Title: Mission: Reach the French Speaking Countries
1MissionReach the French Speaking Countries
2In Europe
3Who We Are
4The Gendron Family
5Established in Alsace
- Land surveyor and
- Cleansing Stream National representant
- Pastor and Cleansing Stream teacher
- English teacher
- in a kindergarden,
- Cleansing stream
- ministry leader and
- youth group leader
- Kim works as a conference sales manager in a
hotel in Banff, Alberta, Canada.
- Multimedia technician
- apprentice
11What We Do
- Planting a Foursquare church in Alsace
- Lumière des Nations (Light to the Nations)
13Reaching the Lost
- Through street evangelism Prayer walks One on
one ministry and Fishing pool events.
14Teaching Seminars in Churchesand holding Retreats
15Helping Other Churches
Conquering the Land for the Lord
Networking With Leaders
Developing New Contacts
Planning Strategies
- Teaching the Cleansing Stream Seminar in the
Swiss German area
- Establishing relationships with new churches
19Our goal for this season is
20To see a home cell group explosion through...
-Experiencing God courses -Alpha courses
21And Film the Cleansing Stream Teachings
-After the success of this Seminar among the
churches, we ministered in France and
Switzerland. We are putting the teachings on
DVDs. This way, we will be able to help more
22Please pray for
-New people in our monthly Fishing Pool
Eventsthat many join our church through the
Experiencing God Alpha courses -Commitment
among the believers -Salvation, baptism in the
Holy Spirit and spiritual growth as a result of
these courses.
23Praise Report
Our last CSM Regional Retreat was a
success. Strongholds were destroyed and people
transformed. We experienced the power of the Lord
in such a wonderful way. The French are in awe.
Thanks to you, to Hong Kong, and the French we
were able to raise 9000 out of the 15000 needed
for our CSM project. With these offerings, we
were able to buy a new computer and we will
purchase a camera for this project.
24Please pray for
- Finances to print the French CSM workbooks
6000 - Competent helpers in the filming area -
Committed leaders for our CSM Regional Retreat -
Worship team (for CSM and the church as well).
25Additional News
26Joseph spent this summer in Los Angeles with
three other missionary kids
27... helping the FMI Office and the short term
missions coordinator, David Wheeler
28Joseph is moving to Paris
- He is registered to the International Film school
of Paris for three years.
He needs to find an affordable and comfortable
room for the beginning of October.
29Pray that his presence in Paris will allow us to
develop new contacts and relationships for the
30These French speaking countries are gorgeous but
spiritually, it is a desert region. The Lord is
purifying the land. It springs up with your
help we will see these countries becoming like
the garden of Eden. All for the glory of the
Lord.May the Lord bless you !
31Thank you so much for your love, care and
faithful support!