Title: Dias nummer 1
1Jutlandia Terminal A/S
- Lager og 3. parts logistik virksomhed
- 35 ansatte
- 10.400 m² pakhuse, 55.000 m² udendørsareal
- Jutlandia er certificeret inden for kvalitet,
miljø og arbejdsmiljø.
2Tjekliste REACH
- Overblik over kemikalier
- Hvor leveres kemikalierne fra
- I hvilke mængder
- Hvad er Jutlandia Terminal A/S rolle
- Kontakt leverandør
3Overblik over kemikalier
4Overblik over indholdsstoffer
5Jutlandia Terminal A/S Downstream Bruger og
6Kontakt/dialog til kunder og leverandører
REACH - Information for our suppliers Dear
, REACH came into force on 1st June 2007.
As the leading chemicals distributor Jutlandia
Terminal A/S is committed to meeting the
requirements of REACH - and to do so in close
cooperation with our suppliers and customers.
You are certainly aware that REACH is going to
be a communication challenge, especially for
distributors who will have to transmit
information from and to both customers and
suppliers alike. As our supplier you will be
delighted to know that