Title: Aerodrome Certification Workshop
1Aerodrome Certification Workshop
- The Federal Aviation Administration
- Ben Castellano, Manager, Airport Safety
- and Operations Division
2Overview of the US Airport System
- Airports in the US are generally owned and
operated by - Local governments (city or counties)
- State governments
- Port Authorities
- Airport Authorities
3Overview (contd)
- Total Civil Landing Areas 19,796
- Private-use 14,555 (4983 heliports)
- Open-to-Public 5,241 (77 heliports)
- Airports - scheduled service 789
- international 87
4Overview (contd)
- The System Serves
- 217,533 General Aviation Aircraft
- 4,801 Commercial Jets
- 2,427 Commuter aircraft
- 649,957 Licensed Airmen
- 710 million enplaned passengers
- 91 domestic 9 international
5Overview (contd)
Activity at Busiest US Airports Total
Passengers CY 2000 Atlanta-Hartsfield 78.6
million Chicago OHare
67.7.million Los Angeles
Intl 64.3 million Total Operations
FY 2001 Chicago OHare 927,896
Atlanta Hartsfield 898,899
Dallas/Ft. Worth
6Federal Framework
- Dept. of Transportation reports to President of
United States - Federal Aviation Administration under the Dept.
of Transportation - Primary concerns are
- Aviation safety
- Air traffic control
7Federal Framework
- Associate Administrator for Airports reports to
the FAA Administrator - Airport Certification
- Airport Capacity
- Administration of Grant Programs
- Airport Standards and Design
8Airport Certification
1972 Congress authorized the FAA to certificate
airports that received both scheduled and
unscheduled air carrier service with more than 30
passenger seats.
9Airport Certification
- Airports served by passenger aircraft with more
than 30 seats require a special AIRPORT OPERATING
CERTIFICATE - Federal Aviation Regs Part 139
- 570 civil airports 100 military airfields
10Airport Certification
- Airports must develop an AIRPORT CERTIFICATION
MANUAL explaining how they will comply with Part
139 - The MANUAL must be approved by the FAA
- Periodic Inspections by FAA
11Airport Certification
- Pavement Conditions
- Safety Areas
- Lighting, Marking, Signs
- Fueling Facilities
- Traffic Wind Indicators
- Ground Vehicles/Driver Training
12Airport Certification
- Aircraft Rescue Firefighting
- Bird Wildlife Hazards
- Self-inspection Procedures
- Airport Condition Assessment/Reporting
- Control of Hazards from Construction
- Emergency Plan
- Snow Removal Plan
13Self-inspection Procedures
- Section 139.327 requires the certificate holder
to inspect the airport - At least once Daily
- During construction activities
- After severe storms
- After an accident
- Part 8, Airport Operational Services, ICAO
Airport Services Manual recommends 4 inspections
daily for runways.
14Self-inspection Procedures
- Airport Operations personnel
- on the airfield every day
- Need to know the requirements
- Usually first to notice a problem
- Airport Inspectors
- On the airport only 1 time during the year
- Should not find problems if the airport ops
people do their job.
15The Airport Certification Safety Inspector
- Approximately 35 inspectors located throughout
USA in regional offices - Rotate the airports assigned every 3 years
- All inspectors receive basic training and annual
recurrent training
16The Airport Certification Safety Inspector
- Basic Training 3 weeks
- Part 139 Regulation
- Signing, Marking, Lighting
- Fueling inspections
- Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting
- Pavement Maintenance
- Obstruction Evaluation
- Accident Investigation
17The Airport Certification Safety Inspector
- Additional Training
- 40 hours aircraft rescue and fire fighting
training including hot fire drill - Enforcement actions
- On the Job training
- Approximately 1 year to get ACSI credential
18The Inspection
- Types of inspections
- Initial
- Annual
- Surveillance
19The Annual Inspection
- Airports with scheduled air carrier service
annually - Airports with only unscheduled air carrier
service 18 months - Airports certificated but no air carrier service
24 months
20The Annual Inspection
- Inspector reviews
- Airport certification manual
- Emergency plan
- Training records
- Physically inspects runways and taxiways
- Does night time inspection
- Test ARFF response
21The Surveillance Inspection
- Unannounced inspection
- Usually involves specific purpose, for example to
test aircraft rescue and fire fighting response
22Enforcement Actions
- Administrative penalty
- Letter of Correction
- Letter of Warning
- Civil penalty
- Fine of 1,000 USD per day
- Suspension
- Revocation
23Airport Certification
Any questions??