Baseball: An Economics Story - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Baseball: An Economics Story


Major League Baseball had policy of discrimination, until the colour barrier was ... returns experienced when major league baseball teams began employing black ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Baseball: An Economics Story

Baseball An Economics Story
  • During the early stages of the MLB association,
    like many other social activities, there was
    discrimination in baseball
  • The purpose of this presentation is to look at
    the cost that is associated with having a
    discriminatory employment policy verses one
    that integrates all able body individuals
  • Discrimination is hard to measure, this is why we
    have chosen baseball, where discrimination was
    evident in the prohibition of black players in
    the MLB
  • Therefore, the period of the mid-1940s, where
    MLB teams started to employ black players from
    the negro league is the perfect starting point in
    which to study there contribution (MPL) to there
  • Simpson's clip (sorry, file was too big!)

Overview of Article
  • Major League Baseball had policy of
    discrimination, until the colour barrier was
    broken by Jackie Robinson in 1942.
  • Once colour line was broken ceteris paribus firms
    had an incentive to substitute less expensive and
    in some cases more productive black players for
    higher-priced white players.
  • The five teams that employed the most black
    player years through 1956 comprised five of the
    top six teams from 1952-56.
  • Contrary to what many owners thought, attendance
    improved greatly for teams who employed more
    black player years.
  • In 1955 blacks comprised 7.7 of all Major League
    players, yet they made up 18 of the all-star

Overview of Marginal cost and Marginal Benefit
  • Example we have a production line, if we were to
    add addition machines to this line the output
    would increase by our benefit column

Marginal Cost and Benefit
Marginal benefit is defined as the value added
from the addition of one more machine/employee in
a production process. Marginal benefit
diminishes with the addition of more employees.
Important Economic Intuition
  • Low discriminators obtained a competitive
    advantage in Major League Baseball relative to
    other teams ? Productivity gains, low wages, more
    productive inputs.
  • However, this advantage has its limits due to
    economic law of diminishing marginal returns.

  • Black47 Cumulative number of black player
    years, 1947-1956
  • Black52 Cumulative number of black player
    years, 1952-1956
  • Won Percentage of games won, 1952-1956
  • Rank Ranking (won-lost record), 1952-1956
  • Prob Probit for percentage games won, 1952-1956
  • f Ordinate of the standard normal curve for
    percentage of games won, 1952-1956

Basic Question ? Question 1
  • Won a bXi ei
  • Xi black47
  • b 0.0043187 My Pictures\graphfor1.gif
  • H0 b 0, HA b not equal 0 _at_ 5 level
  • t-stat 2.330, tcrit-14 d.f. 2.145
  • t-stat gt t-crit, therefore reject H0, Beta is
    significant at 5 level
  • Note Constant is highly significant using same
    method as above

Question 1d)
  • Important to test beta at 5 level of
    significance, to test whether our model has any
    significance, and whether we should continue with
    our analysis
  • Our Beta is consistent with the economic
    intuition presented in the paper that black
    players have positive impact on winning
  • Our Beta value from equation 1 is the marginal
    product of an additional black player on a team
    in terms of an increase in the percentage of
    games won.

Question 2
  • BLACK47 0.6862E-03 0.1270E-02
    0.43187E-02 0.7367E-02 0.7951E-02
  • b) Our true value of Beta is in our significant
  • c) In economic terms, we can state with 90
    confidence that the addition of black players has
    a significant marginal benefit at the extreme
    bounds of the interval.

Question 3
  • a) Xi black52
  • b) b 0.0053592, t-stat 1.857, t-crit 2.145
  • -Beta is insignificant at 5 level of
  • c) The impact that black players had on winning
    percentage has declined over the period of
    1952-1956. The cause of this is two-fold.
    However, this is a strong assumption that
    requires further analysis.

