WG3 Presentation to SC4 Closing Plenary - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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WG3 Presentation to SC4 Closing Plenary


Reviewed progress with VAMAS round robin test of LCA data representation ... Provide examples of parts lists and catalogues that use reference data (ongoing) ISO ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: WG3 Presentation to SC4 Closing Plenary

WG3 Presentationto SC4 Closing Plenary
  • Gerald Radack, Convener
  • Seattle, WA, USA
  • 2004-10-08
  • 0800 1000

WG3 Schedule for Lillehammer
WG3 Teams
  • T01 Shape Representation
  • Goult, Ray J LEADER
  • T04 Materials
  • Moreno, Anna LEADER
  • Swindells, Norman DEPUTY
  • T08 Product Life Cycle
  • King, Timothy LEADER
  • URen, Jim DEPUTY
  • T09 Engineering Analysis
  • Hunten, Keith LEADER
  • T19 Mechanical Products
  • T22 Building and Construction
  • Haas, Wolfgang LEADER
  • Terai, Tatsuo DEPUTY
  • Kim, Inhan DEPUTY
  • T23 Ships
  • Fry, Tony LEADER
  • Mays, James L LEADER
  • T24 Manufacturing
  • Hardwick, Martin LEADER
  • Sakamoto, Chiaki DEPUTY
  • T25 Oil, Gas, Process and Power
  • Sandsmark, Nils LEADER
  • van Exel, Paul DEPUTY

T01 Shape Representation
  • Accomplishments in Seattle
  • Joint meetings with T25, T22, Parametics, PDQ
  • Discussed
  • ISO 15926 Geometry and Topology
  • New proposal for CLCS Life Cycle Support of
    Civil Structures
  • Geometry in parametric parts
  • Product Data Quality consistency of geometric
  • Agreed with T25 that ISO 15926-3 NWI/CD ballot
    will start 2004-11

T04 Materials
  • Accomplishments in Seattle
  • 10303-235 Materials information
  • Completed internal review and project leader
  • Identified outstanding items on the checklists
  • Agreed completion strategy for the document
  • Reviewed progress with VAMAS round robin test of
    LCA data representation
  • Reviewed the application of SC4 standards to LCA
    data in the CASCADE Project

T04 Materials
  • Plans between now and next meeting
  • ISO 10303-235 Materials information
  • Complete AIM diagrams
  • Complete A235 document
  • Collect comments on VAMAS round robin test of SC4
    standards for LCA data

T04 Materials
  • Plans for next meeting
  • ISO 10303-235 Materials information
  • Review CD document
  • Review the results of VAMAS round robin test of
    SC4 standards for LCA data
  • Develop proposals for the standardisation of
    reference dictionaries for AP 235

T08 Product Life Cycle
  • Accomplishments in Seattle
  • AP 233 Systems engineering
  • Reviewed status Project Management Module Set
  • Met with AP210 to discuss plans to Modularize
  • Developed an Issue Management Concept Model
  • Review Open Issues in Issue Log
  • closed 5 issues/13 issues open
  • Discussed the potential of using Protégé/OWL to
    support preliminary tests of AP233 models.
  • A mapping of AP233 to SysML was presented
  • Risk IR (Part 58) is ready for ballot following
    review at PDES Park City Meeting

T08 Product Life Cycle
  • Plans between now and Lillehammer
  • AP 233 (Systems Engineering)
  • Joint meeting with the INCOSE MDSD at the INCOSE
    Winter Meeting in Tampa, USA, 2005-01-28 to

T08 Product Life Cycle
  • Plans for Lillehammer
  • AP233 (Systems Engineering)
  • Review reference implementation(s) of Project
    Management module set
  • Review updates to AP 233 Project requirements
  • Review and update (as necessary) the AP 233
    development plan
  • Review work on mapping of DODAF-SysML-AP 233
  • Review open issues
  • Review consolidation of issue logs

T08 Product Life Cycle
  • Accomplishments in Seattle
  • AP 239 (PLCS)
  • DIS Ballot Comment Resolution Workshop sessions
  • successful use of STEPMOD for ballot comment
  • distributed working to resolve
  • summary spreadsheet for interested parties to
    track the resolution of comments
  • single NO vote to resolve before publication as
  • joint session with eOTD
  • use of eOTD as a reference data library for
  • joint session with AP 233
  • Data Exchange Set (DEX) specifications
  • Open Technical Forum presentation
  • LSC Group SIMBASE project

