Title: Chris Hughes
1Chris Hughes Assistant Speech and Language
Therapist/ Communication Support Worker A
Career Changing Opportunity
2Introduction My background Original role
Role development Typical day Key
challenges Most rewarding aspects Conclusion
3My Background Graphic Design
Illustration Learning Resource
Design/Development - health information
packs/leaflets/posters - resources for
professionals - client specific resources
4Original Role Excellence in Cities
Project Design and production of
resources Multi-disciplinary working - Speech
Language Therapy - Early Years
Team - Language and Communication Team Project
Aim That all children will have a good
communication base for learning and life
5Three Project Elements North Tyneside Screening
Assessment - a screener in all Early Years
settings - staff trained to administer
screen Speech Language Resource
Box - materials to support identified
children - communication support
training Narrative Intervention
Programme - support for settings - resource
loan service
6The Production Line!
7Role Development Gained broader understanding
of project by - observing clinical
practice - attending paediatric team
meetings - in-house training Advanced
BTec Speech Language Communication Support
8Role Development Advanced BTec Speech,
Language Communication Support John
Bercow MP, presented certificates to the
successful students at an event celebrating
speech, language and communication in North
9Role Development Project success recognised
funding extended to March 2008 Additional
developments - introduction of scoring system in
the screen to enable progress monitoring - all
referrals for 3-5 year-olds accompanied by a
screening assessment Part of my current role
is to maintain the systems and practices that
the project established.
10Role Development Communication Support in
Childrens Centres - training and
demonstration - group work with children
parents/carers - 11 support for hard to reach
families - support and advice for screening
process - narrative support
11A Typical Day Meeting with Family Support
Worker re 11 work Observation of child in
nursery discussion with key worker and nursery
staff Back to base write up notes / phone
calls Action screener queries with EY settings
Btec registration Narrative demo in primary
school nursery Back to base - meeting with
clinical lead and students Prep for child
parent/carer group tomorrow
12Key Challenges Engaging hard to reach
families Managing two separate workloads
13Most Rewarding Aspects Working with narrative
groups Designing resources