Title: Poverty and Inequality
1Poverty and Inequality
- Prepared for WBI/DFID Workshop on Poverty Analysis
London, November 6-8, 2006
Jonathan Haughton Suffolk University,
Boston jonathan.haughton_at_suffolk.edu
- Given information on
- Welfare measure
- Poverty line
- Issue is how to summarize.
- Note Measures should be based on individuals,
but are sometimes erroneously based on
households. - VLSS 1998, poor
- 37 of individuals
- 32 of households
- 29 of those surveyed
3Headcount index (P0)
- The proportion of the population in poverty.
- Pro
- Simple to construct
- Easy to understand
- Con
- Ignores intensity of poverty (see table)
- Violates transfer principle
- Discontinuity unlikely (see histogram/density)
4Vietnam, 1998
Helps understand why P0 fell so fast in Vietnam.
5Poverty Gap Index (P1)
- Min cost of eliminating poverty is Gi
- Max cost of eliminating poverty is z
- P1 is the ratio of these two, so reflects
potential efficiency of targeting.
Most would argue B has worse poverty.
6Squared Poverty Gap and FGT
- But
- Less intuitive
- What a?
- It sometimes matters (but how much?)
7Sen, and SST
Sen Shorrocks Thon
G is Gini for poverty gap ratio
- Not very intuitive. But decomposable into
sources of change in poverty - Note bootstrapped confidence intervals.
- Pick sample with replacement compute redo many
times. Gives distribution of statistic.
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9Watts Time to Exit
Q individuals below poverty line
Cambodia. Average exit time
- Focus axiom. No change if income of non-poor
changes. - Monotonicity. Any income gain to poor should
reduce poverty. - Transfer axiom. Inequality-reducing transfers
among the poor should reduce poverty.
- Defined over entire population
- Independent of mean
- Common to find
- Quintiles
- Deciles
- Decile dispersion ratio
- Histogram/kernel density is useful too, but not a
summary boxplots helpful
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12Gini coefficient
- Lorenz curve
- Gini A/(AB)
- Min 0, max 1, bigger number is more inequality
- Typically 0.25-0.60 for income or expenditure per
13Fitting Lorenz curve
- Measuring world poverty
- Often only have quintile data. So
- Fit Lorenz curve
- Apply dollar-a-day line
- Compute headcount poverty rate.
- General quadratic works well enough.
Gaurav Datt Computational Tools for Poverty
Measurement and Analysis. IFPRI. 1998.
14Gini evaluated
- Pro
- Widely understood
- Axioms
- Mean independence
- Population size independence
- Symmetry
- Pigou-Dalton transfer sensitivity
- But
- Axioms
- Decomposability (e.g. by pop. groups) awkward
- Statistical testability. Easiest using bootstrap.
15Generalized Entropy
Theils T
Theils L Mean log deviation
16Measures compared
- Not much difference in ranking using these
Subgroups j
Fairly typical result
18These may help steer policy