Title: Kundevennlig nytte, brukervennlighet og tilrettelegging
1Kundevennlig (nytte, brukervennlighet og
- BITS ønsker å fokusere på Brukervennlighet som
verdiskapende faktor og stiller følgende
spørsmål - Hvordan se brukervennlighet i sammenheng med
kost/nytte? - Kan vi evaluere brukervennlighet i denne
- Ragnvald Sannes
- Institutt for ledelse og organisasjon,
Handelshøyskolen BI - ragnvald.sannes_at_bi.no, mob. 9320 6954
- BITS ønsker å fokusere på Brukervennlighet som
verdiskapende faktor og stiller følgende
spørsmål - Hvordan se brukervennlighet i sammenheng med
kost/nytte? - Kan vi evaluere brukervennlighet i denne
Verdiskapning kost/nytte?
3Kost/nytte vurderinger - eksempler
- Internrente
- Hvilken rente setter nåverdien til 0?
4Kost/nytte vurderinger - problemer
- Som beslutningsunderlag
- Tar ikke hensyn til risiko
- Usikkerhet om fremtidige inntekter
- Usikkerhet om hva kostnadene blir
- Som ex post lønnsomhetsberegning
- Usikkerhet om reelle kostnader
- Upresis regnskapsføring
- Skjulte kostnader
- Kostnadsfordelingsprinsipper
- Usikkerhet om fordeler
- Ikke-målbare gevinster (intangible)
- Usikkerhet om årsak til gevinster
Excel excellent!
5Strategiske vurderinger - eksempler
- Opsjonsmodeller
- Basert på verdien av fremtidig handlefrihet
- Scoringmodeller
- Sammenligning av alternative løsninger basert på
vektede kriterier
- Kunnskapsverdiøking
- Økt kunnskap inn i prosessen som grunnlag for
merverdi på output
6Strategiske vurderinger - problemer
- Fra eksakte beregninger til tro
- Sammenhenger er komplekse
- Stor avstand fra strategiske resultatmål til
direkte effekter av teknologi - IS/IT-prosjekter lever ikke i en isolert verden
- Konjunkturer
- Livssyklus
- Konkurrenter
- Teknologisk utvikling
Vi må leve med målbare KPI-er!
7Kundetilfredshet er en sentral KPI!
- Tilknytning
- Affektiv
- Kalkulatorisk
- Lojalitet
- Gjenkjøp
- Positiv omtale
- Betalingsvilje
8De færreste har en gjennomsnittskunde
Inno-vatør 2,5
Tidlig bruker 13,5
Etternølere 16
Tidlig majoritet 34
Sen majoritet 34
- Kunnskapsrike
- Opportunistiske
- Nyskapende
- Skeptiske
- Nytteorienterte
- Tradisjonister
Adopsjons- frekvens
9De færreste har en gjennomsnittskunde
Adferden er situasjonsbetinget!
- Kunder
- Er ulike
- Har ulik kunnskap
- Har ulike erfaringer
- Har ulik vilje til prøve noe nytt
- Det gjør at de har ulike oppfatninger om
- Egne forutsetninger for å anskaffe et
produkt/tjeneste - Vanskelighetsgraden i en kjøpsprosess
- Derfor har kunder ulik evne til selvbetjening!
11A New Logic for Channel Strategy
- Buyer behaviour replaces demographic segmentation
- Aggregated through the whole buying process
- Use market research
- Common patterns (based on Assaels research)
- Habitual shoppers tend to purchase from the same
places over and over again in the same manner - High-value deal seekers know their own needs and
channels surf a great deal before buying at the
lowest possible price - Variety-loving shoppers gather information in
many channels, take advantage of high-touch
service, and then buy in their favourite channel,
regardless of whether the price is the lowest
available - High-involvement shoppers gather information in
all channels, make their purchase in a low-cost
channel, but then avail themselves of customer
support from a high-touch channels
12The steps to solve the customer-centric
design-redesign problem
- Understand visitors needs and motives
- Transactional visitors
- Non-transactional visitors
- Design an array of possible experiences to
maximize visitors utility and /or the firms
profile - Offer the appropriate experience to specific
visitors groups - Continuously asses gaps between visitors and
their experiences - Redesign and reposition experiences accordingly
13Starting with GIST
- Prologue
- Preliminary definition of visitor segments
- Statistical methods clustering and discriminant
- Gather
- Explore the information infrastructure
- Obtain as much information as possible (not
feasible?) - Infer
- Data mining and statistical analysis
- Click stream tracking
- Gap analysis
- Segment
- Identifies and validates nanosegments
- Design nanoflows
- Track
- Perform usability studies associated with each
nanoflow - Gap analysis
- E-service metrics
14GIST as double-loop prototyping
Identify needs
Gather Infer
Find possibilities
Offer experiences
Gap analysis
Redesign and reposition
Web-based system
Value proposition
15Customer-centric design
- The business model is in focus, not the
technology itself - Understand nanosegments
- Explain both purchase and non-purchase behaviour
- Derived based on inferring characteristics from
inferring customers individual characteristics
(demographics) and observing their real behaviour
on the web site - Based on microsegments that considers needs based
buying motives and benefits, but of finer
16Segmentation models
IT requirements
11 personalization Web Data Analysis
understanding who, why, how, when, where
- Nanosegment
- Product of the type of behavioural information
available from online activities - Right granularity for site design purpose
No segment-ation
Microsegment Database marketing Understanding
why a purchase is made
Degree of personalization/customization
- Flow in online environments (Hoffmann Novak,
1996) - Flow is an integral part of the online visitors
network navigation in the computer-mediated
environment. - Nanoflow
- Each nanoflow consists of a site navigation
sequence in terms of content and interactivity. - Designed to address the needs and motives of an
identified nanosegment
18Gap analysis
- Identifies the difference between identified
needs of a given nanosegment as described by
nanoflows and actual user behaviour - Information (content)
- Design (interface)
- Communication (interaction)
19Krugs laws on usability
- Usability (definition)
- making sure that something works well
- that a person of average ability and experience
can use the thing
1.Dont make me think!
