Title: P20 Council
1 P20 Council Survey of Opinion Concerning
Descriptions Summary of Results Pueblo,
Colorado October 16, 2008Â Ken Turner (Deputy
Commissioner) and Jo OBrien (Assistant
Commissioner) Colorado Department of Education
2Senate Bill 08-212 calls for describing four
- 21st Century Skills
- School Readiness
- Postsecondary Readiness
- Workforce Readiness
The following slides describe results from an
online survey of Coloradoans. The survey was
conducted in October 2008. Over 3,600
individuals responded.
3Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
4Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
5Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
6Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
7Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
8Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
9Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
10Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
11Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
12Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
13Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
14Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
15Key concepts arising from survey
-Â Competency matters more than seat time -Â A
key aspect of readiness is 21st century skills
(not 19 different skills, but four or five
including problem solving, critical reasoning,
cooperation, etc) -Â Students who are "ready"
for the world after high school should be
equipped to do more than be accepted into a
postsecondary institution but to earn a degree or
license -Â None or very little remediation
should be the norm   - Students who succeed
in the postsecondary world can demonstrate the
knowledge/skills/competencies found in the exit
expectations of remediation courses currently
used by higher education Â
16Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
17Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
18Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
19Results from an online survey of Coloradoans
20Under HB 07-1118 a series of community
conversations took place. Open ended questions
formed the foundation for that
 Open ended HB 1118 questions included    -Â
How will the 21st century shape new academic
needs and skills? Â Â Â -Â What do you know about
the business world that we must consider in order
for you to be well served? Â Â Â -Â What are the
fundamental skills you consider critical for
success in your industry for today's job
candidate? Â Â Â -Â What should it mean to be a
high school graduate? Â Â Â -Â What are the new
minimum requirements for students to be
competitive globally?    - What are your
non-negotiable skills for new employees? Â Â Â -Â
What type of training do you have in place to
prepare new employees or to retrain existing
employees? Â
21Â Â Â -Â What do you expect for all students who
graduate from a HS in Colorado (and what are the
obstacles to that)? Â Â Â -Â What changes or
incentives should or could be implemented in
order to remove those obstacles? Â Â Â -Â What
should we know from your work which informs our
recommendations to SBE about HS grad
guidelines? Â Â Â -Â What are the barriers that
prevent a student from graduating? Â Â Â -Â What
should a high school graduate know and be able to
do? Â Â Â -Â What would you like to see come out of
the Council's work? Â Â Â -Â How can high schools
motivate students to do their best work? Â Â Â -Â
For what should we be preparing high school