Title: Tuesday
1St. Johns College Middle Common Room Termcard -
Trinity Term 2004
25th April 1st May
9th 15th May
2nd 8th May
Sunday Puddings, MCR 830pm Saturday Flag
(American) Football in Parks Porter's Lodge
1.45pm for 2pm
Sunday Brunch and MCR meeting, MCR
11am Monday SCR-MCR Wine Tasting (small fee) St.
Giles House 6pm Wednesday Special Graduate Table
with Artist-in-Residence Christ Church MCR
6pm Saturday Women's Poetry reading, MCR
4pm Eurovision Song Contest, MCR 8pm
Sunday Brunch and MCR meeting, 2pm
MCR Tuesday Exchange Dinner at
Somerville Wednesday Graduate Table, MCR
630pm Saturday May Day Breakfast with Champagne
and Strawberries, MCR 730am
30th May 5th June
23rd 29th May
16th - 22nd May
Tuesday Laser-Quest, Gloucester Green 8pm,
5 Wednesday Graduate Table, MCR 630pm
Sunday Art Afternoon, MCR 2pm Tuesday Night at
the Dogs Wednesday Exchange Dinner at Christ
Church Friday Guest Dinner, MCR 630pm Bop, MCR
Sunday Puddings, MCR 830pm Wednesday Graduate
Table with Somerville MCR 630pm Friday Club
Night at Brookes (Contact Sageet) Saturday Croque
t Tournament, MCR Lawn 2pm
20th 26th June
13th 19th June
6th 12th June
Sunday Garden Party with JCR College Gardens
130pm Tuesday Lecture Supper, St. Giles House
6pm Wednesday Graduate Table, MCR
630pm Thursday Poker Night, MCR 8pm
Sunday Brunch and MCR Meeting, MCR 11am Puddings,
MCR 830pm Wednesday Graduate Table, MCR 630pm
Friday Guest Dinner, MCR 630pm Saturday 5-a-si
de football, Porters lodge 145pm
Sunday Garden Party, College Gardens 130pm
Plus Euro 2004! Come and watch the big games in
the MCR. Nibbles and drinks provided. 8th
week Sunday England vs France, MCR
745pm Tuesday Germany vs Netherlands, MCR
745pm 9th week Sunday Spain v Portugal, MCR
745 pm Monday England vs Croatia, MCR 745 pm