T08 Product Life Cycle
  • Plan between now and Lillehammer
  • Prepare for publishing AP 239 as full IS before
    end of 2004
  • OASIS PLCS TC liaison
  • face-to-face OASIS meeting at PDT Europe
  • Continue Data Exchange Set (DEX) specification
  • Plan for Lillehammer
  • Joint session with eOTD
  • OASIS PLCS TC liaison
  • report to WG03/T08 Opening Plenary (Monday
  • Continue AP 239 Reference Data Library
  • Anyone for Edition 2 !?!?!?

T19 Mechanical Products
  • Plans between now and Lillehammer
  • AP 214
  • SEDS resolution
  • most of registered SEDS are closed and solutions
  • significant part of them have been addressed by
    GDT harmonization
  • Improvement of AP 214 for Engineering Change
    Management (ECM)
  • Review user requirements
  • Issue SEDS, if necessary
  • Investigate in business object implementation
  • Single information model for implementation, XML
    schema, Web services, OMG PLM_Services
  • Discuss reactivation of T19

T22 Building Construction
  • Accomplishments in Seattle
  • Attended AP 239 meetings to resolve ballot
  • SCDAEC, KOSDIC, STEP-CDS implementations
  • Updates on the status of implementations in
    Japan, Korea and Germany
  • Presentations on German Digital Factory
    activities and Japanese Highway model
  • Draft PWI document related to generic model for
    lifecycle support of AEC facilities
  • Joint meeting with IAI, Parametrics and Shape
  • Discuss set of issues related to harmonization
  • Reminder of outstanding actions to the IAI to get
    ISO/PAS for IFC registered

T22 Building Construction
  • Plans between now and Lillehammer
  • Send out AP 236 before end of November
  • Work on a NWI for generic model for life cycle
    support of AEC facilities
  • Detailed in scope out of scope statements
  • Assessment to which extend existing APs cover
    these requirements
  • Clarification concerning the kind of AP
  • NWI workshops in Seoul and Tokyo 2005-03-06 14
  • Respond to IAI issues concerning harmonization

T22 Building Construction
  • Plans for Lillehammer
  • Review of early comments of AP 236 balloting
  • Apart from AP 236, T22 will not meet in

T23 Ships
  • Accomplishments in Seattle
  • STEP Shipbuilding Implementation Forum
  • Two additional test cases provided for ISO
    10303-2162003 that team will be analyzing in the
    next few months
  • Now have three test cases for Ship Moulded Forms
  • AP 227 HVAC demonstration status was presented

T23 Ships
  • Plans for Lillehammer
  • AP 216 STEP Shipbuilding Implementation Forum
  • Discuss advance planning for new implementations
    (AP 218, 227, or others)
  • Liaison with
  • Manufacturing APs
  • Process Plant AP 227
  • Systems Engineering AP 233
  • Furniture AP 236
  • PLCS AP 239
  • Library/cataloguing standards

T24 Manufacturing
  • Accomplishments Seattle
  • Reviewed AP 219 document for CD
  • Reviewed AP 240 document for IS
  • Reviewed AP 224 document for DIS
  • Reviewed AP 238 document for DIS

T24 Manufacturing
  • Accomplishments Seattle
  • Lean Manufacturing Workshop
  • ISO developer, end users, CAM and CNC vendors
  • Sessions on business case, technologies, tools
    and vendor requirements
  • Presentations will be on US Pro and T24 Web sites
  • Follow-on meeting at OMAC in 2005-02 in Orlando
  • AP 238 CC1 data exchange testing

T24 Manufacturing
  • AP 238 CC 1
  • CNC independent tool paths
  • Tool path cutter location data (polylines and
    circular NOT SPLINES)
  • Tool path is required
  • Tool requirement data
  • Project and one workplan (single set-up, linear
    list of working step)
  • PDM and Material identifier

T24 Manufacturing
  • Plans for Lillehammer
  • Review AP 219 CD ballot comments
  • Review AP 224 ed3 DIS ballot comments
  • Review AP 238 DIS ballot comments
  • Results of CC1 data exchange testing

