Chapter 10: More on Classes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 10: More on Classes


... will use it to create a collection of CDs, or an array of CDs ... Find a specific CD and print out its information or remove it from the collection (delete it) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 10: More on Classes

Chapter 10 More on Classes
  • Here, we look in more detail at the design and
    use of classes
  • Much of this chapter will only be briefly
    highlighted as the contents are more appropriate
    for CSC 262
  • But we will examine visibility modifiers, static
    members and the this reference here
  • We will try to obtain a better idea of
    information hiding as this is a very important
  • We will only briefly introduce inheritance and
    related topics
  • And then we will focus on the idea of an array of
    objects and see how we might implement use them

Visibility Modifiers revisited
  • Recall from chapter 9 that we noted that entities
    in a class can be defined as public or private
  • Now we can get a better feel for what these mean
  • public is used to define the class interface
  • The interface is how other objects will
    communicate with this object
  • The interface should be limited to only those
    things that another object should have access to
  • This will be those methods and data that are
    provided for external usage
  • private is used to define class entities that
    should be protected
  • Instance data should always be private
  • Methods that are only used internally should be
    private, methods that are to be called from other
    objects should be public
  • Recall the Rational class that we examined from
    chapter 9, gcd( ) and reduce( ) were two methods
    that were only called from inside, and so these
    methods were made private

The static Modifier
  • static, as used in Java, is meant to convey that
    this defined item can be used independently of
    any specific object
  • The static methods that we had previously written
    in the program with the main method meant that
    you did not need to first instantiate an object
    of the class to call any of those methods
  • If we choose to make a method static, it can then
    be called by specifying the class itself rather
    than an object as in Math.sqrt()
  • We can also make instance data static
  • This results in having a single instance of the
    instance data, shared by all objects
  • There are few reasons to make instance data or
    methods static and we are only forced to do this
    if the class has a main method
  • The book offers an example where all Employee
    objects variable taxRate see pages 381-382

The this Reference
  • this is a reference to this object
  • We can use this if code inside the object must
    refer to the object itself
  • The simplest example occurs in a constructor
    where we want to reference this objects instance
    data rather than a parameter

public class ThisExample private int
x private int y public
ThisExample(int x, int y) this.x
x this.y y
By using this.x, the Java compiler knows that the
left-hand variable is the instance data x in the
class and the right-hand variable is the parameter
The this reference is not needed in most cases
although it is very useful when implementing
  • One of the strengths of object-oriented
    programming is the ability to define a class as
    being an extension of a previous class
  • The new class is a subclass
  • The previous class is the parent class
  • The subclass inherits everything from the parent
    class so that the subclass is building on top of
    what was previously written
  • Consider that I write a Window class
  • You extend it to be a WordProcessorWindow class
  • Someone else extends your WordProcessorWindow
    class to be a WordProcessorWithGraphicsWindow
    class, etc

Controlling Inheritance
  • All classes in Java have a single parent
  • If no parent is specified, Java defaults the
    parent to Object
  • Note Java does not allow a class to have
    multiple parents, unlike C and other OO
  • To extend a class, use the term extends class
    as in
  • public class GradStudent extends Student
  • To specify what aspects of a parent class can be
    inherited, use visibility modifiers
  • public available to all classes
  • private available to no outside classes
  • protected available to no outside classes
    except for extended classes (subclasses)
  • We will cover this in much greater detail in CSC
    262, here we will skip a majority of chapter 10

Arrays of Objects
  • There is no restriction on the type of item
    stored in the array
  • Earlier we saw arrays of integers, floats, chars
    and Strings
  • Strings are objects
  • We can similarly store other objects in an array
  • Define your class, such as exampleClass
  • Create an array of exampleClass, such as
  • Create an instance of arrayExampleClass
  • We will develop an example momentarily

Example Array of CDs
  • We previously defined an object that stored an
    array, now we will create a class and then define
    an array of objects of that class
  • Consider a CD Library
  • Each CD has certain attributes or values such as
    group name, CD title, price, number of songs
  • We create a class called CD with these data
  • The class will need a constructor, a toString
    method and methods to access a given CDs
  • Since the constructor receives parameters that
    are the values of the group name, CD title, price
    and number of songs, we dont need methods to
    change these values once the CD has been created
  • CD class follows on the next slide

