Title: Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione
1Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione
- The Politecnico, data and structure
- The Department structure and general information
- Research staff and activity
- International activity
- The Strategic Plan
- Conclusion expectations for the Peer Review
3Human Resources, Academic year 2006/2007
Students 36.856 Professors 1.308 Technical
and Administrative Staff 1.055 PhD Students
4Faculty Students
24 of graduates in Italy
Professors Researchers
56 of graduates in Italy
Professors Researchers
15 of graduates in Italy
Professors Researchers
5University Structure
Evalutation Committee
Direttore Amministrativo
Consiglio di Amministrazione (21)
Academic Senate
Area Directors (12)
College of Department Heads (17)
6The net of the Politecnico di Milano
7Other Campuses
8The New System
II Level Master
I Level Master
13-year education
Architecture 1st Architecture, Environmental
Architecture, Urban Planning2 Architecture,
Construction Architecture Design Communication,
Fashion, Interior Design,Industrial
Design Engineering 1st Environmental and Land
Planning, Civil 2nd Management, Biomedical,
Physics, Math 3rd Chemical, Electrical,
Materials, Nuclear 4th Aeronautical, Energy,
Mechanical, Transportation 5th Automation,
Electronic, Computer Science, Telecommunication 6
th Building
10Bachelor and Master of Science Programmes
- Bachelor of Science Programmes 32
- Architecture 6
- Design 5
- Engineering 21
- Master of Science Programmes 33
- Architecture 3
- Design 7
- Engineering 23
11Master Courses taught in English
forInternational Students
- Masters of Science in Engineering
- Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
(Como Campus)Computer Engineering (Como
Campus) - Environmental Engineering (Como Campus)
- Building Engineering (Lecco Campus)
Civil Engineering(Lecco Campus) Mechanical
Engineering (Lecco Campus) Materials
Engineering (Milano Leonardo Campus) Computing
Systems Engineering (Milano Leonardo Campus)
- Masters of Science in Design
- Product/Service Systems Design (Milano, Bovisa
- Masters of Science in Architecture
- Architecture (Milano, Leonardo Campus)
- Urban Planning and Policy Design (Milano,
Leonardo Campus)
12Education and Research
Each Professor belongs to a Department for
his/her research
and to a Study Course and to a School for
his/her teaching
President of the Study Course
Dean of the School
School (Facoltà)
Study Course
13The Department of Architecture and Planning
- Founded in 1982 with the name of Dipartimento di
Scienze del Territorio - Transformed in 2000 in DiAP with the joining of
various groups having the objective of becoming a
more interdisciplinary department, capable of
coping with urban and territorial problems at
different scales and from different perspectives - Today is the second largest Department in the
Politecnico di Milano and the largest in the
field of Architecture
14DiAP Governance Structure
- Head of the Department, prof. Alessandro Balducci
- is responsible of the management and represents
the Department - Vice Head, formal substitute of the Head Prof.
Remo Dorigati - Executive Board (Giunta di Dipartimento)
- Dept. Head and Vice-Head plus the following
professors Corinna Morandi (internationalisation)
, Costanzo Ranci (personnel), Gabriele Pasqui
(budget), Paolo Bossi, Andrea Rolando, Carolina
De Biase, Giovanna Fossa, Giovanni Denti, Matteo
Bolocan - preparing or implementing the Department
Councils decisions - Department Council, decision-making body
- Scientific Committee, presided by prof. Antonio
Tosi, 7 members reperesenting different sections - preparing decisions about scientific matters
(research fellowship, Department Conference,
scientific production review, etc.)
