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GOVERNMENT REFORM PROPOSAL. Changing the rules of politics in Michigan to help Democrats ... likely will not control Michigan State Government during 2012-2021 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Changing the rules of politics in Michigan to
    help Democrats

The problem A historical view
  • Democrats have not controlled the entire State
    Legislature in 25 years
  • Democrats have never controlled the Governor,
    Senate and House when redistricting has occurred
    in the modern one person/one vote era,
  • Since World War II (62 years), Democrats have
    controlled the Governor, Senate and House
    simultaneously for one year 1983

The result
  • Democrats have been reduced to a de-facto
    permanent legislative minority in Lansing,
    especially since 1990
  • Democratic constituencies -- women, minorities,
    labor, consumers, the poor and environmentalists
    -- have little voice in the Legislature on issues
    such as
  • Tort law Kreiner
  • Campaign finance reform
  • Health care reform
  • Civil rights
  • Canadian trash
  • Etc.

The problem Redistricting
  • Redistricting Definition
  • The process by which legislative district lines
    are drawn for 10 years
  • In 2002, this process was controlled by
    Republicans and led to a gerrymandered
    reapportionment plan that favored Republicans
  • The next redistricting happens in 2011-12 and
    will be in effect for 2012-2021

Redistricting Process
  • Must control Governor, Senate, House and Supreme
    Court to control the process as MIGOP did in
    2001-02 Democrats have never controlled all four
    simultaneously in a redistricting year
  • Control of Supreme Court most important Court
    can overturn redistricting done by the other three

Redistricting Criteria
  • Focus on preserving county, city and township
  • NCEC and other studies show these criteria
    systematically biased against Democrats

The problem Democrats unlikely to control
redistricting in 2011-12
  • 2010 elections will use the Senate and House
    districts gerrymandered against Democrats in 2002
  • Many legislative Democrats in marginal districts
    term limited out in 2010
  • Mid-term election Democratic turnout lower
  • Continuing political fallout of 2007 Democratic
    tax increase votes
  • Governors seat is open in 2010
  • Democrats must defeat two of three incumbent GOP
    Justices up for re-election in 2008 and 2010 at
    10 million per election in the face of ballot
    incumbency designation an incumbent Justice has
    not been defeated since 1984

Controlling redistricting by typical elections
  • Controlling redistricting in 2011 by winning
    Governor, Senate, House and Supreme Court (or
    even just the Supreme Court) is an extremely
    expensive and very long shot proposition

The problem 2010 and beyond
  • Without significant reform of legislative
    redistricting and the Supreme Court before 2010,
    the historical pattern will continue
  • Michigan Democrats likely will not control
    Michigan State Government during 2012-2021
  • GOP control of Governor, Senate and House is more
    likely than Democratic controlin 2010-2020
    another Engler era quite possible
  • Harm to Democratic constituencies will continue
    labor and tort reform, erosion of civil rights
    and environmental protections, budget cuts,

Redistricting reform in 2008 or 2010?
  • Redistricting reform by itself will not be
    approved by the voters
  • As failed ballot proposals during 2005 in
    California and Ohio demonstrate, redistricting
    reform by itself is very difficult to enact
    complex topic, issue becomes partisan
  • To succeed, redistricting reform must be a small
    part of a larger, popular state government reform

The path to change the political rules
Streamline state government
  • In 2008, use the publics very negative mood and
    high level of discouragement about state
    government (the worst in 25 years) to enact a
    ballot proposal which comprehensively reforms
    state government, including changing the
    structural obstacles to Democratic control of
    state government in 2012-2021

  • Focus groups
  • Polling
  • Ballot testing
  • Affordable way test a specific ballot proposal by
    giving voters the actual ballot language and
    re-create the voting process as faithfully as

