Aucun titre de diapositive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Aucun titre de diapositive


Potou is located in the Rural Community of Leona, Sakal arrondissement, ... Has a sub-Canary Island type climate, due to the influence of maritime trade winds ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Aucun titre de diapositive

Potou site a coastal-artisanal fishing farming
  • Potou is located in the Rural Community of
    Leona, Sakal arrondissement, Department of Louga
    in the Louga Region.
  • The RC consists of 106 settlements and covers a
    surface area of 415 km2 with a coastal line of 18
    km long along the greater Niayes area.
  • Agroecologically, it is divided into two zones
    the Niayes zone and the Diéri zone
  • According the approach of the MVP, Leona has
    been divided into 6 MVs

Climatic and soil conditions
  • The climate is a Sahelian type
  • The monsoon June-July to October with high
    probability of dry spell risk
  • Maritime trade winds from the Azores
    anticyclone October to January-February
  • The Harmattan a hot and dry wind blowing from
    February to May with huge sand storms and
    generating water losses through evaporation and
    causing significant wind erosion.
  • Minimal temperatures vary between 15.1 to
    22.5C in the cold season
  • While maximum temperatures vary between 29.2 to
    37.7 C in the hot season.
  • Niayes zone
  • Has a sub-Canary Island type climate, due to the
    influence of maritime trade winds
  • Physically made up of clayey sandy soils (deck
    dior), heavy and difficult to plough although
    they are rich and favorable to agriculture
    especially to vegetable gardening,
  • Unlike the Diéri zone, this area hosts lowlands
    with a shallow ground water table (5 to 6
  • Vegetation is characterized by dune fixation all
    along the coast with filao trees as major species
  • Diéri zone
  • The Diéri zone is relatively flat and dominant
    soil types are the Dior (sandy soil) which are
    light and easy to plough and are often not
    fertile due to intensive use.
  • The Diéri area has the same type of climate than
    the Niayes and is influenced by both continental
    and maritime trade winds.

Demographic census
Agriculture rainfed cropping and market
gardening systems
Major constraints
  • Main achievements during the rainfed season
  • Cropping season November 2006 to May-June 2007
    improved onion seeds and cabbage seeds provided
    respectively to 1599 HH and 47 women groups.
    Farmers were trained on
  • secure and efficient use of pesticides and the
    pertaining of harvesting onion after soil drying
  • Marketing and lobbying
  • Availability of adapted seeds is a major
    constraint for farmers,
  • Land degradation and soil depletion,
  • Access to fertilizers and plant-protection
  • Access to equipment for sowing, treatment and
  • Adequate irrigation system and plant-protection
    to avoid environment risk,
  • Need of training in technical and organizational
  • Statistics/commercialization
  • Main achievements during the rain-fed season
  • Rainy season July-October 2006 distributed
    inputs for 628 households (HH) millet seeds
    (2,100 kg), cowpea seeds (1,960 kg), fertilizer
    N-P-K 15-15-15 (19,750 kg). Farmers were trained
    on spacing and the pertaining of applying micro
    dose of fertilizers under condition of drought
    risk and how to proceed technically.
  • Rainy season July-October 2007 40 tons of
    groundnut seeds, 1.1 ton of cowpea seeds, 230 kg
    of hibiscus seeds, 300 cans of water melon seeds
    and 150 kg of millet seeds have been provided to
    2031 HH and 61 women groups. Good yields are
    expected by the end of yield assessment. Thirteen
    (30) women and 40 men have been trained in
    techniques related to tree nursery management at
    the beginning of the rainy season (end of July).
    Forty eight (48) women have been trained on
    practices dealing with Hibiscus Bio. In each MV,
    an nursery has been implemented with twenty tree
    species giving 46,796 seedlings for all the
    cluster. All these seedlings have been planted
    through the cluster mainly for field protection.
    Two hectares have been devoted to Jatropha curcas
    for testing purpose.