Question 4
  • Note!
  • Mean of Won 0.55567
  • Std. Error 0.069661
  • t-crit 2.015
  • 90 Confidence interval
  • 0.41530 gt b gt 0.69604
  • What does this mean??
  • We can state with 90 confidence that teams
  • at least 10 black player years are expected
    to have a winning percentage between 41.5 and

Question 4 Contd
  • c) Note!
  • We now use our coefficients from our
    regression in question 3 and set Xi (black52)
    equal to 10.
  • Won 0.45897 0.0053592 (black52)
  • Now we can derive a 90 prediction interval
  • 0.512562 /- 1.761 Se
  • ?0.50748gtbgt0.51764

Question 5
  • Glejser test for Heteroskedasticity by
  • What is heteroskedasticity by construction?
  • -Gujarati in his text states that you should run
    an OLS on the absolute value of your residuals
    against your explanatory variable(s).
  • -If your beta is significant, it is an
    indication that your explanatory variables have a
    relationship with your absolute residual,
    indicating your model possesses

Question 5 Contd
  • -If your explanatory variable(s) is used to
    explain your dependent variable, your Beta should
    be insignificant, because if your explanatory
    variables explain your dependent variable well,
    there should be no relationship between your
    residual error and explanatory variable.
  • Economic significance for our case ? In our
    regression if by construction we have
    heteroskedasticity, black player years are not
    necessarily the only factor adding to an increase
    in winning percentage.

Question 5 Contd
  • Gujarati equation ? ei bXi ui
  • constant in this case is irrelevant to our
    calculation- J.D. Han
  • T-stat from regression equals, 3.541 and
    t-crit 1.753.
  • Therefore, our Beta is significant at the 10
    level of significance, indicating

Question 5 contd
  • c) Note GLS minimizes the weight sum of squared
    residuals. In the case of heteroskedasiticity
    observations expected to have large error terms
    with large variances are given less weight then
    in an observations with small variances.
  • This can be corrected, (as quoted by Professor
    Ibbott), by the hetcov command in shazam on our
    initial regression equation with Xi black47.
  • The hetcov command uses the heteroskedastic
    consistent-covariance matrix, which standardizes
    our errors.

Question 6
  • Linear probability is flawed, the model assumes
    constant returns to scale, which is not
    consistent with the economic theory of our model.
  • We now proceed to use the logit model
  • log (pi/1-pi) a bXi e

Question 6 Contd
  • c) ..\..\..\SHAZAM\question6output.txt
  • At 10 level of significance tcrit 1.761,
    therefore our beta is significant.
  • Note!
  • Our constant has been proven to be insignificant
    in our model.
  • d) As indicated by the significance of our Beta
    coefficient, black players do in fact appear to
    have a positive impact on winning percentage.
    However, their contribution declines as more
    teams begin to desegregate and employ more black
    players, thus saturating the league.

Question 6 contd
  • To help you visualize these contributions, we
    have a graph of the function.
  • ..\..\..\SHAZAM\Q6graph.gif
  • To further emphasize this theory, we have the set
    of Beta values.
  • e) The logit model, as depicted in the graph
    above, satisfies the expected theory of
    diminishing marginal returns experienced when
    major league baseball teams began employing black
    players at an increasing rate.

Question 7
  • In our new equation we now are given a function
    for our variance of the error, to be added into
    our logit equation. The only purpose of this we
    found was that it standardizes the error into a
    specific functional form to reduce random error
    fluctuations. Hence reducing the probability of
  • ei 1 / Ni Pi(1 Pi)
  • -Ni number of total games played
  • -Pi expected probability of winning for team i

Question 7 Contd
  • Note!
  • We are using expected probability of winning
    instead of actual probabilities. This is the
    formula used for expected probabilities
  • logit function 0.5
  • - logit function is our marginal product of
    winning, our 0.5 is the probability of winning
    holding all contributing factors to winning
    constant. ? ..\..\..\SHAZAM\teams expected to

Question 7 Contd
  • log(pi/1-pi) a bXi ei
  • Xi black47
  • we run the OLS using the hetcov command
  • Here is our output ? ..\..\..\SHAZAM\question7outp

Question 7 Contd
  • b) Test for 10 level of significance with
  • t-crit 1.761 ? since our t-stat of our beta is
    3.539, we reject the null hypothesis. Our
    constant is insignificant along with our
  • A regression exists due to the significance of
    our beta, even though our constant is
    insignificant in this case ? the importance lies
    in the beta being significant, due its important
  • Note!
  • We could also use the F-test to test for a
  • We found the F-stat to be 5.39, with our F-crit
    equal to 3.07. Since
  • F-stat gt F-crit we have a regression at the 10
    level of significance.
  • Ignore low value of R2, most likely random
    walk produced that result.

