefits - Changes in costs and benefits over time
- A priori estimates of the cost of compliance
with environmental regulations are notoriously
high compared to the actual costs
13Related Topics (cont.)
- Choosing the discount rate
- CBA vs. Impact Analyses and Other Methods
14Role Playing (for Friday May 5 12)
- Understanding your constituency group
- Week 1 Very short presentations
- Week 2 Response to proposed management strategy
with discussion -
15Assignments for Role Playing
- Fishing Darcey
- Restoration Cameron and Mark
- Tribes Erica and Jennifer
- Environmental advocacy Ethan and Danielle
- Farming Ryan and Alex
- Developers
- Admin / regulatory