15Relevant dimensions teaching and research staff
- 36 research fellows Co-funded Ateneo/Diap 11
FSE 6 - Self-funded (public or private research
contract) 19 - 102 PhD students
- More than 290 contract professors
16 Relevant dimensions sections
17Relevant dimensions non teaching staff
18 Infrastructures
- 4 different buildings for 6,400 sq mt
- Via Bonardi central offices
- Via Golgi
- Piazza Leonardo da Vinci
- Via Gran Sasso
- 4 Libraries
- Main library (planning) Via Golgi
- History and Conservation Via Gran Sasso
- Library Liliana Grassi via Gran Sasso
- Technical Planning Piazza Leonardo da Vinci
19Research lines and Laboratories
- 6 research lines
- 1 Territorial Governance and Planning
- 2 Time, mobility and safety planning
- 3 History of architecture and restoration
- 4 Mobility and territory
- 5 Regional, urban and environmental planning
- 6 Architecture and Urban design
- Members of the staff can form permanent or
temporary Research Laboratories according to long
term research programmes or to specific research
projects. - Currently we have in activity about 40
Laboratories (3 special labs Modelling,
Diagnosis, Visual communication)
20Research and Consultancy
- Main contractors are
- Italian Ministry of the University and CNR
- National Government
- European Union
- Italian municipalities, provinces and regions
- Private firms,
- Bank foundations
- Research institutes (such as Irer),
- Consultancy companies,
- Developers,
- Training centres (such as Formez),
- Consortia
- Metis, established in 2001, with 5 research
centers to develop cooperation in the field of
applied urban studies - Tempi della Città with other universities and
public administrations to develop studies and
onsultancy in this field - Centers
- CAAP Center for the Public Adminisrations
(directed by Prof. Bruno Dente) together with
other Departments at Poli to develop joint
research programmes -
21Research and Consultancy sources of funding
A decrease in traditional public funding
(Ministry and CNR) compensated by private
research and consultancy contracts and European
22Research and Consultancy sources of funding
Funding sources in 2007 (5/12/2007)
23Doctoral programs
Prof. Faustino Curti - 2. Phd in SPACIAL PLANNING AND URBAN
DEVELOPMENT - Coordinator Prof. Sandro Balducci
HERITAGE - Coordinator Prof. Alberto Grimoldi
DESIGNCoordinator Prof. Ilaria Valente - DiAP Promotes the Giovanni Ferraro National
Prize for Doctoral Dissertations in Planning
which reached the 7th edition
- DiAP publishes "Territorio" a quarterly
recognized journal in the field of planning, and
urban projects, funded in 1988 (as the Journal of
DST) and from then regularly issued. - The Editor is the Head of the Department, it has
an Editorial Board and an International
Scientific Board, it publishes normally articles
in Italian, but also in English and French.
The Department has also two different series of
publications Quaderni and Collana DiAP intended
to diffuse research results.
25Conferences and Seminars
- Every year the Department promotes a intense
programme of national and international Seminars
approved by the Department Council - Every two years it organizes a major event in the
form of a Conference with papers aimed at
mobilizing all the department resources to deal
with a relevant social or territorial issue. - The first Conference has been in 2004 titled
Milano dopo la Metropoli (about 60 papers) - The second in 2006 Progetti di
infrastrutturazione nella regione urbana
milanese (70 papers) - The organisation of the next 2008 Conference has
recently started - The Department is also organising in 2008 the
European Urban Research Association (EURA)
Conference Learning Cities in a knowledge Based
26International activities
- Member of the Association of European School of
Planning (AESOP), of the European Urban Research
Association (EURA), of the Regional Science
Association (AISRE) of the Istituto Nazionale
di Urbanistica (INU) and it is the registered
office of the Società Italiana degli Urbanisti
(SIU). - Socrates, Teaching Staff Mobility, Leonardo,
Intensive exchange Programmes -
- Two Laboratories for International Cooperation
- - Laboratorio di Cooperazione allo sviluppo
(mostly Latin America and Africa) - - Estlab (mostly eastern European Countries)
- DiAP has been recently winner of the Atlantis
bid, a major UE/USA funding programme supporting
student and staff exchanges with UIC Chicago and
UWE Bristol for Planning students. -
- Regular Newsletter on International activities
27Internationalization Project
In 2005 we have approved a project to fund
international activities in this context
- The Environmental Simulation Laboratory set by
