Title: Airports and compatible land uses
1Airports and compatible land uses
- Bob Kunkel, PESenior Aviation Consultant
2Presentation overview
- Compatible land use planning
- Incompatible land uses
- Various land uses
- National survey
- Mead Hunt Corporate profile
- Questions or comments
3Why do compatible land use planning?
4Aircraft accident statistics
- Data compiled from NTSB accident reports between
1990- 2000 indicate - Over 2/3 of both GA (68) and commercial (67)
aircraft accidents take place at the airport - 29 of GA and 26 of commercial accidents happen
within 5 miles of the airport during take-off or
landing - 3 of GA and 7 of commercial aviation accidents
are enroute accidents which take place more than
5 miles from the airport - These figures show that having a clear area
around the airport is essential in the event of
an accident
- Aircraft noise is the biggest complaint received
by airports.
6 7What are incompatible land uses?
- An incompatible land use is essentially any type
of land development which threatens the safe
operation of aircraft. - These uses include developments such as
- Residential development
- Schools libraries
- Nursing homes hospitals
- Wetlands open water
- Landfills sewage treatment facilities
- Generators of light emissions and smoke/stream
8 9Various land uses
- The list is not an exhaustive one.
- It is meant to illustrate a sample of the various
uses which can be of concern to airports. - A brief summary of the type of concern and the
reason for the concern are also listed.
10Residential development
- Safety and noise concern
- Incompatible due to the concentration of people
in close proximity to the airport, as well as
noise related issues. - Apartments and manufactured housing are an even
greater concern due to the increased population
11Landfills and sewage treatment
- Safety concern
- Incompatible use due to wildlife attractants such
as larger birds including gulls and geese
12Schools, hospitals, and churches
- Safety concern
- Large concentration of people in a single area
- Environmental concern
- Noise issues with over-flights and possible
vibration at larger airports
13Radio, television, and cellular communication
- Safety concern
- Incompatible land use because of the penetration
into the navigable airspace around an airport.
14Factory smoke
- Safety concern
- Incompatible because it creates obstructions to
vision, depending upon the location of the smoke
relative to the airport
15Golf courses and recreational uses
- Environmental concern
- Wildlife attractants to the open water and large
grass areas - Safety concern
- Concentration of people in a single area
- Often has light emission issues related to field
16Auditoriums and outdoor theaters
- Safety concern
- Concentration of people in a single area
- Often has emission issues related to lighting
- Noise concern
- Outdoor operations during night time hours often
affected by aircraft noise
17Power lines
- Safety concern
- Incompatible since they can be hard to see and
are a danger to landing and departing aircraft.
18Gravel extraction
- Safety concern
- Incompatible due to the dust often generated by
the excavation activity, also a possible wildlife
attractant if open water is created.
- Safety concern
- Creates incompatible land uses because it
attracts wildlife such as birds of prey looking
for mice, raccoons, etc. found in the crops and
deer which eat the corn crops.
20Water impoundments (open water)
- Safety concern
- By itself open water is not a hazard, but it
attracts water fowl which are a hazard to
21Cultural resources
- Environmental and noise concern
- Often incompatible due to noise impacts related
to the historic nature of the structure.
- Safety concern
- Similar to open water, wetlands are wildlife
attractants which can pose hazards to aircraft. - Additionally, regulations regarding wetland
mitigation have become very restrictive, thus
leading airports to mitigate impacts off-airport
23National trends
24National trends
- Mead Hunt teamed with the National Association
of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) to assess the
national trends on land use issues as they relate
to airports - A survey was sent to each state, including Guam
and Puerto Rico, to get a truly national
perspective on land uses
25Which states responded?
- Response rate 40 out of 52 states and
territories (77 )
26What is the size of your State Aviation System
- Of the 40 states responding, they represented
- Over 7,000 airports
- 358 air carrier
- Over 6,700 general aviation
- Type of ownership
- Publicly owned/public use airports make up the
majority of State System Plan with 2,857 airports - Privately owned and privately used airports
include another 7,759 airports some of which have
been included into the State Aviation System of
various states
28Do you believe that incompatible land uses are a
concern in your state?
29What types of incompatible land uses do you have
around your airport?
- 100 (40) residential
- 82.5 (33) tall structures
- 75 (30) wetlands
- 70 (28) recreation
- 65 (26) noise sensitive
- 55 (22) agriculture
- 52.5 (21) open water
- 47.5 (19) landfills
- 12.5 (5) smoke/steam
- 12.5 (5) light
- Various other
- Parks
- Commercial within RPZ
- Gravel pits
- Car race track within approach zone
- Archaeological sites
30Most critical land uses
- 75 (30) residential
- 12.5 (5) tall structures
- 1 agriculture
- 1 recreation
- 1 open water
- 1 noise sensitive
- 1 wetlands
31Least critical land uses
- 35 (14) open water
- 25 (10) agriculture
- 10 (4) wetlands
- 10 (4) light
- 2 landfills
- 2 recreation
- 1 smoke/steam
- 1 noise
32What types of existing land use legislation do
you have in place and who regulates it?
- 10 (4) have no legislation
- Comprehensive planning legislation
- Height limitation legislation
- Types of land use legislation
- Tall structure review
33What types of existing land use legislation do
you have in place and who regulates it?
34What types of existing land use legislation do
you have in place and who regulates it?
35What types of existing land use legislation do
you have in place and who regulates it?
36What should be addressed at the national level?
- More funding for land acquisition and for land
use guideline development - National guidelines/regulations for compatible
land uses - National requirement to inform neighbors of
airport operations - FAA take a stronger stand on height issues (FAR
Part 77 issues) - National policy to protect airports
37Corporate profile
38About Mead Hunt
- Employee-owned
- Nearly 300 employees
- Eight offices in five states
39Available services
- Airports
- Public and Commercial Architecture
- Highways and Bridges
- Water Resources
- Infrastructure and municipal engineering
- Military and Industrial facilities
- Historic Preservation
40Airport planning specialists
- 70 planning projects in the past five years
- 60 years serving the airport industry
- Nationwide experience
41Full service consulting
- Aviation planning
- Aviation architecture
- Airport engineering
- Air service
- Environmental, storm water
- Dedicated staff of 120 full-timeaviation
42Questions or comments
If you have any questions, contact me
at Bob.Kunkel_at_meadhunt.com 608/273-6380