???ast???? ?????s?? S?st? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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???ast???? ?????s?? S?st?


... Netbeans. ???pt??? ?ata?????? plug-in st? pe?? ????? a??pt???? Netbeans ... ?e?? ????? a??pt???? efa? ???? Netbeans. ?pe????? ?a????t??a: ?f??d?t? ?sa??at?d?? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ???ast???? ?????s?? S?st?

???ast???? ?????s?? S?st?µ?t?? ?e???????a?
  • ?pe?????
  • ?f??d?t? ?sa??at?d??,
  • Ep??????? ?a????t??a

?e?????? ??e??a?
  • ?p??es??st?ef?? ?e???????a ????sµ????
  • ?p??es?e? ?st??, ????µat?? ?a? ?µ?t?µ?-p???-?µ?t?µ
    ? (Web, Grid P2P Service Computing)
  • ??a??t?s? ?a? S???es? ?te???e???
    ?p??es???(Heterogeneous Service Discovery
  • ???te??p???s? ?p??es??? ?a? ?p??es??st?ef??
    S?st?µ?t?? (Service Modeling)
  • ?e???????e? ???pt???? S?st?µ?t?? ?a? ?fa?µ????
  • ?-?µp???? B2C, B2B, P2P (Person-to-Person) ?a?
    ????t? ?-?µp????
  • ???pt??? ????sµ???? ???pt??? s?st?µ?t?? µe ß?s?
    t?? a???te?t?????
  • P2P S?st?µata ??a?e???s? ?µp?st?s???? ?a?
  • ??a?e???s? ?p??e???s?a??? ??ad??as???
  • S?ed?asµ??, ??t??es? ?a? ?pa?as?ed?asµ??

???? t?? ???ast?????
  • ?pe????? ?a????t??a ?f??d?t? ?sa??at?d??
  • ?p???f??? ??d??t??e?
  • G?????? ??a?as?p?????
  • ??e??a se te???????e? s???es?? ?p??es???
  • ??????? ?a?ta??????
  • ??e??a se te???????e? a?a??t?s?? ?p??es???
  • T?µ? ???????a
  • ??e??a se te???????e? a?a??t?s?? ?p??es???
  • ????? ???t?????
  • ??e??a se te???????e? ??a?e???s??
    ?µp?st?s???? ?a? F?µ?? se P2P ???t?a
  • ???st??a ?sa?????
  • ??e??a se te???????e? ??ep??e???s?a???

???a 1/2
  • Service Centric System Engineering (SeCSE)
  • ?? ???? ep??e?t???eta? se t?sse??? t?µe?? t??
    a??pt???? ?p??es??st?ef?? s?st?µ?t?? pe????af?,
    a?a??t?s?, s?ed?asµ?, ?a? d?a?e???s? ?p??es???
  • Service-Oriented Development In a Unified
    fraMework (SODIUM) http//www.atc.gr/sodium
  • ?? ???? p??sf??e? µ?a s?????? ap? µ??t??a,
    ???sse? ?a? ?at?????? e?d??µes? ????sµ???
    (middleware) a????t?? ??d??a (open source) p??
    ?a??pte? t?? a????e? a?a??t?s?? ?a? s???es??
    ete???e??? ?p??es???.

???a 2/2
  • Ensuring dependability of p2p applications at
    architectural level (P2P Architect)
  • St???? t?? ????? P2P_Architect ?ta? ? ?p?st?????
    ???a??sµ??/eta??e??? a??pt???? ????sµ???? st??
    ?atas?e?? a???p?st?? s?st?µ?t?? ta ?p??a
    a????????? t?? P2P (peer-to-peer) a???te?t?????
  • Interoperability Research for Networked
    Enterprises Applications and Software (INTEROP)
  • St???? t?? ????? ?ta? ? a??pt??? ?ata??????
    s??????? ??a p?????s? t?? ??e??a? st?? pe?????
    t?? ??a?e?t???????t?ta? ?p??e???s?a??? ?fa?µ????
    ?a? ????sµ????