Baseline and surveys status
Data entry is going on for agriculture and land
survey Some health surveys need complement in
the field Market survey will begin this
week Correction is going on for most of the
Artisanal fishing
  • Major constraints
  • Access to authorized equipments
  • Lack of socio-economical organization
  • Lack of landing infrastructure
  • Need of improving quality of catchs and
    processed fishes
  • Need of storage facilities for better
  • Realized and ongoing activities
  • Census to determine all actors in fisheries
  • Setting up of fishing committee and training on
    fishing regulation aspects
  • Two canoes with motors, fishing nets, live vest
    etc. have been delivered to fishermen and are
    being used,
  • 40 racks for drying, 40 salting tanks, 5 small
    isotherm containers have been acquired,
  • Fishing committee (fishermen, women acting on
    processing, traders) has been set up and trained
    on business, fishing regulation, leadership,
    processing techniques and enterprise
    development, conservation and transportation of
  • The first draft of manual of procedures is
    available and aims to define organizational
    structure allowing sustainable utilization of

Major constraints
Animal health  animal feeding  improving
races  need of training need of water places
for animals commercialization 
  • Activities already realized
  • Taking a census of domestic animals
  • Training girls and young men on vaccination
  • Vaccination (Newcastle disease for poultry,
    cattle plague, small ruminants plague)
  • Providing animal feedings and setting up a
    management committee allowing the sustainability
    of this purchasing-selling activity within
  • Providing two moto-reapers to increase animal
    feeding availability during dry periods
  • Promoting artificial insemination to improve
    animal quality
  • 35 women have been trained on milk processing
    and, marketing/lobbying techniques

Major constraints - Low school attendance rate
(less than 73) - High rate of pupils repeating
their classes (14) - High rate of pupils
abandoning or expelled from school. - Hostile
school environment (43 shelter classrooms out of
105 one-room or two-room school 14 one-room
schools and 14 two-room schools out of 43 no
school with electricity , few schools with
surrounding walls 1, water 6 , and latrines
8 ) - Lack of involvement of parents
  • Activities already realized
  • 6 classrooms and toilets built with community
    participation (7) and setting up of monitoring
    committees to upkeep the building
  • 3 new schools opened
  • 15 schools provided with equipment (29 chairs
    and 29 bureaus)
  • 240 overalls (blouses) provided to pupils and
    125 for teachers
  • - Free school stationery and material to pupils
  • -Revising and strengthening school curriculum
    (training of teachers in evaluation techniques
    and reading, re-organizing pedagogic cells)
  • Implementation of school feeding programs in 6
    schools (1 for each MV)
  • Training of headmasters to better manage their
  • 27 schools provided with thick canvas cover and
    kind of palisade meant to be only makeshift
    classrooms until the process of building the 23
    classrooms planned in 2007 and the 28 classrooms
    planned with BwB for 2008 is finished

Strategies to make schools attractive and
useful - Linking the Millenium strategies to the
regional and national education policy which
insists on access to, quality and management of
schools - Organize parents, get them involved
through their own action plan and engage them to
its implementation
  • Ongoing activities
  • - Building of restaurant rooms (2), computer
    rooms (2) and eliminating shelter classrooms (45
    out of 115)
  • School feeding programs 12 schools were
    provided with seeds to start school field during
    the rainy season. The assessment is to be at the
    end of the crop period

Challenges in the near future (School year
2007/2008) - Have all children in schools
Community has already begun sensitization for
recruitment - Generalizing of school feeding
program Have some schools experiment tri-
linguism (French, arabic and Local language)
Gender issues
  • Major constraints
  • For women
  • - Mens bad perception of men as far as womens
    promotion is concerned
  • - Absence of women in the decisions making and
    policy bodies within the Community (2 women out
    of 28 members of the Local Council)
  • Non access to fertile soils resources
  • Conjugal violence
  • For girls
  • - Non secure environment in many schools (absence
    of security, shelter classrooms, long distance to
  • - Overwork at home and in the field
  • - Early marriages and unwanted pregnancies
    (unmarried mothers)
  • Main activities and achievements
  • needs assessment using adapted existing
    national-level tools and methods have been
  • 2 school-based youth clubs and 6 networks as
    frameworks facilitating their promotion have been
  • reorganization of the Local Union of Women
  • 36 girls have been trained to take in charge the
    vaccination of poultry in the cluster. After
    that, the idea of involving them on poultry
    farming has been raised and 6 galleries have been
    set up for demonstration
  • 81women including 33 girls acting as Community
    health Workers have been trained on gender and
    reproductive health
  • 80 girls have been trained on lobbying and
    marketing techniques
  • 45 girls have been trained on advocacy