Question 7 Contd
  • c) Coefficients have not changed, but our
    significance of our t-test has actually
    increased, putting greater significance on the
    positive contribution of black players to their

Question 8
  • Note!
  • probit model uses standard normal distribution
    that corresponds to observed relative frequency
    eg. pi that equals 0.03 in probit zi would be
  • Distribution Tables

Question 8 Contd
  • Probit will be our dependent variable, with
    black52 being our explanatory variable.
  • Our regression results ? ..\..\..\SHAZAM\question8
  • We test our null hypothesis at the 10 level of
    significance. With b 0, and t-crit 1.761.
    Our t-stat gt t-crit, hence our beta is

Question 8 Contd
  • Heres a graph to better understand the probit
    function ? My Pictures\question8graph.gif
  • Here is also an output displaying our varying
    values of beta (since obviously beta isnt
    constant, you just look at it and you know T.
    Osborne) ?
  • A regression exists, since our most important
    variable is significant
  • Note!
  • We could also use the F-test to test for
    regression, we found our F-stat to be 3.42, and
    our F-crit was found to be 3.07, hence if F-stat
    gt F-crit we have a regression at the 10 level of

Question 9
  • Group data probit model suffers from
    heteroskedasticity from construction ? Glejser
  • ? Our auxilliary regression with absolute
    residual as the dependent and black52 as the
    independent ..\..\..\SHAZAM\question9output.txt
  • t-crit 1.753 ? t-stat gt t-crit, therefore we
    have heteroskedasticity consistent with our

Question 9 Contd
  • Note!
  • The Glejser Test, although it calculated the
    presence of heteroskedasticity, Gujarati states
    its an unreliable test for a small sample size,
    because it computes absolute residual values,
    instead of the more reliable squared residual.

Question 9 Contd
  • Solution ? Use the White Procedure! (NOT the
    White TEST)
  • Method ? e2 a b1Xi b2(Xi)2
  • ? From this we take our R2 and multiply it by n,
    to get LM.

Question 9 Contd
  • -Our White Procedure Output ? ..\..\..\SHAZAM\ques
  • -LM 0.1020 15
  • 1.53
  • -Chi Square Stat at 10 level of significance
  • Chi square stat 6.251 with 3 d.f.
  • H0? No Hetero, HA? Hetero
  • Since chi square gt LM we do not reject H0.

Question 10
  • -Similar to question 7, we are given an equation
    for our variance of the error term, to use in our
    probit model ? ei Pi(1 Pi) / Ni fi2
  • Note!
  • We once again use expected probability of winning
    instead of the actual values. Ni is still equal
    to 154. f is the ordinate of the standard normal
    curve for percentage games won.
  • - The only purpose of our function of our
    variance of error, may be to standardize the
    error into a functional form, to reduce the
    opportunity for heteroskedasticity with highly
    fluctuating error values.

Question 10 Contd
  • We estimate our model, with Probit as the
    dependent variable with black52, and our error
    equation as the explanatory variables. We also
    use the GLS method, by using the hetcov command
    on shazam
  • Our Results ? ..\..\..\SHAZAM\question10output.txt
  • t-crit at 10 level of significance with 14 d.f.
  • t-stat gt t-crit, therefore our b1 is significant
  • We do have a regression, at the 10 level of
    significance, since our most important
    explanatory variable remains significant in this
  • Note!
  • We will once again use the F-test to verify the
    above result. Our F-stat
  • was found to be 3.42. Since our F-crit is equal
    to 3.07, we do have a
  • regression at the 10 level of significance.

Question 10 Contd
  • Comparison of heteroskedastic corrected
    regression, and standard regression with black
    52. ?..\..\..\SHAZAM\question10Coutput.txt

Question 11
  • We will now test our original probit model for
    heteroskedasticity using the White test at the
    10 level of significance
  • White Test stat 1.632, with critical value of
    4.605 with 2 d.f.
  • ? Since our t-stat lt t-crit, there is not
    heteroskedasticity in our probit model, according
    to the white test.
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