Title: Regenerativna medicina- prilo
1Regenerativna medicina-priložnost za podjetja?
- Miomir Kneževic
- Zavod za transfuzijsko medicino R Slovenije
- www.ztm.si
- miomir.knezevic_at_ztm.si
2Uporabljeni material
- Stem cells and the innovation process
- Dr Paul Martin
- Institute for the Study of Genetics, Biorisks and
Society (IGBiS) - University of Nottingham, UK
Global commercialisation of UK stem cell
research Nicola Perrin N.M.R.Perrin.04_at_cantab.n
et Ian Bunker Ian.bunker_at_uktradeinvest.gov.u
The Role of Technology Foresight in Anticipating
Global Technology Trend, Terutaka KUWAHARA, NISTEP
3Ocene poslovnih priložnosti
4Embrionalne maticne celice
Tkivno inženirstvo
5Ne moreš graditi ugleda na tistem, kar šele
nameravaš narediti Henry Ford
6Uporaba nanotehnologije
7Zakasnitveni cas od tehnološke realizacije do
8Multidisciplinarno okolje Vede o življenju
postajajo center
9 Sprememba vpliva Ved o življenju
Po 2015
Pred 2015
Basic research in drug development
Technology for measuring biological substances
Regenerative medical science
Basic research for new medical technologies
Understanding and treating brain conditions
Brain generation and growth
Environmental and ecological biology
Controlling higher-order biological functions
Index povecanja znanja
Higher-order brain functions
Socialno-ekonomski pomen
10Predvideni cas realizacije tehnologij Vede o
Cas tehnološke realizacije
Cas uporabe v praksi
11Najpomembnejše tehnologije na podrocju Ved o
življenju Top 10
Študij možganov
Nove medicinske tehnologije in zdravila
Regenerativna medicina
Topic Area Year
Effective technology to prevent cancer metastasis. Basic research for new medical technologies 2020 / 2030
Technology for immediate, complete control of allergies based on elucidation of the immunoregulatory mechanisms and environmental factors that lead to hay fever, atopic dermatitis, and other allergies. Basic research for new medical technologies 2015 / 2027
Treatment for preventing the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Understanding and treating brain conditions 2019 / 2030
Elucidation of the etiology of manic-dpressive psychosis at the molecular level. Understanding and treating brain conditions 2020 / -
Technology to detect a cancerous tissue of the diameter smaller than 1 mm presenting anywhere in the body. Technology for measuring biological substances 2014 / 2023
Elucidation of the etiology of schizophrenia at the molecular level. Understanding and treating brain conditions 2022 / -
Technologies for drug development to predict bioactivities of proteins such as interactions between protein and protein, between proteins and DNA or RNA, and between proteins and synthetic compounds from their higher order structure. Basic research in drug development 2015 / 2026
Mass production technology for fuels and bioplastics utilizing plants and microorganisms. Environmental and ecological biology 2014 / 2024
Technology to manipulate stem cell differentiation and growth for induction of functional cells to use for therapy. Regenerative medical science 2016 / 2029
Effective cancer prevention measures can be implemented by clarifying the relationships among multiple environmental risk factors associated with cancer. Basic research for new medical technologies 2020 / 2030
12Tehnološka pot
Regenerativna medicina
Razvoj osnivne tehnologije
Izdelava umetnih organov
13Timescale for commercial opportunities
Therapeutics Research applications Enabling
Cell therapies
Growth factors
Drug screening
Toxicity testing
Research tools
Clinical trials
Cell banking
5 10
15 20
Time (years)
14Translation of stem cell research into commercial
Applied Development
Clinical Therapies
Basic Research
Stopnje Infrastruktura Deležniki
Biotech SMEs
Universities, Research Institutes
Government / regulatory agencies
Commercial funding VC, pharma
Research Councils Charities
Funding Gap
15Noben uspeh ni dokoncen, nobena napaka ni
nepopravljiva šteje le pogum, da nadaljuješ.
Winston Churchill
16Number of Stem Cell Firms Founded 1970-2006
17Growth of European North American Stem Cell
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21Phase I
Phase I/II
Phase II
Phase III
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