Strategies/goals - Make sure the gender dimension
is taken into account in all sectors -
Sensitization on the negative aspects of
traditions on women's social promotion -
Reinforcement of technical capacity of women in
the area of entrepreneurship (free access to
credit, management,..) - Reinforcement of the
social organization for a strong advocacy -
Alleviating womens burden through the use of new
technology - Helping young girls on becoming
leaders (education, training, counseling, access
to credit)
Gender issues
Challenges Have at least 45 of women and
girls integrate sit in the Local Government -
Increase the number of girls attending secondary
school and university level Have women
increase their economic power and financial
independence Eliminate taboos and promote
the positive aspects of the Senegalese culture
Need assessments on water and sanitation issues
  • Water access status at the bigginning of the
  • 2 working boreholes and 1 new boreholes (not
  • 3 used water tanks and 1 unused
  • 30 settlements connected to water piping network
    from the existing boreholes (26 of HH)
  • Sanitation status at the biggining of the project
  • Lack of latrines for HH and community facilities
  • linexistence de systèmes individuels
    dévacuation des eaux usées
  • Strategies with collaboration of PEPAM and
    others partners, three issues are being addressed
  • Drinking water from boreholes for HH and
    community centers
  • Water for irrigation from improved wells to
    strength crop diversification
  • Latrines for HH and community facilities

Designing and sizing of water network piping
Designing and sizing of water network piping
Energy Steps in the process
  • Energy policy and partners (done)
  • Assessment of existing situation and energy needs
  • Strategic and technical options, design and
    sizing of proposed systems (done)
  • Specification and quotation (done)
  • Elaboration of proposal (done) and setting up
    electricity grid (negotiation with government
    agency pending)
  • Plans for the short terms (done) and procurement
  • Others related energy issues

Assessment of existing situation and energy
needs (Energy committee, women groups, Rural
council, surveys)
  • Electricity grid only one grid Medium Voltage
    (30 kV) with two transformers supplying
    electricity for two sites (Léona et Potou)
  • Health
  • 1 electrified health posts in Leona
  • 4 health posts being built of which 3 are in
    areas without grid
  • 18 cases de santé of which 4 already
    electrified with solar panels
  • Education 43 primary schools and 1 secondary
    school without electricity
  • Water infrastructure 4 boreholes with water
    pumping functioning with generators

Strategic and technical options, design and
sizing of proposed systems
  • Extension of electricity network from the
    existing main grid of 30kVA (Léona-Potou)
  • Identification of planned sites according to
    some criteria profitability (cost), population,
    technical reliability, health facilities,
    schools, community centers, planned investment
  • Estimates of distances sites extension grid
    and localization of places for establishing
  • transformers and niches
  • distances from medium voltage (MV)
  • distances from Low voltage (LV)

Strategic and technical options, design and
sizing of proposed systems
Strategic and technical options, design and
sizing of proposed systems
  • Providing alternative energy for lighting and
    audiovisuals (schools and health facilities)
  • Estimate of distances between buildings or rooms
  • Position of planned equipment
  • Estimate of functioning period (lighting points,
    audiovisuals, microscopes, computers, fans) for
    health facilities
  • Estimate of daily functioning period (lighting
    points, audiovisuals, computers, fans) for
  • Estimate of power required for each equipment
  • Taking into account simultaneous factors

Specification and quote costing
  • Costing of MV and LV extensions
  • Done according costs per unit
  • 1 km of electricity line with MV 14,130.
  • 1 km of electricity cables for LV  17,173
  • Transformer H61  8,695
  • Niche to put in the line of electricity
    network  3,260 
  • Total cost 1.6 million dollars, ASER 1.119
    million, PVM 480