prof. Beter Bossellman UC Berkeley, Hanoi
University, Fellowship with MIT -
- The two Labs for International cooperation a
first project is being funded in Cuba - The participation to the Tender for The Dubai
Urban Development Plan - An International Lecture Series
- - The funding for supporting the preparation of
VII Framework proposals - The support for the training of the
administrative Staff - The Council has decided to re-fund for the next
two years the Internationalisation project
28DiAP 2010 The Department Strategic Plan
- Strated in 2006 with the objective of reflecting
upon the Dept. Identity, Mission, Aims - General Workshops and Working groups to develop a
strategic Agenda - Main strengths
- trans-disciplinary character
- a prominent position in some fields
- a good international network
- a positive reputation in the society at large
- Main weaknesses
- the great dimension and the difficulty of
cooperation between areas - the great pressure upon the administrative
structure - the ageing of the teaching staff
- Values agreed to be preserved
- autonomy responsibility pluralism openness
transparency participation
29DiAP 2010 The Department Strategic Plan
- Strategic orientations
- New instruments for cooperation
- A strategy for generational change
- Stabilisation of precarious jobs
- Organizational innovation
- Internationalization
- Enhance civil and public role of the Department
- Favour research experimentation
- Clarifying better the relation with Metis
- Communication and dissemination of research
products - Sustain the young academics research
- A project for merging and coordinating PhD
Programmes - Sustaining Masters courses and permanent
education - An integrated project for the 4 libraries
- A reference service for on-line resources and
data-bases - Efficiency of computer services
- A department internal and external communication
30DiAP 2010 The Department Strategic Plan
- 17. Re-launching Territorio and other
publications - 18. Defining a pluriennal investment strategy
- 19. Budget flexibility for research projects
- 20. Helping the access to resources for all the
disciplinary areas - 21. Develop co-funding system from research
fellowships to Masters etc. - On many orientations we have been already active
- A strong policy for new research fellowships and
assistant professors - An independent initiative of technical personnel
to develop open sources for research - The re-funding of the internationalisation
project - A committee for the re-organisation of PhDs
- Co-funding of Masters
- Re-organisation of libraries
- New technical staff for computer and network
services - A project for the coordinated image of the Dept.
- Data-base for scientific credentials
- 2008 Department Conference
- Multiple training programmes for the staff
31The Peer Review
- The Peer Review preparation has been so far
extremely interesting to give information and
awareness of the many activities of the research
groups - It has been also a positive push to reflect upon
possible aggregations and links between groups - We are in a transition phase from a University
model in which professionals or ivory tower
intellectuals came to the university just to
teach and to do some publicly funded research, to
a phase in which the Department is the place of
investment for all the staff, where research
and teaching are strictly intertwined, and that
is a relevant actor committed to serve the
society -
- We are sure that you, with your expertise and
external vision can help us in pursuing this
objective -
32The Peer Review
- In the first months of 2008 the Peer Review
process has come to its conclusion. It involved
the whole Politecnico of Milano through a direct
benchmarking of every Department with its
international same level equivalent. - DiAP has been evaluated by a panel of
internationally reknown experts - Patsy Healey, chair of Committee, Newcastle
University - Patrick Le Galès, Cevipof of Sciences Po Paris
- Antonio Font, Universitat Politècnica de
Catalunya - Francisco Barata Fernandez, University of Oporto
- Jean-Michel Leniaud, Ecole Pratique des Hautes
Etudes, Sorbonne - The production of a self-evaluation report has
been complemented with visits and meetings within
the 24 groups of the 6 research lines of DiAP. - The results are positive Politecnico has been
valuated as Good at international level. - Concerning DiAP
- 98 of teachers participated to Peer Review (94
is the average for Politecnico). - 63 of research groups have been valuated as
Excellent or Good at international level (55 is
the average for Politecnico). - 70 of DiAP teachers belong to groups valuated
as Excellent or Good (64 is the average for