?as??? ??e???t??? ?p?te??sµata
  • Generic Service Model
  • ???sd?????e? ta ????? ?a? d?a???t? ?a?a?t???t???
    ete???e??? ?p??es??? ?st??, p???µat?? ?a?
  • ?p?te?e? t? ß?s? ??a t?? a??pt??? ???ss?? ?a?
    e??a?e??? a?a??t?s?? ?a? s???es?? ete???e???
  • USQL USQL Engine
  • ? USQL e??a? µ?a XML ???ssa a?a??t?s?? ete???e???
    ?p??es??? µe e??a?? t??p?
  • ? USQL ???p??e?ta? ap? t? e??a?e?? USQL Engine,
    p?? ep?t??pe? t?? a?a??t?s? ete???e??? ?p??es???
    se ete???e?? e?d? µ?t???? ?a? d??t???

?as??? ??e???t??? ?p?te??sµata
  • Pyramid-S
  • ?p?st????e? t? d?µ?s?e?s? ?a? a?a??t?s?
    s?µas???????? pe???e??aµµ???? ?p??es??? ?st?? se
    ete???e?? µ?t??a
  • PSDL P2P service invocation mechanism
  • ? PSDL ep?t??pe? t?? pe????af? t?? d?epaf?? µ?a?
    P2P?p??es?a?, ?a??? ?a? t?? t??p? µe t?? ?p???
    a?t? µp??e? ?a ????e?
  • O µ??a??sµ?? ???s?? P2P ?p??es??? ep?t??pe? t?
    ???s? t??? se ?p??es??st?ef? pe??ß?????ta,
    ap????pt??ta? t?? te?????? ?ept?µ??e?e? t?? P2P
    d??t??? ap? t? ???st?

???sfate? ??µ?s?e?se??
  • Tsalgatidou, A., Athanasopoulos, G., and
    Pantazoglou M. 2008. Interoperability Among
    Heterogeneous Services The case of integration
    of P2P Services with Web Services, International
    Journal of Web Services Research, 5(4), 79-110 ,
    October-December 2008.
  • Athanasopoulos, G., Tsalgatidou, A., and
    Pantazoglou, M. 2008. Platform Specific
    Extensions in the SOA-Pro Profile for the
    Description of Peer-to-Peer and Grid Services,
    In Proceedings of the 3rd Modeling, Design, and
    Analysis for Service-oriented Architecture
    Workshop (MDA4SOA 2008), co-located with the 12th
    IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2008),
    17 September 2008, Munchen , Germany.
  • Koutrouli, E., and Tsalgatidou, A. 2008. P2P
    Reputation Systems Credibility Analysis
    Tradeoffs and Design Decisions, In Proceedings
    of 12th  Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics
    (PCI 2008), Published by IEEE Computer Society,
    28-30 August, 2008, Samos, Greece.
  • Pantazoglou, M., and Tsalgatidou, A. 2008. A P2P
    Platform for Socially Intelligent Web Service
    Publication and Discovery, In Proceedings of the
    First International Workshop on Computational P2P
    Networks Theory Practice (ComP2P 2008), part
    of ICCGI 2008, July 27 - August 1, 2008, Athens,
  • Tsalgatidou, A., Athanasopoulos, G., Pantazoglou,
    M., Berre, A.J., Pautasso, C., Gronmo, R., and
    Hoff, H. 2008. Unified Discovery and Composition
    of Heterogeneous Services The SODIUM Approach,
    In At your service An overview of results of
    projects in the field of service engineering of
    the IST programme, Elisabetta di Nitto, Paolo
    Traverso, Anne-Marie Sassen, Arian Zwegers, Eds.,
    MIT Press Series on Information Systems, ISBN
  • Pantazoglou, M., Tsalgatidou, A., and
    Spanoudakis, G., 2007. Behavior-aware, Unified
    Service Discovery. In Proceedings of the
    Service-Oriented Computing a look at the inside
    Workshop, SOC_at_Inside'07, September 17, 2007,
    Vienna, Austria.

?a??µata ???ast?????
  • ???pt???a??? ?????? Sp??d??
  • ?????s? S?st?µ?t??
  • ?e???????a ????sµ????
  • ?etapt???a??? ?????? Sp??d??
  • ?e???????e? ??e?t??????? ?µp?????
  • ?e???????e? ??????s?? ?p??e???s?a??? ??ad??as???

