Title: Cooperative Navigation
1Cooperative Navigation
- Towards Efficient Navigation of AUVs in a
Multi-Vehicle Environment
Alexander Bahr
- Introduction, background and research interest
- Challenges of multi-AUV operation
- Cooperative navigation scenarios
- Three experiments (setup and results)
- Outlook
- Application of results in future experiments
- Conclusion
3Why AUVs?
- Compared to ship/ROV survey
- Cheaper
- Safety
- Mission duration
- Access to previously unreachable places (under
ice) - and when using many
- Larger area coverage
- Robustness
- New types of missions
2004 2002 1995 1990
4My AUV projects
SERAFINA A small and inexpensive test platform
for AUV swarm experiments GOATS 2004 Mine
detection and classification using 2 AUVs to
collect multi-static sonar data ASC
kayaks Equipped with Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution (WHOI) modems for experiments with
multi-AUV configurations
5Multi-AUV Challenges
- More complex mission
- Increased use of acoustic spectrum through
navigation and communication equipment - Collision avoidance
- Higher degree of autonomy, meta tasks
- Efficient communication schemes
- Efficient use of all navigation information
- The introduction of multiple AUVs affects all
areas - Mission planning, task assignment, execution
- Navigation/Communication
6Multi-vehicle navigation scenarios
- Centralized navigation
- Special AUVs serve as Moving Long Baseline (MLBL)
navigation beacons - Absolute position is relevant
- Navy scenario
- Where am I?
- De-centralized navigation
- Homogenous group of vehicles
- Geometry of group relevant
- Where are the others?
7Navigation state of the art
- Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) and Inertial
Navigation System (INS) provide dead-reckoned
position - AUV queries Long Baseline (LBL) navigation
beacons and receives response - AUV records time of flight, knows beacon
positions and computes absolute position - Extended Kalman (EKF) filter is used to update
dead-reckoned position estimates with absolute
position readings
8AOFNC 2003 Experiment Setup
- Two boats serve as Moving Long Baseline (MLBL)
beacons - AUV gets range information every 3 seconds
- Range ping reception is synchronously logged on
both boats - Position of AUV is determined by post-processing
with the combined logs of the two boats and the
9AOFNC 2003 Experiment Results
10AOFNC 2003 Experiment Conclusions
- This experiment relied on
- Reliable, high bandwidth communication
- High update rate for range measurements
- Pros
- Simple
- No Ambiguities
- Cons
- High bandwidth (communication and range
measurements) - Reliable communication is needed
- Does not scale well
11AOFNC - Kayak Experiment Setup
- All kayaks have perfect, absolute position
information through GPS - Range measurements between kayaks using the WHOI
12AOFNC - Kayak Experiment Setup
- Kayak 2 and kayak 3 serve as MLBL beacons
transmitting their traveled vector via acoustic
modem - Kayak 1 uses several range and vector
measurements from kayak 2 and kayak 3 to estimate
its absolute position - Assumptions High INS/DVL-update O(1/s)
Few modem transmissions
13AOFNC - Kayak Experiment Setup
14AOFNC - Kayak Experiment range errors
15AOFNC - Kayak Experiment Results
16AOFNC - Kayak Experiment Results
17AOFNC - Kayak Experiment Conclusions
- Tracking, using range measurements over time
combined with traveled vector information is
possible - Pros
- More effective use of communication bandwidth
- Scalable
- Cons
- Position ambiguities
- Possible improvements
- Different approach to selection of cluster center
- Different clustering techniques
18Intra-Vehicle-Range Experiment Setup
- Kayak 1 tracks kayak 2
- Kayak 2 broadcasts themotion vector between
tworange pings - Kayak 1 combines rangemeasurements and
motionvectors to determine its relative
position to kayak 2
19Inter-Vehicle-Range Experiment Results
20Conclusions and Outlook
- Range-only measurements over time combined with
information about traveled vector can be used for
tracking - Combination of data transmission (communication)
and range measurements (navigation) effective way
to increase use of the acoustic spectrum - Future Research
- Improve processing of raw solutions
- Acquire more data sets with different setups
kayaks/AUVs - Move from post-processing to real time
- Apply results in upcoming experiments
21PLUS project
22ASAP Experiment (Monterey Bay 2006)
23(No Transcript)
24Slotted Data Transmission Time Sync
25Slotted Data Transmission Data Transfer
26LBL range error gaussian ?
27LBL range error gaussian ?
28AOFNC 2003 Experiment Results (EKF)
29AOFNC 2003 Experiment Results
30AOFNC - Kayak Experiment range errors
31How to compute the solutions
32Challenges for Cooperative AUV Navigation
- Communication challenges
- Acoustic Communication Only
- Low Range (200m 2km)
- Low Bandwidth (GOATS 2004 10 Bytes/sec)
- High Power Consumption (100W TxPower)
- Unreliable Channel
- Interference with Navigation Equipment
- Not Very Stealthy
- Navigation challenges
- No GPS (Underwater GPS SystemRelies on
Infrastructure that Needs tobe Deployed) - Error of Onboard Dead-Reckoning Sensors
Growswithout Bound - Limited Navigation Bandwidth (AcousticNavigatio
n Sensors may Interfere with Each Other) - Interference with Communication Equipment
- Not Very stealthy
33Pianosa 2004 (PLUS)
34AOFNC - Kayak Experiment Setup
35(No Transcript)