The bleak mood of Michigan
  • Based on nine focus groups and two statewide
    polls from May-October 2007 performed by
    Greenberg Quinlan Rosner
  • 82 believe Michigan on wrong track
  • Highest wrong track in 27 years of polling
  • 12 approval of legislative job performance
  • 25 approval of governors job performance
  • 66 oppose recent tax increases

Quinlan environment is ripe
  • The current environment in Michigan is ripe for
    enacting major reforms to the state government.
  • voters express broad support for a package of
    reforms to all three branches of the government
    and the electoral process.
  • They support these reforms because they make
    government more accountable for its actions and
    get government back to focusing on the most
    important problems.
  • Voters react very favorably when introduced to
    the proposed ballot initiative. In the focus
    groups, about three-quarters of participants say
    they would vote for it, and similarly,
    respondents in the survey begin with nearly
    four-to-one support, 77 to 20 percent.

Reforming the Legislative Branch
  • Legislators benefits after leaving office to be
    the same as retired state employees
  • Stop the revolving door between the Legislature
    and lobbying with one- or two-year lobbying ban
  • Require annual public disclosure of income and
    assets by all legislators
  • Reduce legislative salaries by 25 percent back
    to 2002 levels

Reforming the Legislative Branch
  • Reduce the Senate from 38 to 28 and the House
    from 110 to 82
  • Redistricting done once per decade by a
    nine-person nonpartisan commission
  • Commission must create equal number of Democratic
    and Republican leaning districts, while also
    creating swing districts
  • No judicial appeals

Reforming the Judicial Branch
  • Judicial benefits after leaving office to be the
    same as retired state employees
  • Reduce judicial salaries by 25 percent
  • Toughen disciplinary and conflict of interest
  • Require annual public disclosure of income and
    assets for all judges and justices

Reforming the Judicial Branch
  • Add 10 judges to the lower courts
  • Reduce the number of Supreme Court Justices from
    seven to five two GOP Justices eliminated
  • Reduce the Court of Appeals from 28 to 20 judges,
    most of them Engler appointees

Reforming the Executive Branch
  • Benefits after leaving office for the four
    statewide elected officials to be the same as
    retired state employees
  • Reduce the salaries of the four statewide elected
    officials by 25 percent
  • Stop the revolving door between the executive
    branch and lobbying
  • Require annual public disclosure of income and
    assets for the four statewide elected officials

Reforming the Executive Branch
  • Reduce the constitutional cap on the number of
    state government departments from 20 to 18
  • Reduce the number (250) of state boards and
    commissions to 200

Election reforms
  • Make the Bureau of Elections independent of
  • Allow no-reason absentee voting.
  • Require post-election audits of election
  • Require paper trails for all voting systems
  • Ban election official campaign role(s)
  • Enact anti-fraud measures
  • Prohibit illegal immigrants from registering and

Quinlan Analysis of Ballot Proposal
  • Disclosure, reduced salaries and benefits are the
    most well-received proposals
  • Overwhelmingly, voters are favorable toward some
    of the changes affecting judges, statewide
    elected officials, and legislators
  • Annually disclose income and assets (66 percent
    strongly support, 83 percent total support)
  • Reduce health care benefits after leaving office
    (59 percent strongly support, 76 percent total
  • Reduce their salaries by 25 percent (57 percent
    strongly support, 76 percent total support)

Quinlan Analysis of Ballot Proposal
  • Voters feel that theyve suffered a lot in this
    economic recession, and that the government
    should share in their burden.
  • Voters are also supportive of reducing the number
    of state boards and commissions from 250 to 200
    (52 percent strongly support, 80 percent

Keep but reduce both houses
  • Reducing both houses is the most favorable way to
    cut the Legislature
  • Voters have reservations about a unicameral
  • Dramatic change with no foreseeable benefits
  • Also reservations on part-time legislature
  • Voters want a legislature that is working
    overtime to help move the state in a better
    direction, not one that is scaled back in its
    commitment to the state
  • The survey confirms that voters are generally
    favorable to reducing both houses, and attacks
    that it would create political mayhem generate
    just mild concerns

