Title: Indices de richesse
1Wealth Indicators ? Innovation ? Increased cost
effectiveness ? Overall effectiveness ?
Computerization of knowledge
The Honourable Francine Martel Vaillancourt Deputy
Minister of Revenue IPAC Award for Innovative
Management August 25, 2009 Voir texte "A"
2Wealth IndicatorsRevenu Québec at a glance
Nearly 6,000,000 taxpayers and 600,000 businesses
1 service outletin Toronto
13 cities in Québec
Support payments
Unclaimed property
17 service outlets and 1 client services support
Voir texte B ci- attaché. Nearly 10,500
employees Responsible, in whole or in part, for
the administration of 20 laws
3Wealth IndicatorsRevenu Québecs mission
Mission To collect income tax and consumption
Objectives To encourage self-assessment To
protect the tax base
Measures Integrity of the tax system Fairness
among taxpayers
Difficulty Controlling tax evasion
The ultimate goal of the wealth indicators project
To change for the better taxpayers future conduct
4Wealth IndicatorsDaunting tasks
- Amend Québecs Act respecting the Ministère du
Revenu - Obtain the consent of the Commission daccès à
linformation for the use of external information - Check the accuracy of the results obtained
through data linkage so that they can be filed as
evidence before the courts, where relevant - Conclude a large number of memoranda of
understanding with the partners of Revenu Québec
to obtain information from them - Develop a highly complex technology
5Wealth IndicatorsInnovative expert system
- External information from
- the Québec government
- 32 departments and bodies (SAAQ, Hydro-Québec,
property assessment rolls, municipal assessments,
- Information from the federal government
- 13 types of files (GST, corporations, statements,
forms, etc.)
Wealth indicators expert system
Data warehouse
Auditors at Revenu Québec
- Internal information
- 12 corporate systems, including individual and
corporation income tax, sales tax and source
- Subscriptions with private businesses
- Immovable transactions
- Vehicle values
6Wealth Indicators Concept approach
Reported income
Boat Aircraft
Wealth indicators
Available income Personal enrichment
7Wealth indicatorsSignificant additional revenue
Projection for 2003 to 2011 260 million
2003 to 2008 189 million
8Wealth Indicators Tangible results
Net benefit of the wealth indicators project
Additional revenue 189 million Minus Cost
of carrying out the project 5
million (investment recouped after only
2 months of operation) Operating cost
over 6 years 27 million (auditors
salaries and other costs) Net benefit 157
From 2003 to 2008 net benefit of 157 million
9Wealth IndicatorsOptimization of the audit
- More audits can be conducted.
- Auditors are provided with a rigorous, greatly
simplified process for combatting tax evasion. - Audits can be conducted on Revenu Québecs
premises rather than on the taxpayers premises. - Communication between Revenu Québec and its
clientele is simplified, in particular, by the
production of files that are more comprehensive
and more easily understood by taxpayers. - The time required to complete an audit file is
reduced from 200 to 21 hours. - The cost of an audit file is reduced from 8,500
to 900.
10Wealth Indicators Looking forward
- This program for identifying tax evasion (the
only - one of its kind in the world)
- leads the way to technologies that revolutionize
the tax audit methods of governments - inspires a number of countries to implement such
technology in their government administration - unquestionably sets Revenu Québec apart as a
worldwide leader in combatting tax evasion.
British Columbia
Government of Canada
11Wealth IndicatorsDistinctions and awards
Prix dexcellence, Institut dadministration
publique de Québec, in the "public service"
category. OCTAS de lExcellence, Fédération de
linformatique du Québec. OCTAS, Fédération
de linformatique du Québec, in the
"technological innovation (1,000 employees or
more)" category.
12Wealth IndicatorsEnd of presentation
Thank you for your attention.