Title: Together we must shrink the footprint
1Together we must shrink the footprint
2(No Transcript)
3Doing Nothing is not an option
- By 2050, two-thirds of my country will go
under water and about 30 million people will be
displaced, if we do not deal with this issue of
climate change urgently and seriously
Rt Rev Michael Baroi, Bishop of Dhaka, Bangladesh
4Climate change is a justice issue
5We are to safeguard the integrity of creation
and sustain and renew the life of the earth 5th
Mark of Anglican Mission
Rowan Williams sees what confronts us here and
now as a serious crisis and challenge 13 Oct
6We are about transforming communities Diocese
of Coventry Purpose Statement
The C of E is committed to an exemplary
environmental programme, 2009-16
Effect of human activity
Creations otherwise natural course
- It is "very likely" that the rising level of CO2
in the atmosphere is the cause of climate change,
according to the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) - Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels,
are the primary cause behind this increase - World is getting warmer. 100 years up by 0.74C.
- Already had a significant effect, e.g. 11 of the
12 hottest years recorded all since 1995 - 150,000 deaths annually already attributed to
10Consequences Tewkesbury 07
- U.K. North likely to be beset by river flooding.
Coast to be affected by rising tides. South
extreme temperature rises, whilst cold harsh
spells in the winter will affect the North and
Scotland. Midlands well see some of these
- Developing Countries Developing countries in
Central and South America, Asia and Africa will
suffer the greatest. Already prone to very high
temperatures, drought and - in some places -
famine they lack the resources to deal with
widespread increases in temperature. So
- Developing world will see
- increases deaths, disease and injury due to
heat-waves, floods, storms, fires and droughts - increases in malnutrition and consequent
disorders, with implications for child growth and
Sea level rises prompt this Maldives Cabinet
14So what can we do?
15And who is my neighbour? In his reply Jesus
said, (who) was a neighbour to the man who fell
into the hands of robbers? The expert in the
law replied, the one who had mercy on
him. Jesus told him, Go and do likewise.
Luke 10.29, 36-37
16St Aldhelms Church Halls, Edmonton, London
Church raised 11,000 of 93,000 capital
cost Church receive 2,000 p.a. net from
electricity board
London Diocese has set a 2012 target of 20.12
17And so what has our own Diocesan Environment
Group been working toward?
A Policy
18An Environment Policy on a sound theological
19- Theological Basis
- A positive response to Gods creation
- A positive response to our neighbour
- Intention
- transform communities
- ensure environment issues inform all the diocese
does - look at our personal life styles
- use the Diocesan Environment Group to help
- Practice
- work with others
- check our carbon footprint
- monitor our impact
- promote the local
- Learning
- seek facts and latest thinking
- support environment agencies
- engage in debate
20Carbon Footprint ideas checklist
Install bulbs
Switch to green
Check heating
Car sharing
Creation tide
21Together we must shrink the footprint