What is Particulate Matter and How does it Vary? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What is Particulate Matter and How does it Vary?


Chemical Composition of PM vs. Size. Optical Properties of PM. Resource Links ... Physical, Chemical and Optical Properties. PM is characterized by its ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What is Particulate Matter and How does it Vary?

What is Particulate Matter and How does it Vary?
  • What is Particulate Matter?
  • How Does PM Vary?
  • The Influence of Emissions, Dilution and
  • Resource Links

Contact Rudolf Husar, rhusar_at_mecf.wustl.edu
Figure 1. Aerosol Size Distribution and Morphology
Click figure to enlarge
  • Purposes of the illustration
  • Size spectra over 4 decades, modes
  • Particle shapes, electron micrographs
  • Chemical composition by size

What is Particulate Matter?
  • The term Particulate Matter or aerosol, refers to
    liquid or solid particles suspended in the air.
    Depending on their origin and visual appearance,
    aerosols have acquired different names in the
    everyday language.
  • Dust refers to solid airborne material, dispersed
    into aerosol from grainy powders such as soil.
  • Combustion processes produce smoke particles, but
    the incombustible residues of coal are called
  • In the early days, air pollution had the
    appearance of both smoke and fog, so the term
    smog was created.
  • In the open atmosphere, the visibility may often
    be reduced by regional haze, originating from
    various natural or anthropogenic sources.
  • Neither water droplets of fog and clouds, snow,
    rain, sleet (hydrometors) nor dust particles
    larger than 100 um (blowing sand) are considered
    to be particulate matter

On the Origin PM2.5 in the Atmosphere - Fragment
  • At this time, the most reliable means of
    identifying the origin of PM2.5 is the chemical
    analysis of the the PM samples which reveals that
    most of PM2.5 is composed of secondary sulfates,
    organics and nitrates.
  • Identifying the PM2.5 precursor sources is
    elusive since they occur 100 or 1000 miles from
    the receptor. Also, the chemical transformations
    involve many factors including photochemical
    oxidants and cloud interactions.
  • Primary PM2.5 such as soot and fine dust can be
    traced based on chemical signatures since each PM
    source type produces particles with specific
    physical, chemical and optical signature.

Contact Rudolf Husar, rhusar_at_mecf.wustl.edu
Properties of Particulate Matter
  • Physical, Chemical and Optical Properties
  • Size Range of Particulate Matter
  • Mass Distribution of PM vs. Size PM10, PM2.5
  • Fine and Coarse Particles
  • Fine Particles - PM2.5
  • Coarse Particle Fraction - PM10-PM2.5
  • Chemical Composition of PM vs. Size
  • Optical Properties of PM
  • Resource Links

Contact Rudolf Husar, rhusar_at_mecf.wustl.edu
Physical, Chemical and Optical Properties
  • PM is characterized by its physical, chemical and
    optical properties
  • The physical properties include particle size and
    particle shape. The particle size refers to
    particle diameter or equivalent diameter for
    odd shaped particles. The particle shape of may
    be liquid droplets, regular or irregular shaped
    crystals or aggregates of odd shape.
  • Their chemical composition may also vary from
    dilute water solution of acids or salts, organic
    liquids, to earth's crust materials (dust), soot
    (unburned carbon) and toxic metals.
  • The optical properties determine the visual
    appearance of dust, smoke and haze and include
    light extinction, scattering and absorption . The
    optical properties are determined by the physical
    and chemical properties of the ambient PM.
  • Each PM source type produces particles with
    specific physical, chemical and optical
    signature. Hence, PM may be viewed as several
    pollutants since each aerosol type has its own
    properties, sources and requires different
    control control

Size Range of Particulate Matter
  • The size of aerosol particles ranges from about
    tens of nanometers (nm) which corresponds to
    molecular aggregates to tens of microns of the
    size of human hair.
  • The smallest particles are generally more
    numerous and the number distribution of particles
    generally peaks below 0.1 um. The size range
    below 0.1 um is also referred to as ultrafine
  • The largest particles (0.1-10 um) are small in
    number but contain most of the aerosol volume
    (mass). The volume (mass) distribution can have
    two or tree peaks (modes). The bi-modal mass
    distribution has two peaks.
  • The peak of the aerosol surface area distribution
    is always between the number and the volume peaks

Mass Distribution of PM vs. Size PM10, PM2.5
  • Usually, the PM mass is plotted vs. the log of
    particle diameter
  • The mass distribution tends to be bi-modal with
    the saddle in the 1-3 um size rage
  • PM10 refers to the fraction of the PM mass less
    than 10 um in diameter
  • PM2.5 or fine mass are less than 2.5 um in size.
  • The difference between PM10 and PM2.5 constitutes
    the coarse fraction
  • The fine and coarse particles have different
    sources, properties and effects. Many of the
    known environmental impacts (health, visibility,
    acid deposition) are attributed to PM2.5.

