Title: Climate Change in Rocky Mountain National Park
1Climate Change in Rocky Mountain National Park
including some interactions with nitrogen
Jill Baron US Geological Survey Natural Resource
Ecology Lab Colorado State University Fort
Collins CO 22 March 2007
Pushing the envelope. How about you?
2Western Climate is Warming
Temperatures warm more rapidly after 1950
Precipitation? Variable
Mote et al. 2003 (taken from Udall, WWA)
3Hoerling, 2006
4Daily Temperatures Are Increasing
For Tmin Tmax, difference in monthly means from
1996 to 2005, versus historical averages
(Yellowstone area)
Clow et al. 2003
Saunders et al. 2006
5Local temperature trends
Elevations Niwot D1 3743 m Grand 2274
m Boulder 1672 m Larimer 1525 m
6We are seeing record-breaking extremes
Record-breaking high March temps, lack of
precipitation in 100 yr record
Record-setting peak snowmelt
Pagano et al. 2004, EOS
7Under various greenhouse forcings Climate models
yield 1. fairly narrow range of warming
scenarios and (amidst a broad overall range) 2.
tendency for little precipitation change in
California and most of the West.
20 of 23 in this range
19 of 23 in this range
Dettinger, 2005
8Observed Changes in Climate
- Warming
- Erratic precipitation
- Extreme drought
- Extreme storms (Mount Rainier)
- More warming projected
So what??!!
9Earlier onset of spring snowmelt less snowpack
Snow season 16 days shorter in CA NV (1951-1996)
10Warming ? significant hydroclimatic changes
Less snow/more rain
Earlier greenup
TRENDS (1954-94) in Lilac first-bloom dates
Cayan et al., 2001
Knowles et al., 2006
11The Glacier Next Door
Boulder Daily Camera
12Where will the largest (snowmelt) temperature
effects occur?
How many days/year historically were just below
Computed from UWs VIC model daily INPUTS (Bales
et al, in press)
13Expected changes in FROZEN-SEASON LENGTH 30-60
days/year less in 2050 for ROMO
Derived from monthly IPCC GCM-grid pdfs, and UWs
VIC model daily inputs, 1950-1999
14Large wildfires increased suddenly and
dramatically in mid-1980s in West
- More large wildfires
- Longer wildfire durations
- Longer wildfire seasons
- Strongly associated with increased spring and
summer temperatures and earlier spring snowmelt
Westerling et al. 2006
15Larger fires with drier, warmer
climates Climate is trending warmer
Temp C
McKenzie et al. 2004
16McKenzie et al. 2004
17Climate Change, Wildfire, and Conservation
- If longer, more severe fire seasons are indeed
an outcome of climate warming, the probability of
losing local populations of species that depend
on late seral habitat will increase.
contemporary landscapes have been altered by
timber extraction, agriculture, and human
settlements. Options for suitable postfire
habitat have been reduced, creating the potential
for severe bottlenecks in space and time,
particularly for species that have narrow habitat
requirements, restricted distributions, or low
McKenzie et al. 2004, Cons Biol.
18Observed Changes in Wildlife at Gothic, CO
Marmots emerging 38 days earlier than in 1977
Robins arriving 14 days earlier
Inouye et al. PNAS 2000
19Some flowering plants strongly linked to snowpack
Dwarf Larkspur
PhotoDaniel Mosquin
Saavedra et al. GCB, 2003
20Grinnell Resurvey, YOSE
- Trapping 1914, 2002-2005
- Four new species moved into YOSE
- Four species have contracted their ranges
- Several species have shifted ranges up to 2000 m
higher - One species extirpated
21Ptarmigan model results under climate scenarios
Ptarmigan on Thatchtop August 2005
22Some Species Like it Warmer!
- Elk (Wang et al. 2002)
- Pine Bark Beetle (Hicke et al. 2006)
- Cutthroat trout (Cooney 2003)
- Whirling Disease (Covich and Cooney 2003)
- West Nile Virus (CDC)
23Greenback Cutthroat Trout
The endangered Greenback Cutthroat Trout require
water temperatures above 5 C to successfully
and 472 growing degree days for young trout to be
able to overwinter
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27Other changes that could occur (besides earlier
snowmelt, more wildfire) 1. Increased insects
and disease 2. Narrowing of tundra regions,
reduction of obligate tundra spp. habitat 3.
Synergies with air pollution 4. More visitors 5.
More elk 6. More cutthroat trout habitat, but
also more potential for whirling disease
28Climate Change and Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition
- Synergies and Antagonisms
29NO3 NH4 NOx NO NO2 NH3
30NO3 NH4 NOx NO NO2 NH3
31Pathways and Effects of Excess Nitrogen Deposition
32Assessing ecological and biogeochemical
responses to changing atmospheric nitrogen and
sulfur depositionand climate for diverse
- Melannie Hartman1, Jill Baron1,2, Dennis Ojima 1
1 Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado
State University, Fort Collins, CO 2 USGS
332 National Parks, 4 LTER sites
34Great Smoky NP (GRSM) Noland Divide
Mount Rainier NP (MORA) Lake Louise
Niwot Ridge (NWT) Green Lakes Valley
Coweeta (CWT) WS 2
HJ Andrews (HJA) WS 10 (clear cut 1975)
Hubbard Brook (HBR) WS 6
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- Calibrated DayCent-Chem on a subset of years with
measurements (Q, stream soil chemistry, NPP,
mineralization, SOM) - Pre-scenario 1980-2000
- drivers measured meteorology, NADP, CASTNet
- Scenario 2001-2050 with future climate and N,S
37Deposition Scenarios
- CMAQ modeling system (U.S. EPA COMMUNITY
MULTISCALE AIR QUALITY). - wet and dry amounts N and S species
- 2001 Base case
- 2010, 2015, 2020 CAIR (Clean Air Interstate Rule)
- Linearly interpolate for years in between
- Each day annual deposition / 365
Climate Scenarios
- MM5 (Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model)
- 1976-2075 daily climate (lat, lon).
- no trend in precipitation for most sites
- 0.02-0.03 C/year
38The deposition scenarios for all sites
39The climate scenarios for Niwot Ridge
Change from 85 to 60 snow
40Ecosystem responses to N, climate change
41Stream chemistry responses to N, climate change
42Interactions of climate change and nitrogen
- Higher elevations likely to see longer, warmer,
growing seasons more N uptake, greater plant
productivity - Shifts in communities (Walker et al. 2006)
- Less N leaching to aquatic systems (Baron and
Hartman 2002, Hartman et al. in prep) - More productivity, more fuel (Fenn et al. 2003)
- More N content in leaves, more palatable to
insects (Fenn et al 2003 - N promotes carbon (and N2O?) loss in peat bogs
(Bragazza et al. 2006)
43Interactions of climate change and nitrogen
- Lower elevations likely to see effective drought
- Lakes and streams receive less N (Schindler et
al. 1996) - Warming, drought, and acid change food web
structure (algae, zooplankton switched to
stress-tolerant species Christensen et al. 2006) - Storms can cause high N pulses into waters (Fenn
et al. 1996)
- Climate change trends already apparent
- Ecological responses range from simple
- Phenology, migration, extirpation
- to complex
- Interactions of climate, fire, snowmelt, snowpack
with habitat, species, diseases, pests - Interactions with nitrogen appear subtle
45Barriers to Adapting to Climate Change
46What to do?
Time to make a plan