Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1Knowledge Management and Management
LearningSocial Software
Walter Baets, PhD, HDR Associate Dean for
Research MBA Director Professor Complexity ,
Knowledge and Innovation Euromed Marseille
Ecole de Management Erna Baets Oldenboom, MA,
MPhil Professor Leadership, Sustainable
Performance, and Mind/Body Medicine
2What is social software ?
OReilly Emerging Technologies Conference Santa
Clara CA, April 2003 Groupware supporting group
3How it started the basic ideas ?
Groups can have any size Each individual can
participate Freedom of the individual supersedes
the aims of the group How to manage the
numbers of participants? Active and non-active
members Preserve the purpose of the group
4Types of social software (networks) ?
Explicit the entire network is visible for all
(Ryze) Virtual only exists in computers (games
Everquest) Physical web invites for physical
meetings (Meetup) Private via invitation
(LinkedIn) Conversational (Blogs, Wikis)
5Examples ?
Blogs Erna Oldenboom, Walter Baets Wikis
Euromedian Management Approach,
Wikipedia Educational Innovation School Site on
social software http//socialsoftware.weblogsinc