CD Class
import java.text.NumberFormat public class CD
private String artist, cdTitle
private double cost private int
numSongs public CD(String name, String
title, double price, int num) artist
name cdTitle title cost price numSongs
num public String getArtist( )
return artist public
String getTitle( ) return
public double getCost( ) return
cost public int getNumberOfSongs( )
return numSongs public
String toString( ) NumberFormat
nf NumberFormat. getCurrencyInstance( )
return artist "\t" cdTitle "\t"
nf.format(cost) "\t" numSongs
CD Library
  • Now that we have a class, CD, we will use it to
    create a collection of CDs, or an array of CDs
  • We define a new class, CDCollection
  • It contains at least two items
  • CD collection collection is the array of CD
  • int count the number of items currently in the
  • We could also keep track of
  • totalValue (the total cost of all CDs in the
  • numberOfArtists (the total number of different
  • The class will have methods to
  • Construct the collection object
  • Add a CD to the array
  • Print out the entire CD collection
  • Find a specific CD and print out its information
    or remove it from the collection (delete it)
  • Find all of the CDs by a specific artist

The CD Library Class
A partial definition public class CDLibrary
private CD collection private
int size public CDLibrary( )
collection new CD100 size 0
public CDLibrary(int maxSize)
collection new CDmaxSize size 0
other methods here
Notice two constructors, one that sets the array
size to 100 and one that sets the array size to
whatever we want it to be initially We could add
a totalValue variable and other instance data if
we want, but we wont bother in this example
Adding a CD
  • Here we see a method to add a new CD
  • All it does is make sure that there is still room
    in the array and then adds a newly constructed CD
    to the first freely available location

public void addCD(String title, String artist,
double value, int tracks) if (count lt
collectioncount new CD(title, artist, value,
tracks) count else
System.out.println("Cannot add new CD array
calls CD constructor to create new CD object
add the new CD at the first free location (which
is at position count)
Increment count to point to the next free
location in the array
How addCD Works
Count 3, we have elements in locations
0-2 Our next entry will be added to 3
and then we increment Count to 4 What if
Count 99, we cannot add something to
element 100! We could add an increaseSize(
) method which creates a new array twice the
size of the current array, and copies the old
array into the new one, now we have room to add
the new CD
Count 3 0 1 2 3 4
CD CD CD Object 1 Object 2 Object 3
The searchGroup Method
public void searchGroup(String target)
int i, matches 0 System.out.println("Sear
ching for CDs by " target)
for(i0iltcounti) if(collectioni.getArtis
t( ).equals(target))
matches System.out.print("Number of
CDs from " target) System.out.println("i
s " matches)
  • Here, we have a method that searches for all CDs
    by a given artist
  • If there is a match, the CD is output and we add
    1 to matches, counting the number of CDs by this

Note this calls CDs toString( ) method
Lets examine collectioni.getArtist(
).equals(target) collectioni is an
element of collection, so it is a CD
collectioni.getArtist( ) passes the message
getArtist( ) to the CD object the CD object
will return the artists name
collectioni.getArtist( ).equals(target)
compares this name to the String target, and is
either true or false
A deleteCD Method
  • This method searches for the CD that matches both
    artist and title, and once found, deletes it in a
    similar way to deleting an int from an int array

public void deleteCD(String artist, String
title) int i, j, location -1
if(collectioni.getArtistName( ).equals(artist)
collectioni.getTitle( ).equals(title))
location i if(location -1)
System.out.println("CD not found! ") else
collectioncount-1 count--
System.out.println("CD deleted ")

We move the last CD into the deleted CDs place
and then subtract 1 from count thus making the
array 1 fewer (in fact, the last CD now is
stored twice, but we never access the last one
since count is now 1 fewer
Find a CD
If we want to find a specific CD for some reason
(for instance, to see how much it cost), we use
much the same strategy as the deleteCD method
but instead of deleting the CD once found, we do
something else Here, once found, we just print
out the CDs information
public void findAndPrintCD(String artist, String
title) boolean found false
int i 0 while(!found i lt count)
).equals(artist) collectioni.getTitle(
).equals(title)) found true
else i if(found) System.out.println(co
llectioni) else
System.out.println("CD not found!")
Once the CD is found, we could also allow the
user to update/change some of its values creating
an updateCD method
CD Collection User Class
  • Now we must define a CD Collection User class
  • In essence, CD Collection represents a database
    of CDs
  • The CD Collection User is the interface with the
  • The user will want to control the CD Collection
    class by specifying things like
  • I want to add a CD
  • I want to find all CDs by artist X
  • I want to delete a CD
  • I want to print out the entire collection
  • This class will create an object of type
  • It will then use a menu-driven approach to allow
    the user to input a command (add, find artist,
    delete, print, etc) and pass a message to the
    appropriate CDCollection method
  • A complete example of this database is given on
    the web site

Common Errors
  • Mis-declaring class members (data members or
    member functions) to the wrong visibility type
  • Making data members public
  • Making methods that should be called from outside
  • Not making data members or member functions
    protected if they should be inherited
  • Misusing static in general, dont use it unless
    you are defining methods along with your main
  • Not making an array large enough to store all
    the necessary entities
  • Forgetting to modify number/count which denote
    the number of items stored in your array when
    adding or deleting
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