Fine and Coarse Particles
  • There is a natural division of atmospheric
    particulates into Fine and Coarse fraction based
    on particle size.
  • The fine and coarse particles originate from
    different sources, their formation mechanisms,
    transport distance, their properties and effects
    are also different.
  • Many of the known environmental impacts on
    health, acid deposition, visibility, and
    corrosion are associated with the fine particles

Fine Particles - PM2.5
  • The majority (over 90) of the PM2.5 mass over
    the US is of secondary origin, formed within the
    atmosphere through gas-particle conversion of
    precursor gases such as sulfur oxides, nitrogen
    oxides and organics. The resulting secondary
    aerosol products are sulfates, organics and
  • Some PM2.5 is emitted as primary emissions from
    industrial activities and motor vehicles
    including soot (unburned carbon), trace metals
    and oily residues.
  • Fine particles are mostly droplets except for
    soot which is in the form of chain aggregates.
  • Over the industrialized regions of the US
    anthropogenic emissions from fossil fuel
    combustion contribute most of the PM2.5. In
    remote areas biomass burning, windblown dust, and
    sea salt also contribute.

Coarse Particles - PM10-PM2.5
  • Coarse particles are primary in that they are
    emitted as windblown dust and sea spray in
    coastal areas. Anthropogenic coarse particle
    sources include flyash from coal combustion and
    road dust from automobiles
  • The chemical composition of the coarse particle
    fraction is similar to that of the earth's crust
    or the sea but sometimes coarse particles also
    carry trace metals and nitrates.
  • Coarse particles are removed from the atmosphere
    by settling, impaction to surfaces and by
    precipitation. Their atmospheric residence time
    is generally less than a day, and their typical
    transport distance is below a few hundred km.
    Some dust storms tend to lift the dust to several
    km altitude, which increase the transport
    distance to many thousand km.

Chemical Composition of PM vs. Size
  • The chemical species that make up the PM occur at
    different sizes.
  • For example in Los Angeles, ammonium and sulfate
    occur in the fine mode, lt2.5 um in diameter.
    Carbonaceous soot, organic compounds and trace
    metals tend to be in the fine particle mode
  • The sea salt components, sodium and chloride
    occur in the coarse fraction, gt 2.5 um.
    Wind-blown and fugitive dust also mainly in the
    coarse mode.
  • Nitrates may occur in fine and coarse modes.

Optical Properties of PM
  • Particles effectively scatter and absorb solar
  • The scattering efficiency per aerosol mass is
    highest at about 0.5 um. This is why, say, 10 ug
    of fine particles (0.2ltDlt1 um) scatter over ten
    times more than 10 ug of coarse particles (Dgt2.5

How Does PM Vary?Spatially, temporally, with
particle size and by chemical composition
  • As all pollutants, the ambient aerosol
    concentration patterns contain endless
    variability in space and time. However, unlike
    gaseous pollutants, particulate matter also
    depends on particle size, shape and chemical
  • The chemically rich aerosol mix arises from the
    multiplicity of PM sources, each having a unique
    chemical signature at the source.
  • The primary aerosol chemical composition is
    further enriched by the addition of secondary
    species during atmospheric transport.
  • The effective mixing in the lower atmosphere
    stirs these primary and secondary particles into
    an externally mixed batch with various degrees of
    homogeneity, depending on location and time.
  • Lastly, repeated cloud scavenging and evaporation
    tends to mix the particles from different sources
    internally into particles with mixed composition.
  • The result is a heterogeneous PM pattern that is
    probably unparalleled in the domain of
    atmospheric sciences. For instance it is common
    to find soot particles within sulfate droplets,
    or nitrate deposited on sea salt particles.

The Influence of Emissions, Dilution and
  • The PM concentration, C, at any given location
    and time is determined by the combined
    interaction of emissions, E, atmospheric
    dilution, D, and chemical transformation and
    removal, T, processes
  • C f (E, D, T)
  • Each of the three processes has its own pattern
    at secular, yearly, weekly, synoptic, diurnal and
    micro time scales.
  • The yearly, weekly and the diurnal scales are

Resource Links
  • Workbook Table of Contents
  • Comment and Feedback Page
  • Applications / Reports
  • Data sets used in the Applications
  • Methods and tools used in the Applications
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