Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
12000 Canadian Recommendations for the Management
of Hypertension
Jan 18, 2001
2Blood Pressure Assessment
Patients should be assessed at all appropriate
visits To determine cardiovascular risk To
monitor antihypertensive treatment
3Recommended Technique for Measuring Blood
Standardized technique Have the patient rest
for 5 minutes Use an appropriate cuff size
Use a mercury manometer or a recently calibrated
electronic device
4Recommended Technique for Measuring Blood
Pressure (cont.)
Position cuff appropriately Increase pressure
rapidly Support arm with antecubital fossa or
heart level To exclude possibility of
auscultatory gap, increase cuff pressure rapidly
to 30 mmHg above level of diseappearance of
radial pulse Place stethoscope over the
brachial artery
5Recommended Technique for Measuring Blood
Pressure (cont.)
Drop pressure by 2 mmHg / beat - appearance
of sound (phase I Korotkoff) systolic
pressure - disappearance of sound (phase V
Korotkoff) diastolic pressure Take 2 blood
pressure measurements, 1 minute apart
6Criteria for Diagnosis
7Criteria for Diagnosis II
8Criteria for Diagnosis III
9Criteria for Diagnosis IV
10Diagnosis of hypertension Summary
11Recommendations for Follow-up
12Routine and optional laboratory tests
13Investigation for renovascular hypertension
14Home Monitoring of BPSpecific Role in Selected
15Home Monitoring of BPSpecific Role in Selected
16Ambulatory Monitoring of BPTo Be Considered for
Specific Indications
17Ambulatory Monitoring of BPTo Be Considered for
Specific Indications
18The Role of EchocardiographyTo Be Considered
for Specific Indications