Title: English Electives
1English Electives
2Fundamentals of Writing1 semester / .5 credit
Grades 10, 11, 12
321st Century Literacy I, II
1 or 2 semesters .5 credit per sem. Grades
10, 11, 12
1 semester .5 credit
Grades 10, 11, 12
5Journalism1 year / 1 credit
Grades 10, 11, 12
6Newspaper I-III1 year / 1 credit
Grades 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite Journalism
the viking
7Photojournalism I-III1 year / 1 credit
LVHS award-winning Saga
Grades 10, 11, 12
8Public Speaking1 semester .5 credit
Now hear this!
Grades 10, 11, 12
9Drama I-IV1 year 1 credit
Grades 10, 11, 12
10Technical Theatre1 year / 1 credit
Grades 11, 12
11Creative Writing1 semester .5 credit
Grades 11, 12
12Advanced Composition1 semester / .5 credit
Grades 11, 12
13World Literature1 semester / .5 credit
Grades 11, 12
14AP Lang/Comp OR AP Lit Which AP English is
right for me?
AP Lang/Comp AP Literature Texts Nonfiction
Fiction Print visual Mostly print Essays,
letters, Novels, poems, plays speeches,
research Writing Analysis of texts Analysis of
texts Writing in domain (argument/ persuasive
essays) For students Any field of
study English, English education, linguistics,
majoring in literature, writing,
classics Also for students who love English
but do not intend to major in it.
15Literary Magazine
1 year / No credit but GREAT experience Grades
10, 11, 12