2. It doesnt matter how many times I have to
click, as long as each click is a mindless,
unambiguous choice.
3. Get rid of half the words on each page, then
get rid of half of whats left.
20GIST information architecture
User information
User behavior
21The Infer phase addresses
- Targeted versus real visitors
- Which nanoflows are being visited
- Registration
- Voluntary and incomplete
- Web log files
- Incomplete user data from many ISPs
- Cookies on the visitors computer
- Reveal repeating visitors that allow cookies
- Cant distinguish new visitors from repeating
visitors that does not accept cookies! - Augmented log files
- User interaction with site
- Validate nanoflows
- Deeper analyses
- Nanosegments and nanoflows
22The Segment phase addresses
- Develop segmentation models by type of visitor
- Validate nanosegments and further understand
their motives - Traditional market research
- Online surveys
- Phone interviews, etc
- Design nanoflows associated with each nanosegment
- A many-to-many relationship, i.e. a
two-dimensional table - Personalization technology (www.broadvision.com)
- Coproduction between the site and the visitor is
necessary for customization - Dynamic configuration
23The Track phase addresses
- The evaluation and feedback stage
- Measures the difference between visitors
expectations and their actual encounter with the
site - Information gap (content design)
- Design gap (features in the page design, site
design, usability, etc.) - Communication gap (interactivity features)
- Also related to the broad usability topic
- Focused usability studies for each
nanosegment-nanoflow pairing - Continual monitoring of the visitors online
24How to recognize a visitor?
25Proof-of-concept (case)
- Redesigned nanoflows
- Contact us
- Contact person information
- Identified new nanosegment intermediaries
- Reluctant to register
- Interviews revealed need new nanoflows
- Visitor to customer transformation increased by
350 - GIST interpreted as a success
- Benefit outnumbers costs ? successful investment
- Small fractions
- 2 provide feedback, of which 29 were useful
26Adferdsteoretisk modell for teknologiaksept
Forventet ytelse(nytte)
Intensjon om bruk
Faktisk bruk
Forventet anstrengelse (brukervennlighet)
Sosial påvirkning
Erfaring, valgfrihet, kjønn, alder
- Mestringsfølelse (computer self-efficacy)
- Teknologifrykt (computer anxiety)
- Holdning til teknologi (attitude toward using
27Forventet ytelse (performance expectancy)
- Basert på følgende overlappende begreper fra
andre teorier - Opplevd nytteverdi (perceived usefulness)
- Ytre motivasjon (extrinsic motivation)
- Støtte til oppgave (job-fit)
- Relativ fordel (relative advantage)
- Resultatforventninger (outcome expectations)
- Tidligere forskning Har vært en sterk forklaring
til planer om bruk i tidligere forskning
28Forventet anstrengelse (effort expectancy)
- Basert på følgende overlappende begreper fra
andre teorier - Opplevd brukervennlighet (perceived ease of use)
- Kompleksitet (complexity)
- Brukervennlighet (ease of use)
- Tidligere forskning Signifikant påvirkning på
intensjon om bruk i tidlige faser av en teknologi
29Sosial påvirkning (social influence)
- Basert på følgende overlappende begreper fra
andre teorier - Subjektiv norm (subjective norm)
- Sosiale faktorer (social factors)
- Image (image)
- Tidligere forskning Signifikant påvirkning på
intensjon om bruk i tidlige faser av en teknologi
30Tilrettelegging (facilitating conditions)
- Basert på følgende overlappende begreper fra
andre teorier - Opplevd kontroll (perceived behavioral control)
- Tilrettelegging (facilitating conditions)
- Kompatibilitet (compatibility)
- Tidligere forskning Signifikant påvirkning på
bruk. Effekten øker med erfaring.
31Noen referanser
- Krug, Steve. 2000. Don't Make Me Think A Common
Sense Approach to Web Usability. Indianapolis,
Indiana New Riders Publishing - Albert, T. C., Goes, P. B., Gupta, A. (2004).
GIST A Model for Design and Management of
Content and Interactivity of Customer-Centric Web
Sites. MIS Quarterly, 28(2), 161-181. - Nunes, P. F., Cespedes, F. V. (2003). The
Customer Has Escaped. Harvard Business Review,
81(11), 96-105. - Venkatesh, V., Morris, M. G., Davis, G. B.,
Davis, F. D. (2003). User Acceptance of
Information technology Toward a Unified View.
MIS Quarterly, 27(3), 425-478. - Laudon, K. C., Traver, C. G. (2004).
E-Commerce. Business. Technology. Society. (2nd
ed.). New York, NY Prentice Hall. - Egenreklame
- Sannes, R. (2001). Self-Service Banking Value
Creation Models and Information Exchange.
Informing Science, 4(4), 139-148. - Sannes, R. (2003). Selvbetjeningsløsninger som
løser kundens problemer. Paper presented at the
Yggdrasil, Sandefjord, 15.16. septermber 2003. - Sannes, R., Kyvik, H. (2000). En kartlegging av
norske bankers Internettkontor en
ekspertbedømmelse (An Evaluation of Norwegian
Banks' Internet Services) (Research Report No.
18/2000). Sandvika Norwegian School of
Management BI. - Egne skrifter og presentasjoner vil bli
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