Medieval Period Middle Ages 10661485 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Medieval Period Middle Ages 10661485


... honour, freedom and curteisie -Geoffrey Chaucer. Began with the Battle of ... Dialects formed (Chaucer's East Midland dialect became basis for Modern English) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Medieval Period Middle Ages 10661485

Medieval Period (Middle Ages)1066-1485
  • A knyght ther was, and that a worthy man
  • That fro the tyme that he first bigan
  • To riden out, he loved chivalrie,
  • Trouth and honour, freedom and curteisie
  • -Geoffrey Chaucer

  • Began with the Battle of Hastings
  • King Edward promised the Duke of Normandy
    (William) the throne
  • King Harold II received crown instead (Witan
    elected him)
  • William (Duke of Normandy) was UPSET!
  • William came over to England and fought King
    Harold II for the throne. William I (also
    William the Conqueror) won! King of the mountain!
    Norman Conquest
  • England was now FRENCH ruled- wee wee

  • French influenced
  • -Language- Saxon words vs. French words
  • oxen
  • swine
  • sheep/lamb
  • -Fashion
  • -Traditions/Customs
  • -Government-Feudalism (land ownership)
  • -The Do(o)mesday Book (record of land livestock
    holdings) First Census.
  • Norman Rule ended in 1154

  • The Normans brought feudalism to England.
  • was based on a religious concept of rank, with
    God as the supreme overlord
  • was a social system, caste system, property
    system, and military system
  • determined a personsrank, duties (job), and

Society in the Cities-How is Feudalism different?
  • Society in cities and towns looked very different
    from feudalism. People were divided in classes
    based on wealth lower, middle, and upper-middle.
  • In cities and towns
  • People can change rank by working hard and making
    more money.
  • Wealth is generated by the merchant class.
  • Art reflects the concerns of the middle class,
    who can now buy it.
  • Under Feudalism
  • Rank is received at birth and is hard to change.
  • Wealth is concentrated in noble families.
  • Art reflects the concerns of the noble class.

Kingly Leadership
  • Henry II (Plantaganet family)
  • Ablest of all kings
  • Created CONFLICT with the church due to increase
    of power the Roman Catholic church was receiving
  • Church court established
  • Money going to Rome not England
  • -Appointed friend, Thomas a Becket the
    ARCHBISHOP of CANTERBURY (head of catholic
    Church of England)
  • -Becket was assassinated (by the king???)

  • Richard I (Lionhearted) VERY Expensive-liked
  • John- raised TAXES resulting in
  • Magna Carta (Great Charter)
  • Began Constitutional Government in England
  • Henry III-established Parliament (chose members)
  • Edward I-brought about elections by freemen

  • Trade began to grow in England
  • People organized into 2 GUILDS
  • Merchant Guild-(White collar) Business owners
  • Craft Guild-(blue collar) workers/laborers
  • Closely populated towns-
  • Black Plague (Bubonic Plague) 1348-1349
  • Killed 1/3 of population in ONE year!
  • Women were forced to enter the work force and
    learn the various skills-family names entered as
    Baxter (female baker), Webster (female weaver)

  • Next set of Kings All Shakespeare plays
  • Henry IV
  • Henry V
  • Henry VI (Crazy, bouts of madness)
  • 100 Year War between England and brought the
    Yeoman (small landowner)-part of English
    military-into the system.
  • Feudal system began to decline-labor was paid
  • Caste system began to dissolve
  • KingBaronsKnightsSerfs
  • Knights ran the estates, lived in manors

  • Richard of York replaced Henry VI-temporarybut
    wouldnt give it back
  • Started civil war in England
  • House of York-white rose
  • House of Lancaster-red rose
  • 1461-YORK victory put Richards son-Edward on

  • Edward IV ruled until death in 1483
  • Eldest son, Edward V (still a boy) found
    murdered with younger brother in Tower of London
    (Tower Murders)
  • UNCLE Richard became King Richard III
  • 2 years later-King Henry VII (Tudor family)
    married Richards niece unifying both houses AND
    ended the War of the Roses and the end of the
    Medieval Period 1485. Elizabeth I was a result
    of the Tudor familyThe English Renaissance was
    about to begin!

Other Important Stuff to Know
  • Vernacular-language of the people was English
    (Middle English)
  • Printing press was brought to England by William
    Caxton (from Gutenberg)
  • Hot off the press with the first printing wasThe
    Canterbury Tales
  • Father of English Philosophy
  • Roger Bacon (not Oscar Myer)

The Roman Church in the Middle Ages
  • was extremely powerful and controlled most of the
    kings and queens in Europe
  • gave all European nations a common belief system
  • was the center of learning, publishing books and
    maintaining libraries
  • considered Latin to be the language of the

Middle English
  • Germanic flavor disappeared-replaced with French
    and Latin
  • Dialects formed (Chaucers East Midland dialect
    became basis for Modern English)
  • Some language shifts from Anglo-Saxons
  • Vassal replaced Thane
  • Troubadour replaced Scop
  • End e on words was pronounced as a separate
    syllable. Soote rhymes with soda. (ah sound)
  • Oxford University was founded
  • Folk Ballad Lyric Poetry became popular
  • Arthurian legends were written down (Sir Thomas

