Title: Moorings and Current Meters
1Moorings and Current Meters
- Ellen Martinsek
- EPS 131
- December 14, 2005
- Moorings
- Purpose
- Deployment Recovery
- Specific Projects
- Current Meters
- Different Methods of Measuring Current
- Acoustic Doppler Measurements
- Applications
- Connection between water surface and
instrumentation in the ocean below the surface
4Deployment Recovery
- Difficult since the mooring cable breaks if moved
too quickly - Need to keep instruments and data safe
5Back to WHOI
- Sub-Surface Mooring Operations Group over 90
instrument and data recovery
6North Pole Environmental Observatory
- First year-round mooring at the North Pole
retrieved in April 2002 - Purpose to see how the Arctic Ocean influences
global climate
Retrieving a mooring that has been collecting
oceanographic data from the Arctic Ocean for a
year at the NSFs North Pole Environmental
Observatory Photo Credit Peter West/National
Science Foundation
7Monterey Ocean Observing System (MOOS) test
8MOOS test mooring
- Biggest engineering problem creating a cable
that can stay intact! - 11 days after the first deployment (December 3,
2002) the cable snapped ? had to redesign it
before finally redeploying on April 23, 2004.
9Measuring Current
- Mechanical current meters
- Electromagnetic current meters
- Acoustic Travel Time current meters
- Acoustic Doppler measurements
10Acoustic Doppler measurements
- Why sound is good to use
- The Doppler Effect
- Back Scatter Sonar How It Works
11Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)
Constant frequency pings transmitted
Ricochet off suspended particles and reflect back
Calculate speed of particle and surrounding water
using Doppler shift
12Applications of Current Profiling
- Climatic Research
- Ports and Harbors
- Fish Farming
- Pollution Control
- Moorings serve as a connection between the water
surface (which itself is connected via satellite
to labs onshore) and instruments in the ocean - An important example of such instrumentation is
the current profiler in particular, the ADCP
- http//www.pmel.noaa.gov/vents/nemo1999/logbook/ca
l062399/ - http//www.mbari.org/news/homepage/2004/moosII.htm
l - http//www.whoi.edu/institutes/occi/currenttopics/
ct_oms_stationw.html - http//www.washington.edu/newsroom/news/2002archiv
e/05-02archive/npfactsheet.html - http//www.antarctica.ac.uk/BAS_Science/programmes
2000-2005/DYNAMOE/Moorings/index.html - http//walrus.wr.usgs.gov/mcgaw/depmoor.html
- http//pulson.seos.uvic.ca/lecture.html
- http//www.soc.soton.ac.uk/OED/gxg/Single_Point_CM
s.pdf - http//www.aanderaa.com/docs/RDCP_600_D343.pdf
- http//www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/03/ma0329.htm