T?µata ?t???a??? ??p??µat???? ???as???
  • ??a??t?s? ?p??es??? ?st?? µe ß?s? t?
    S?µas???????? t??? ?e????af?
  • ???a??sµ?? ?a?t?p???s?? ??p?? ?ed?µ???? t??
    G??ssa? XML
  • ?ata?eµ?µ??? ???p???s? ???a??? ??a??t?s??
    ?p??es??? ?st??
  • ???sa?µ?sµ??? sta ?ed?µ??a ??t??es?
    ?p??es??st?ef?? ?p??e???s?a??? ??ad??as???
  • S?µas???????? a?a??t?s? ded?µ???? e?t??
    s?µas???????? e?tetaµ???? TupleSpace
  • ?atas?e?? ?p??tas?? st? ?e??ß????? ???pt????
    ?fa?µ???? Netbeans ??a t?? ???s? ?p??es???
    ?µ?t?µ??-p???-?µ?t?µ? (P2P Services)
  • S?st?µata f?µ?? ??a ?µ?t?µa s?st?µata
    ??e?t??????? s??a??a???

??a??t?s? ?p??es??? ?st?? µe ß?s? t?
S?µas???????? t??? ?e????af?
  • ??t??e?µe?a ?e??t??
  • ?e??t? t?? ???ssa? SAWSDL
  • ??µ??????a ??a??? a???µ?? pe????af?? ?p??es??? se
  • ?e??t? t?? ???ssa? OWL
  • ?e??t? t?? ??t?????a? SUMO
  • ???p???s? µ??a??sµ?? e?????? ?a? p?s?t???p???s??
    t?? ?ata?????t?ta? µ?a? ?p??es?a? ?st?? se s??s?
    µe t?? apa?t?se?? t?? ???st?, µe ß?s? t?
    s?µas???????? t?? pe????af?
  • ?e?????? ?pa?t?se??
  • ?e???????e? ?p??es??? ?st?? (WSDL SAWSDL)
  • G??ssa p????aµµat?sµ?? Java
  • ?e???????e? XML
  • ?pe????? ?a????t??a ?f??d?t? ?sa??at?d??
  • ?e????? ?p?st????? ??????? ?a?ta??????

???a??sµ?? ?a?t?p???s?? ??p?? ?ed?µ???? t??
G??ssa? XML
  • ??t??e?µe?a ?e??t??
  • ?eta-???ssa XML Schema
  • ???????µ?? ta?t?p???s?? ?a? a?t?st????s??
    d?µ?µ???? ded?µ????
  • ???a??sµ?? ta?t?p???s?? s???et?? ?a? ap??? t?p??
    ded?µ???? XML
  • ?e?????? ?pa?t?se??
  • G??ssa ?????aµµat?sµ?? Java
  • ?e???????e? ?p??es??? ?st??
  • ?e???????e? XML
  • ?pe????? ?a????t??a ?f??d?t? ?sa??at?d??
  • ?e????? ?p?st????? ??????? ?a?ta??????

?ata?eµ?µ??? ???p???s? ???a??? ??a??t?s??
?p??es??? ?st??
  • ??t??e?µe?a ?e??t??
  • ?ata?eµ?µ??? (epa?a)s?ed?as? µ??a??? a?a??t?s??
    ?p??es??? ?st??
  • ???p???s? t?? ?ata?eµ?µ???? µ??a??? µe t??
    a??pt??? µ?a? ? pe??ss?t???? d?e??as??? se
  • ?e?????? ?pa?t?se??
  • G??sse? ???te??p???s?? (UML, BPMN)
  • ?e???????e? ?p??es??? ?st?? (WSDL, WS-BPEL)
  • G??ssa ?????aµµat?sµ?? Java
  • ?pe????? ?a????t??a ?f??d?t? ?sa??at?d??
  • ?e????? ?p?st????? ??????? ?a?ta??????