T25 Oil, Gas, Process and Power
  • Accomplishments in Seattle (1)
  • Reviewed status of AP221 DIS (with conveners for
    sign off)
  • Minor amendments requested on WG12 modules.
  • WG3 convener is reviewing AP itself, expects no
  • Reviewed status of AP 227 ed 2 including usage
    guide and pilot implementations
  • Resolved remaining issues on ISO 15692-3 NWI/TS
    proposal (Joint with WG12 Shape Representation
    and WG3/T1)
  • Reviewed status of ISO 15692-7 NWI/CD-TS (with
    convener for sign off)
  • WG3 convener is reviewing document, more
    discussion Friday afternoon

T25 Oil, Gas, Process and Power
  • Accomplishments in Seattle (2)
  • Reviewed status of ISO15926-4 NWI/CD-TS ballot
  • Material sent out for ballot just before Seattle
  • Discussed change/config mgt ISO 15926-4 reference
  • In view of low frequency of update (say yearly)
    will recommend to use SEDS process and document
    editions through T25 rather than MA or RA
  • Parts 5 and 6 will therefore not be pursued for
    standardization at this time and will be migrated
    into config/change mgt plan
  • Developed document on handling issues and on
    external References for Part 4
  • Alignment ISO 15926-4 with ISO15926-2 - Full
  • Progressed co-operation with ECCMA group on eOTD
  • Discussed harmonisation process and quality
  • Agreed practical action list

T25 Oil, Gas, Process and Power
  • Accomplishments in Seattle (3)
  • Participated in the PPC Architecture Review
  • User view and future standards requirements
  • Participated in the joint WG3, WG12 meeting on
    Referencing External Data from APs

T25 Oil, Gas, Process and Power
  • Plans between now and Lillehammer (1)
  • Sign off AP 221 DIS document and send to ISO for
    ballot as soon as possible
  • Deadline 2004-11-30
  • Do not wish to use hold option
  • AP 227 ed 2
  • IS ready for WG3 convener review by 2004-12
  • Updated Usage Guide to support ed 2 ready by
  • Continue to develop pilot implementations
  • Send ISO 15692-1 to ISO for IS publication by
  • ISO 15692-3 NWI/TS ready for WG3 convener review
    by 2004-10-20
  • Sign off ISO 15692-7 NWI/CD-TS doc and send to
    ISO for ballot as soon as possible

T25 Oil, Gas, Process and Power
  • Plans between now and Lillehammer (2)
  • ISO 15926-4
  • Draft configuration mgt plan for parts 4 and 3 in
    accordance with IEEE 828 using parts 5 and 6 as
    input by 2004-12-31
  • Draft integration/collaboration plan for ISO/IEC
    and other standards bodies by the Lillehammer
  • Finalise full integration of reference data by
  • Develop Terms of Reference including integration
    / collaboration plan with ECCMA to achieve
    synergy with eOTD
  • Provide examples of parts lists and catalogues
    that use reference data (ongoing)

T25 Oil, Gas, Process and Power
  • Plans for Lillehammer
  • Review ballot comment for AP 221 DIS
  • Report on AP 227 ed 2 pilot implementations
  • Review ballot comment for ISO 15926-3 TS (Joint
    with T1)
  • Review ballot comment for ISO 15926-7 NWI/CD-TS
  • ISO 15926-4
  • Ballot resolution workshop
  • Review progress and plan further work on the
  • Review progress on cooperation between ECCMA and
  • Review progress and plans for common reference
    data for ISO 10303-239 and ISO 15926

T25 Oil, Gas, Process and Power
  • Agenda for Lillehammer
  • Monday, 2005-02-28, 1300-1700
  • T25 - Oil, Gas, Process and Power plenary
    Reports on progress and plans
  • Tuesday, 2005-03-01, 0800-1200
  • AP221 Ballot comments resolution
  • Progress co-operation with eOTD ECCMA
  • Tuesday, 2005-03-01, 1300-1700
  • Part 3 Ballot Comments Workshop (Joint with WG12
    and WG3/T1)
  • Wednesday, 2005-03-02, 1000-1700
  • Part 4 Ballot Resolution Workshop (1)
  • Thursday, 2005-03-03, 1300-1500
  • Part 4 Ballot Resolution Workshop (2)

  • T19 leader, deputy, experts
  • T23 co-leader or deputy
  • Deputy leaders of T1, T9
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