Title: Small MS4 Storm Water Permit
1Small MS4 Storm Water Permit
- Grand Forks City Council Presentation
- February 2, 2004
- Abbie Krebsbach
- ND Dept. of Health
- Division of Water Quality
2Storm Water Impacts
- Storm water runoff from urban areas is the number
one cause of environmental degradation of the
nations rivers and streams, and the third
leading cause of environmental degradation in the
nations lakes. - Sediment runoff rates from construction sites are
typically 1,000 to 2,000 times greater than from
prairie lands.
3Storm Water Impacts
- The storm water pollution problem is twofold
- Increased volume and rate of runoff
- Increased concentration of pollutants in the
runoff Pollutants include pesticides,
fertilizers, construction chemicals, solvents,
acids, oils, sediment, and debris.
- Storm water pollution can result in fish kills,
destruction of wildlife habitat, increased
flooding, sedimentation, contamination of
waterways, loss of drinking water storage
capacity, and erosion.
4Benefits of Storm Water Management
- Water Quality Benefits
- Remove pollutants from storm water/snow melt
runoff - Provide flood control
- Reduce downstream erosion
- Promote ground water recharge
- Economic Benefits
- Avoid human health problems
- Save medical costs
- Sustain or increase recreation and swimming
resources - Sustain or increase wildlife habitat
5Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)
Permit Implemented
- Permit Application Due by March 10, 2003
- Application Form
- Summary of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Plan - Including Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be
implemented for each Minimum Control Measure
(MCM) - 2008 - Implementation to be complete
- Annual reports and public meetings are required
to track progress - No sampling or storm water testing required
6EERC Facilitated Red River Valley Regional
Storm Water Program (through EPA Grant)
- EERC Regional Storm Water Coordinator activities
include - Collection and sharing of general storm
water-related information. - Maintenance of a centralized resource library of
storm water educational material. - Provide technical assistance in the selection and
development of new BMPs and strategies. - Provide the appropriate guidance to prepare and
present the annual reports.
7Permit Minimum Control Measures (MCMs)
- 1 Public Education and Outreach
- 2 Public Participation/Involvement
- 3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
- 4 Construction Site Runoff Controls
- 5 Post-Construction Storm Water Management in
New and Re-Developments - 6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for
Municipal Operations -
8MCM 1 and 2 Public Education, Outreachand
- Implement public education program
- Conduct annual public meeting
9MCM 3 Illicit Discharge Detection and
- Create storm sewer map
- Develop ordinance or other mechanism
- Prohibits illicit discharges
- Addresses enforcement
- Develop program to detect, identify and eliminate
illicit discharges - Provide education/outreach
- Public, industrial facilities, MS4 employees
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14MCM 4Construction Site Runoff Controls
- Develop ordinance or other mechanism
- Requiring erosion, sediment, and waste controls
on construction sites - Must be completed by 2005
- Implement construction site plan reviews
- Implement site inspection and enforcement
- Develop system to consider public input
- Provide education/outreach
- Contractors, developers, builders, engineers, MS4
15A contractor placed this fill material on the
edge of a storm water drainage.
Silt fence installed by contractor to pond
sediment laden storm water?
Drainage Flow Direction Red River is about 200
yds away.
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20MCM 5Post-Construction Storm Water Management
in New and Re-Developments
21MCM 5Post-Construction Storm Water Management
in New and Re-Developments
- Develop ordinance or other mechanism
- Requiring post-construction runoff controls
- Develop strategy for implementing structural and
non-structural BMPs - Detention/Retention basins or ponds Grassed
swales - Infiltration practices Catch basins
- Rain gardens Riparian buffer preservation
- Conservation easements Open space preservation
- Land use modification/zoning
- Implement long term operation and maintenance
program - Provide education/outreach
- Contractors, developers, builders, engineers, MS4
22Impervious Cover Impact
lt 5
Impervious Cover
gt 65
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27MCM 6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping
for Municipal Operations
- Inspect and maintain storm water pollution
control devices - Choose pollution prevention programs and document
activities - Provide for no exposure of salt/sand storage
piles - Develop strategy for disposing of snow at
approved sites - Develop MS4 facility site plans
- If activities are exposed to storm water
- Provide education/outreach
- MS4 employees, public, industrial facilities
audience depends on programs implemented
28Internet Resources
- ND DoH MS4 Storm Water Web Page
- http//www.health.state.nd.us/wq/Storm/MS4/MS4Perm
it.htm - MPCA MS4 Storm Water Web Page
- http//www.pca.state.mn.us/water/stormwater/stormw
ater-ms4.html - Red River Water Management Consortium
- http//www.eerc.und.nodak.edu/watman/html/swwg.htm
l - Storm Water Managers Resource Center
- http//www.stormwatercenter.net/
- EPA National BMP Menu Webpage
- http//cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/menuofbmps/m
enu.cfm - International Stormwater BMP Database
- http//www.bmpdatabase.org/
- Center for Watershed Protection
- http//www.cwp.org/cold-climates.htm - Cold
Climate BMPs - http//www.cwp.org/ - Home Page
29ND Dept of Health Contacts
- Division of Water Quality
- Storm Water Coordinators
- Abbie Krebsbach
- (701) 328-5242
- akrebsba_at_state.nd.us
- Randy Kowalski
- (701) 328-5244
- rkowalsk_at_state.nd.us
- Division of Waste Management
- (701) 328-5166