Title: ? ????? t?? ??ast???? ??se?? st? ??ad??as?a ???pt???? ?a
1? ????? t?? ??ast???? ??se?? st? ??ad??as?a
???pt???? ?aµ???d??stat?? ?µ?a?????
- ?a??at????? ??astas?a
- S.?.?.F.?., 10? e??µ???
- ??????? 2006
- ?pe????? ?a????t??a ?a. ?. ?apad?µ?t????
- ??ast???? ??se?? ?a?aµ??f?se??
- (Strain Stress)
- ?te??d?µ?? ?p? ??ast??? ?a?aµ??f?s?
- (Strained Heterostructures)
- ??t???a??µ??a ?ßa?t??? S?µe?a InAs/GaAs
- (Self-assembled Quantum Dots)
- ?p?d?as? t?? ??ast???? ?a?aµ??f?s?? ?a? t??
?ßa?t???? ?e?????sµ?? st?? ??µ? t?? ??e?t????a???
????? - ?fa?µ???? 1.3 µm ???d??? Laser
3??ast???? ??se?? - ?a?aµ??f?se??
- Xx c11exx c12eyy c13ezz c14eyz c15ezx
c16exy sxx - Yy c21exx c22eyy c23ezz c24eyz c25ezx
c26exy syy - Zz c31exx c32eyy c33ezz c34eyz c35ezx
c36exy szz - Yz c41exx c42eyy c43ezz c44eyz c45ezx
c46exy syz - Zx c51exx c52eyy c53ezz c54eyz c55ezx
c56exy szx - Xy c61exx c62eyy c63ezz c64eyz c65ezx
c66exy sxy
4??ast???? ??se?? - ?a?aµ??f?se??
- ? a???µ?? t?? e?ast???? sta?e??? µe???eta? se
???st?????? - µe ????? s?µµet??a. Se ???st?????? t?? ??ß????
s?st?µat?? -
sxx c11exx c12eyy c13ezz (1) -
syy c21exx c22eyy c23ezz (2) -
szz c31exx c32eyy c33ezz (3)
exx eyy ezz eyz ezx exy
sxx c11 c12 c12 0 0 0
syy c12 c11 c12 0 0 0
szz c12 c12 c11 0 0 0
syz 0 0 0 c44 0 0
szx 0 0 0 0 c44 0
sxy 0 0 0 0 0 c44
5??ast???? ??se?? -?a?aµ??f?se??
- ?p? t?? ep?d?as? ?s?t??p?? d?a??????? t?se?? st?
ep?ped? - sxx syy s (4)
- szz 0 (5)
- (1),(2),(4) ? (c11 c12)exx (c11 c12)eyy ?
exx eyy e (6) - (3),(5),(6) ? 2c12exx c11ezz 0
? ezz -(2c12/c11) e (7) - (1),(6),(7) ? s (c11 c12)e (2c122/c11) e
6?te??d?µ?? ?p? ??ast??? ?a?aµ??f?s? (Coherent
Incoherent Growth)
- ?? ta d?? ????? d?af????? ?? p??? t?? p?e?µat????
sta?e??? t??? as, aL (lattice mismatch),
eµfa?????ta? e?ast???? t?se??-pa?aµ??f?se?? - e (as aL) / aL
- O? t?se?? e??a? µ???ste? ?at? t? s?µf???
(coherent) ?a? e????ste? ?at? t? µ?-s?µf???
(incoherent) a??pt???. - ?? t?se?? ?a?a?????? µe t? d?µ??????a e?a?µ?se??.
7?te??d?µ?? ?p? ??ast??? ?a?aµ??f?s? (Coherent
Incoherent Growth)
- ???s?µ? p???? dc ? as / 2?e?
- ??a p??? µ????te?a ap? dc ,
- ? ep?st??s? a?apt?sseta? ????? e?a?µ?se?? ?a?
e??a? ?p? t?s?. - ??a p??? µe?a??te?a ap? dc ,
- ? ep?st??s? eµfa???e? a????? e?a?µ?se??. St?
s????e?a, a?apt?sseta? ????? t?s? ?a? µe t??
e?e??e?? p?e?µat??? sta?e??.
8?te??d?µ?? ?p? ??ast??? ?a?aµ??f?s? (Coherent
Incoherent Growth)
- ?a??de??µa
- ?? ???s?µ? p???? ??a a??pt??? In0.3Ga0.7As se
?p?st??µa GaAs e??a? - ? p?e?µat??? sta?e??, s?µf??a µe t? ??µ? t??
Vegard e??a? - a(In0.3Ga0.7As) 0.3aInAs 0.7aGaAs 5.775
Å - ? pa?aµ??f?s? e??a? e
(5.653 5.775) / 5.775 - 0.022 - ?? ???s?µ? p???? e??a? pe??p?? dc 5.653
/ 2(0.022) 128 Å
9?aµ???d??stat?? ?µ?a?????