Specification and quotation costing
  • Costing for alternative energy systems
  • Request for quotation (done)
  • Evaluation of total costs (pending)
  • Total cost for cases de santé 31,100, ASER
    70, PVM 30, CR nd
  • Total cost for schools 53,700, ASER 70, PVM
    30, CR nd

Proposal Elaboration
  • PREM Project submitted to ASER
  • Possibility of funding
  • Concession with ADB funding
  • Could be funded as PREM
  • Emergency program for RE decided by the President
  • Timeline (Q1 for starting)

Plans for the short terms (immediate needs)
  • Before setting up the grid electricity,
    alternative energy systems will be provided to
  • 3 health posts in construction
  • 3 rehabilitated  cases de santé
  • 4 schools

  • Others related energy issues (pending)
  • Pumping water systems (solar or wind) and
    processing units (grinding mills),
  • Maximal manometer height of wells.
  • Length and diameter of different pipes (feeder
    pipe and exhaust pipe), level of variation of
  • Availability of spare parts
  • Training of users by the provider
  • Heat resistance of pumps
  • Costs per hour of functioning
  • Costs of pumps and processing units
  • Service after purchase

  • Others related energy issues
  • Improved stoves (FASEN, PERACOD, GTZ)
  • Training of local artisan acting on metal fitting
    and potters on building improved stoves,
  • Training women groups on marketing for locally
    made improved stoves
  • Supporting household by subsiding the acquisition
    of improved stoves

Community development process
  • Major constraints
  • High rates of illiteracy
  • Weakness in leadership the organization leaders
  • Weakness in organization, mobilization and
    innovation capacities of members
  • Insufficient training in some areas (livestock,
    financial management, market gardening, farming,
    fishries, organization skill etc.)
  • Difficulties to access information especially
    when needed
  • High number of community of community based
    organization in lethargy
  • Necessity of participatory approach in the
    decision-making process
  • Remoteness from decision-making bodies

Strategies/goal Re-dynamization /setting up of
functional community organization capable to
assure their auto-promotion
  • Main activities and achievements
  • Communication of proximity in the MV on
    principles, objectives, strategies and goals
  • Setting up of functional bodies (committees)
    agriculture/environment, education, health
    nutrition, Business enterprise development,
    infrastructures (water, sanitation, energy, road)
  • Defining of community action plans
  • Training workshop to reinforce capacity level of
    heads of villages and committee members
  • Strong involvement of heads of villages and
    overall community in planning, implementing and
    monitoring of all interventions in each sector
    (seeds, bed nets and school supplies
    distribution, collecting payback etc.)
  • Engagement of community in the management of
    local development activities with tight
    involvement of local government as focal point
  • Key steps
  • Constructive discussion with the local
  • Database and gathering of information
  • Characterization and categorization of existing
  • Mapping and geo-coding of infrastructures et

  • Access to health facilities and medicines
  • Child and Maternal Mortality
  • Malaria, TB, HIV/AIDS and others diseases
  • Health facilities assessment
  • 1 Health Post (Léona), 18  cases de
    santé (small clinics)
  • Referral facilities C.S HR of Louga.
  • Personnel (Léona) 2 Nurses, 2 birth attendants,
    2 Health outreach agents, Others 6
  • Others small clinics 1 or 2 birth attendances
    and 1 Health outreach agent( from the Community
    19 birth attendants 18 Health outreach agents)
  • Logistic 1 not working ambulance.
  • Realized and ongoing activities
  • Only 1 Health post existed in cluster at the
    beginning of the project. Now four (4) others are
    being built (three by the MVP and one by another
    partner Médicos del Mundo).
  • Five motorcycles and 1 ambulance have been bought
  • There were also two nurses but now four nurses
    and two midwives have been hired from july. They
    are operating in four sites using the small
    health facilities named cases de santé.
  • Free health cares have been launched since June
    and are being evaluated
  • Voluntary HIV testing has been done for about 200
  • A software has been set up to track the
    availability of medicines
  • 98 CHW have been hired and are working at
    household level by sensitizing, giving and
    collecting information, etc.
  • An important workshop involving all national
    health authorities has been organized to allowing
    a better involvement of health Ministry to health
    issues in the project
  • National days of immunization to control and
    prevent measles
  • National days of micro nutriments
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