Legislative redistricting
  • Voters initially favored the redistricting
    reforms, 75-22
  • Maintained majority support even after a series
    of tough attacks based on illegal immigration,
    cost and implementation
  • The key to its passage is packaging it with the
    other very popular reforms

Term limits taint entire proposal
  • Voters do not favor expanding term limits
  • Including a term limits repeal or revision could
    tank the reform proposal
  • 60 percent of voters say expanding term limits to
    12 years in each house would make them less
    likely to vote for the proposal
  • Only 33 percent said expansion of term limits
    would make them more likely to vote for the

Reorganizing the courts
  • One half of those surveyed heard the judicial
    cuts as originally proposed (cuts only)
  • Cutting Supreme Court 50 percent favor, 40
    percent oppose
  • Cutting Court of Appeals 58 percent favor, 31
    percent oppose
  • Other half heard an alternative plan to
    reorganize the number of judges at each level
    (cut Appellate and Supreme Court while adding
    local judges)
  • Reorganizing courts 70 percent favor, 20 percent
  • This preference for an adjustment in the courts
    instead of cuts fits with the core of this
    proposal making the government more accountable
    and focused on the states priorities

Executive changes well-received
  • Voters react favorably to the proposed cuts to
    the executive branch.
  • 52 percent of voters say that they strongly favor
    reducing the number of state boards and
    commissions from 250 to 200
  • 45 percent say they strongly favor reducing the
    number of state government departments from 20 to

Election reforms
  • Election reforms are popular, according to
    polling from 2005-06
  • Can pass as part of a package
  • However, allowing registration on Election Day or
    within 30 days of an election jeopardizes the
  • Anti-fraud and illegal immigrant provisions added
    to preempt attacks

Budget Petition drive
  • 500,000 Signatures 1,250,000
  • (10 of 2006 gubernatorial vote 25 cushion)
  • x 2.50/signature
  • (includes printing)
  • Legal 150,000
  • Drafting petition
  • Board of Canvassers
  • Litigation
  • _at_ 300/hr. x 500 hrs.)
  • Staff supervision of petition drive MDP
  • Compliance MDP in-kind
  • Petition total 1,400,000

Budget Fall campaign
  • Media (3 weeks statewide TV) 2,500,000
  • Phone-mail-phone (targeted _at_ women) 475,000
  • Literature (1,000,000 x 0.10) 100,000
  • Polling (1 baseline and 3 trackers) 55,000
  • Administration (office, computers, phones, etc.)
  • Compliance MDP in-kind
  • Legal (350/hr. x 100 hrs.) 35,000
  • Staff 306,000
  • Director (8 months _at_ 7,000/mo.) 56,000
  • Deputy Director (6 mos. _at_ 6,000/mo.) 36,000
  • Communications Director (8 mos. _at_ 5,500/mo.)
  • Press Secretary (6 mos. _at_ 5,000/mo.) 30,000
  • Fundraisers (2 for 6 mos. _at_ 5,000/mo.) 60,000
  • Volunteer Coordinator (4 mos. _at_ 4,000/mo.)
  • Taxes 27,000
  • Health Insurance (500/mo.) 22,000
  • Mileage 15,000
  • Campaign total 3,511,000

Grand total
  • Petition drive 1,400,000
  • Fall campaign 3,511,000
  • Total 4,911,000

Budget analysis
  • Less than half the cost of trying to beat an
    incumbent GOP Supreme Court Justice
  • More is spent every four years trying to win the
    House and Senate, usually unsuccessfully
  • Less than half the cost of a presidential
    election year Coordinated Campaign
  • If the proposal passes, it will reduce the cost
    and increase the prospects of winning the State
    Legislature every cycle

  • Dec. 2007 Jan. 2008
  • Petition drafting
  • By Feb. 1, 2008
  • Petition drive begins
  • July 7, 2008
  • Signatures due
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