Title: Confronting Climate Change in the Gulf Coast Region
1Confronting Climate Change in the Gulf Coast
- Climate change will interact with, and
magnify, other human stresses on Gulf Coast
ecosystems and on the goods and services they
2Multiple Stresses of a Changing Climate
Source U.S. National Assessment, NAST, 2001
3Land Use Changes
Source Tampa Bay Interactive Mapping System,
USGS Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science Program
4Significant Alteration of Water Flows
Source South Florida Water Management District
Source South Florida Water Management District
5Coastal Wetland Losses
6Now Add climate change...
- Higher temperatures
- Faster sea-level rise
- More extreme rainfall/flooding events with
longer dry periods in between - Less precipitation in most coastal areas
- Uncertain rainfall changes upland
- More intense hurricanes
7Changes in Water Availability and Flow
Source U.S Army Corps of Engineers
8Sea-Level Rise
Louisiana Shoreline Change with a 20-inch (50 cm)
Rise in Sea Level
Source EPA
9Ecosystem shifts
Example Black mangroves
Source R. Twilley
10Invasive species
Open coastal prairie
Chinese tallow trees
Source E. Siemann
11Upland ecosystems
Source NPS
12Freshwater systems
Example Saltwater intrusion into freshwater
13Wetland migration and losses
Where the ability of wetlands to grow upward
and migrate inland is compromised, wetlands will
be lost.
Source Reed, 1995
14Stressed Salt Marshes
Source G. Linscombe, LDWF
15Coastal Habitats
Source J. Tunnell
16Marine Ecosystems
Coral bleaching
Source NOAA
17Groundwater Withdrawal
18Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers ...
as sea level rises and water withdrawal continue
19Changes in Agricultural Productivity
Source USDA
20Changes in Fire Frequency
21Impacts on Forestry
Source S. Roberts
Southern pine bark beetle damage
Source W.D. Boyer
Source R.F. Billings
22Impacts on Fisheries
Source NOAA
Declining nursery habitats
Source R. Twilley
23Coastal Erosion and Beach Losses
24Hurricane Damage
Galveston Hurricane, Texas, 1900
Hurricane Camille, Mississippi, 1962
Hurricane Andrew, Florida, 1992
Sources Top NOAA. Bottom SFWMD
25Threats to Human Health and Comfort Weather-Relat
Clear day in Houston
Increased Risk of
- Heat-related illnesses and deaths
- Air pollution and respiratory diseases
Smoggy day in Houston
Source Galveston-Houston Association for Smog
26Threats to Human Health and Comfort Water-Related
Increased risk of
- Water- and vector-borne diseases
- Red tides, algae blooms, and seafood
Source National Ocean Service