Literature of The Medieval Period
  • End of old alliterative Anglo-Saxon world-it was
    replaced with 10 syllable meter IAMBIC PENTAMETER
    (stressed and then unstressed syllable) and
    rhyming couplets
  • The Frame Story
  • Miracle Plays, Mystery Plays, Morality Plays
  • Folk Ballads
  • The Medieval Romance/Arthurian Legends

The Medieval Romance
  • Characteristics of
  • Sense of the Supernatural conveyed (magic, fire
    breathing dragons, etc.)
  • Glamorous portrayal of castle life
  • Adventures ABOUND!!
  • Features kings, knights, and damsels in distress
    (caste system alive and well)
  • Chivalric ideals are illustrated/taught

The Romance Hero
  • Usually born under mysterious circumstances
  • Grows up in obscurity
  • Undergoes a childhood initiation involving a
    magic weapon
  • In maturity-he fights to defeat evil and promote
  • Aided by magic weapons and wise mentors
  • Mysterious events surround his departure from
    this world-suggesting he may return when needed

Knights in Shining Armor
  • Knights made up the Middle Ages military.
  • Training began in boyhood and ended in vows of
    loyalty to a lord.(squire)
  • A knights equipmenthorse, weapons, armorwas
    expensive, so most knights came from wealthy,
    noble families.
  • Knights defended their lords interests,
    property, and family and responded to the kings
    call to arms in the event of war.

  • All knights must follow these RULES (not
  • LOYALTY to King and others
  • Valor both on and off the battlefield
  • Pledge services to a Lady-Courtly Love joust for
    ladys favor, rescue all maidens (even ugly ones)

Courtly Love
  • Courtly love was an aspect of chivalry that
    encouraged nobles and knights to improve
    themselves by adoring a particular lady.
  • A knight seldom adored his own wife.
  • The adored lady remained pure and out of the
    knights reachhe served and entertained her and
    gave her gifts.

Code- Continued
  • Speak the TRUTH! ALWAYS!!
  • Be a good Christian
  • Be Fair with the enemy (sound familiar?)

Women in the Middle AgesWomen had no political
standing and depended on the men in their family
for their rank.1 penny for Wergild!
  • Noblewomen
  • bore children and supervised the household and
  • managed the estate in their husbands absence
  • were under the command of their fathers,
    brothers, and husbands
  • Peasant women
  • bore many children, worked the fields, and kept
  • were under the command of their fathers,
    brothers, and husbands

The Arthurian LegendsStarring KING ARTHUR and
the Knights of the Round Table
  • Stories were first TOLD in verse in France,
    Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal
  • King Arthur may have been created from a Celtic
    leader named Ambrosius Aurelianus (fought
  • King Arthur character was used as a standard for
    judging warriors in 600 A.D.
  • Le Morte DArthur (death of Arthur) was written
    by Sir Thomas Malory. He put the stories in
    prose form in a book.

The Tale of King Arthur
How it all began
  • A long, long, time ago
  • King Uther Pendragon wanted Igrayne (WIFE of the
    Duke of Cornwall) BADLY!!!!!!
  • Merlin and Uther made a pact Uther is disguised
    like the Duke, but resulting baby goes to Merlin
  • 2 years later King Uther dies (Arthur should
    receive the crownbut nobody knows about him)
  • Meeting of the lords decided they needed a king
  • A sword was found in an anvil Whosoever pulleth
    this sword from this stone shall be King
  • No one could pull the sword (darn it!)

  • Lords decided on a New Years Day tournament
  • Sir Ector, son Kay and Arthur (adopted child) go
    to the tournament for Kay to compete
  • Kay forgot his sword (like some people forget
    their HOMEWORK!!) Very serious!!
  • Arthur runs back to inn for it, but inn is locked
  • Arthur sees the sword in the stone and innocent
    of its meaning pulls it out!
  • He becomes the kingbut many do not accept him as
    their king and plan a revolt

  • Eventually he is accepted because he has been
    given the sword Excalibur (not sword in stone)
    from the Lady of the Lake.
  • Arthur falls in love with Gwynevere and they
  • Merlin advises King Arthur to kill all babies
    born on May Day. (
  • Arthur establishes the Knights of the Round table
    (only best knights chosen as members)
  • Builds kingdom of Camelot
  • Sir Lancelot (the best and most loved knight) has
    an affair with Gwynevere
  • They are caught! (sentenced to death)

  • Lancelot escapes and saves Gwynevere from death
    and runs off to France.
  • King Arthur must chase after them (to save face)
  • While gone his illegitimate son, Mordred, takes
    over the throne (and wont give it back when
    Arthur returns)
  • They go to battle

  • They agree to meet for a truce
  • While meeting a knight sees a snake (asp) in the
    bush and raises his sword to kill it
  • This battle sign signals war
  • They fight
  • Everyone is killed except Arthur, Mordred and two
    of Arthurs knights
  • King Arthur kills Mordred

  • Mordred kills King Arthur
  • King Arthur has sword thrown back into the lake
    (Lady of the Lake takes it)
  • He is carried away on a barge full of ladies
    wearing black hoods

And inscribed on Arthurs tomb
  • What does this mean?

  • Here lies Arthur, who was once king and king
    will be again

  • Gwynevere retires to an abbey
  • Later she dies
  • Lancelot buries her and later dies of a broken
  • Sir Bedivere becomes a hermit (not hermit crab)

  • And so ends the tales of King Arthur and his
    knights of the round table!
  • ....
  • (Rumor has it he is currently hanging out with
    Elvis. They were both seen leaving the building)
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