Title: Chapter 8 Register Transfers and Datapaths
1Chapter 8 Register Transfers and Datapaths
- A datapath consists of processing logic and a
collection of registers that performs data
processing. - A control unit is made up of logic that
determines the sequence of data-processing
operations performed by the datapath.
3Register Transfer Level (RTL) Notation
- A digital system is represented at the register
transfer level (RTL) when it is specified by the
following three components - The set of registers in the system.
- The operations that are performed on the data
stored in the registers. - The control that supervises the sequence of
operations in the system. - Information transfer from one register to another
- R2 ?? R1
4RTL Notations (Cont.)
- Conditional statement
- If (T1 1) then (R2 ? R1)
- If (T3 1) then (R2 ? R1, R1 ? R2)
- Other examples of register transfers are as
follows - R2 ? R1 R2
- R3 ? R1 1 Increment R3 by 1 (Count up)
- R4 ? shr R4
- R5 ? 0
- The addition is done with a binary parallel
adder, the incrementing with a counter, and the
shift with a shift register.
5Type of Operations
- Transfer operation that transfer data from one
register to another. - Arithmetic operations that perform arithmetic on
data in registers. - Logic operations that perform bit manipulation of
non-numeric data in registers. - Shift operations that shift data in registers.
- A register has the capability to perform one or
more elementary operations such as load, count,
add, subtract, and shift. - The elementary operations performed on the data
stored in registers are called microoperations. - Load the contents of one register to another.
- Add the contents of two registers and increment
the content of a register. - A microoperation is usually, but not always,
performed in parallel on a string of bits during
one clock cycle.
- Arithmetic/logic unit (ALU)
- To perform a microoperation, the contents of
specified source registers are applied to the
inputs of the shared ALU. - The combination of a set of registers with a
shared ALU and interconnecting paths is the
datapath for the system. - The datapath and the control unit are the two
parts of the processor, or CPU, of a computer.
8Add and Subtract Microoperation
9Block Diagram of a Datapath
10Arithmetic/Logic Unit
- The ALU is a combinational circuit that performs
a set of basic arithmetic and logic
microoperations. - The ALU has a number of selection lines used to
determine the operation to be performed.
11Arithmetic Circuit
12Function Table for Arithmetic Circuit
13Logic Diagram of a 4-Bit Arithmetic Circuit
14Logic Circuit
15Arithmetic/Logic Unit
164-Bit Basic Shifter
17Barrel Shifter
18Datapath Representation
19FS Codes
20Datapath with Control Variables
21Encoding of Control Word of the Datapath
22Examples of Microoperations
23Example of Microoperations (Cont.)
24Simulation Results
25Simulation Results (Cont.)
26Pipelined Datapath
27Assembly Line Analogy to Datapath Pipeline
28Block Diagram of Pipelined Datapath
29Pipeline Execution Pattern
30Control and Datapath Interaction
31Algorithmic State Machine (ASM)
- ASM chart is composed of three basic elements
the state box, the decision box, and the
conditional box.
32State Box
33Decision Box
- The decision box describes the effect of an input
on the control subsystem.
34Conditional Box
35ASM Block
- Each block in the ASM chart describes the state
of the system during one clock-pulse interval. - The operations within the state and conditional
boxes are executed with a common clock pulse
while the system is in state T1.
36State Diagram
37Timing Consideration
38ASM Chart
39Timing Sequence
- Every block in an ASM chart specifies the
operations that are to be performed during one
common clock pulse. - The operations specified within the state and
conditional boxes in the block are performed in
the datapath subsection. - The change from one state to the next is
performed in the control logic.
40Timing Sequence (Cont.)
41Datapath Design
- The requirements for the design of the datapath
are specified inside the state and conditional
boxes. - The control logic is determined from the decision
boxes and the required state transitions.
42Datapath for Design Example
43Register Transfer Representation
- A digital system is represented in the register
transfer level by specifying the registers in the
system, the operation performed, and the control
44RTL Description of Design Example
45State Table
- DG1 T1A3A4, DG0 T0S T1
- T0 G0
- T1 G1G0
- T2 G1
46Logic Diagram of Control
47RTL Description
- //RTL description of design example (Fig.8-9)
- module Example_RTL (S,CLK,Clr,E,F,A)
- //Specify inputs and outputs
- //See block diagram Fig. 8-10
- input S,CLK,Clr
- output E,F
- output 41 A
- //Specify system registers
- reg 41 A //A register
- reg E, F //E and F
flip-flops - reg 10 pstate, nstate //control register
- //Encode the states
- parameter T0 2'b00, T1 2'b01, T2 2'b11
48RTL Description (Cont.)
- //State transition for control logic
- //See state diagram Fig. 8-11(a)
- always _at_(posedge CLK or negedge Clr)
- if (Clr) pstate T0 //Initial state
- else pstate lt nstate //Clocked
operations - always _at_ (S or A or pstate)
- case (pstate)
- T0 if(S) nstate T1
- T1 if(A3 A4) nstate T2
- T2 nstate T0
- default nstate T0
- endcase
49RTL Transfer (Cont.)
- //Register transfer operations
- //See list of operations Fig.8-11(b)
- always _at_(posedge CLK)
- case (pstate)
- T0 if(S)
- begin
- A lt 4'b0000
- F lt 1'b0
- end
- T1
- begin
- A lt A 1'b1
- if (A3) E lt 1'b1
- else E lt 1'b0
- end
- T2 F lt 1'b1
- endcase
- endmodule
50Binary Multiplier
51ASM Chart
52Control Logic
53Control Block Diagram
54Sequence and Decoder
DG1 T1 T2 T3Z DG0 T0S T2
55Logic Diagram of Control Unit
56One Flip-Glop per State
- DT0 T0S T3Z
- DT1 T0S
- DT2 T1 T3Z
- DT3 T2
57HDL Description
- module mltp(S,CLK,Clr,Binput,Qinput,C,A,Q,P)
- input S,CLK,Clr
- input 40 Binput,Qinput //Data
inputs - output C
- output 40 A,Q
- output 20 P
- //System registers
- reg C
- reg 40 A,Q,B
- reg 20 P
- reg 10 pstate, nstate //control
register - parameter T02'b00, T12'b01, T22'b10,
T32'b11 - //Combinational circuit
- wire Z
- assign Z P //Check
for zero
58HDL Description (Cont.)
- //State transition for control
- //See state diagram Fig. 8-15(a)
- always _at_(negedge CLK or negedge Clr)
- if (Clr) pstate T0
- else pstate lt nstate
- always _at_(S or Z or pstate)
- case (pstate)
- T0 if (S) nstate T1
- T1 nstate T2
- T2 nstate T3
- T3 if (Z) nstate T0
- else nstate T2
- endcase
59HDL Description (Cont.)
- always _at_(negedge CLK)
- case (pstate)
- T0 B lt Binput //Input
multiplicand - T1 begin
- A lt 5'b00000
- C lt 1'b0
- P lt 3'b101
//Initialize counter to n5 - Q lt Qinput //Input
multiplier - end
- T2 begin
- P lt P - 3'b001
//Decrement counter - if (Q0)
- C,A lt A B //Add
multiplicand - end
- T3 begin
- C lt 1'b0 //Clear C
- A lt C,A41 //Shift
right A - Q lt A0,Q41 //Shift
right Q - end