???sa?µ?sµ??? sta ?ed?µ??a ??t??es?
?p??es??st?ef?? ?p??e???s?a??? ??ad??as???
  • ??t??e?µe?a ?e??t??
  • G??ssa pe????af?? e?????st??se?? ap?te???µe?e?
    ap? ?p??es?e? ?st?? (WS-BP?L)
  • ???a?? e?t??es?? e?????st??se?? (ActiveBPEL
    engine) pe???e??aµµ???? se WS-BPEL
  • ???pt??? epe?t?se?? st? µ??a?? e?t??es??
    e?????st??se?? ActiveBPEL ??a t? µetaß??? t??
    ???? µ?a? e?????st??s?? ?at? t?? e?t??es? t?? µe
    ß?s? d?a??s?µa ded?µ??a
  • ?e?????? ?pa?t?se??
  • ?e???????e? pe????af??/µ??f?p???s?? ded?µ???? XML
    ?a? XML-Schema
  • ?e???????e? ?p??es??? ?st?? (WSDL, WS-BPEL)
  • G??ssa ?????aµµat?sµ?? Java
  • ?pe????? ?a????t??a ?f??d?t? ?sa??at?d??
  • ?e????? ?p?st????? ??a?as?p????? Ge??????

S?µas???????? a?a??t?s? ded?µ???? e?t??
s?µas???????? e?tetaµ???? TupleSpace
  • ??t??e?µe?a ?e??t??
  • G??ssa pe????af?? ??t??????? OWL
  • ???????µ?? a?t?st????s?? s?µas?????????
    pe????af?? ded?µ????
  • ???a??sµ?? s?µas????????? ta?t?p???s?? ded?µ????
  • ?e?????? ?pa?t?se??
  • ?e???????e? pe????af??/µ??f?p???s?? ded?µ???? XML
    ?a? XML-Schema
  • G??ssa ?????aµµat?sµ?? Java
  • ?pe????? ?a????t??a ?f??d?t? ?sa??at?d??
  • ?e????? ?p?st????? ??a?as?p????? Ge??????

?atas?e?? ?p??tas?? st? ?e??ß????? ???pt????
?fa?µ???? Netbeans ??a t?? ???s? ?p??es???
?µ?t?µ??-p???-?µ?t?µ? (P2P Services)
  • ??t??e?µe?a ?e??t??
  • ??atf??µa a??pt???? ?p??es??? ?µ?t?µ??-p???-?µ?t?µ
    ? JXTA
  • ?e??ß????? a??pt???? efa?µ???? Netbeans
  • ???pt??? ?ata?????? plug-in st? pe??ß?????
    a??pt???? Netbeans ??a t?? ?p?st????? t??
  • a??pt???? pe????af?? ?p??es??? ?µ?t?µ??-p???-?µ?t?
    µ? µe ß?s? t?? ???ssa PSDL
  • t?? e?a???? ap? µ?a PSDL pe????af? ?ata??????
    stubs ??d??a ta ?p??a ?a ?p?st??????? t?? ???s?
    µ?a? ?p??es?a?
  • ?e?????? ?pa?t?se??
  • ?e???????e? pe????af??/µ??f?p???s?? ded?µ???? XML
    ?a? XML-Schema
  • ?e???????e? ?p??es??? ?st?? (WSDL, WS-BPEL, AXIS,
  • G??ssa ?????aµµat?sµ?? Java
  • ?e??ß????? a??pt???? efa?µ???? Netbeans
  • ?pe????? ?a????t??a ?f??d?t? ?sa??at?d??
  • ?e????? ?p?st????? ??a?as?p????? Ge??????

S?st?µata f?µ?? ??a ?µ?t?µa s?st?µata
??e?t??????? s??a??a???
  • ??t??e?µe?a ?e??t??
  • ???a??sµ?? f?µ?? p?? ????? p??ta?e? ??a s?st?µata
    on-line s??a??a???
  • S?????s? ?e?t????p???µ???? ?a? ap??e?t??p???µ????
  • ??t?µata asf??e?a? t?? µ??a??sµ?? f?µ?? ??a
    ?µ?t?µa s?st?µata ??e?t??????? s??a??a???
  • ???p???s? e??? web based reputation s?st?µat??
    ??a ??e?t?????? eµp????
  • ?e?????? ?pa?t?se??
  • Web application development
  • ??se?? ?ed?µ????
  • ?pe????? ?a????t??a ?f??d?t? ?sa??at?d??
  • ?e????? ?p?st????? ????? ???t?????
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