- O? f?s???? ?d??t?te? p??sd???????ta? ap? t??
d?ast?se?? t?? s?st?µat??. - ?e???? ???µa?a? a ltlt ? ltlt L , a d??µet???
at?µ?? ? µ????? -
? µ?s? µ???? e?e????a? d?ad??µ?? e- -
L µ??e??? d???µ??? (lt100 nm 1000 A) - Fa???µe?a ?ßa?t???? pe?????sµ?? L lt 100 Å
- 2D ?ßa?t??? p???d?a (Quantum Wells) ?a?
?pe?d?µ?? - L1, L2 L3 0
(L1, L2 gtgtL3
quasi 2D) - 1D ?ßa?t??? ??µata (Quantum Wires)
- L1 L2 L3 0
(L1gtgtL2 , L3
quasi 1D) - 0D ?ßa?t??? s?µe?a (Quantum Dots)
- L1 L2 L3 0
(L1, L2 , L3 ? 0
quasi 0D)
10?p?d?as? t?? ??ast???? ?a?aµ??f?s?? st?? ??µ? t??
??e?t????a??? ?????
- VB e?e??e?a?? µetat?p?s? ?a? ??s? e?f???sµ?? (HH
LH) - ?? ap?t??esµa e?ast???? t?se??/pa?aµ??f?se??
11?p?d?as? t?? ??ast???? ?a?aµ??f?s?? ?a? t??
?ßa?t???? ?e?????sµ?? st?? ??µ? t?? ??e?t????a???
- VB e?e??e?a?? µetat?p?s? ?a? ??s? e?f???sµ??
(HH LH) - ?? ap?t??esµa t?? ?ßa?t???? pe?????sµ??
- VB epa?af??? t?? e?f???sµ?? (HH LH)
- ?? ap?t??esµa e?ast???? t?se??/pa?aµ??f?se??
12??t???a??µ??a ?ßa?t??? S?µe?a(self-assembled
quantum dots)
- Layer by layer (e ? 2)
- Stranski-Krastonow
- Island growth mode
- ?e t?? s??µat?sµ? ??s?d??,
- ? e?a??st?p??e?ta? ? e????e?a pa?aµ??f?s??
- ? d??eta? ? d??at?t?ta a??pt???? s?st?µ?t?? 0D
(QD) ????? ???s? ??????af?a?, e????a??? ??p. -
13?p?ta??a?? a??pt??? QD InAs se ?p?st??µa GaAs
- Se ?e?µ???as?a 600?C TMIn H3As ? InAs
14???s?µ???s? ??ast???? pa?aµ??f?s??
- ?e a???µ?t??? p??s?µ???s? ?aµß??eta? ?
pa?aµ??f?s? t?? de??µat?? se 3 d?ast?se??.
15???s?µ???s? ??ast???? pa?aµ??f?s??
- ? ?ata??µ? t?? t?s?? de? e?a?t?ta? ap? t? µ??e???
t?? ?ßa?t???? s?µe???, a??? ?????? ap? t? s??µa
16??e??e?a??? µetaß?se?? se??t???a??µ??a ?ßa?t???
s?µe?a InAs/GaAs
- In ? 0.4
- ? pa?aµ??f?s? e??a? 7
- ?g InAs 1.164 eV (????? t?s?)
- Eg dot ? 1.060 eV
17?fa?µ???? 1.3 µm ???d??? Laser
- Total light output and lasing spectrum (inset)
for - MBE GaAs-based QD laser
18?fa?µ???? 1.3 µm ???d??? Laser
- transparency current density 40 A/cm2
- 5 W output power(100 µm stripe), 300 mW(7 µm)
- stability enhancement
- improved radiation hardness
- suppressed facet overheating
- modulation bandwidths gt10 GHz (7.4 GHz at RT)
- passive mode-locking in the range 550 GHz
- M.Grundmann, O.Stier, D.Bimberg, Phys. Rev. 52,
number 16 (1995). - D. Bimberg, M. Grundmann, N.N. Ledentsov, M. H.
Mao, Ch. Ribbat, R. Sellin, V. M. Ustinov, A. E.
Zhukov, Zh. I. Alferov, J. A. Lott, Phys. Stat.
Sol. (b) 224, 787 (2001). - D. Bimberg, M. Kuntz, M. Laemmlin,
Microelectronics Journal 36, 175 (2005). - Jasprit Singh, Electronic and optoelectronic
properties of semiconductor structures,
(Cambridge University Press 2003). - Charles Kittel, Introduction to Solid State
Physics (4th edition, New York 1971). - Peter Y.Yu, Manuel Cardona, Fundamentals of
semiconductors physics materials properties,
(Springer Verlag, Berlin 2001).