Title: Folie 1
1Investigation of Potentially Critical
Interference Environments for GPS/Galileo Mass
Market ReceiversGNSS Signals 2007Christian
Weber, Andriy Konovaltsev, Michael Meurer DLR
Presentation Christian Weber (christian.weber_at_dl
2Common View on GPS/Galileo
- GPS is located in a protected frequency band and
does not have to compete with other services in
L1 - Allowed Services are (in Germany)
- Fixed Service
- Military Use
- Galileo will allocate new frequency bands and
therefore will have to compete
gt Future mass market receivers will track
Galileo AND GPS with larger bandwidths than
traditional GPS receivers. Therefore, the
situation for GPS changes as well, as former
unused frequencies are suddenly used.
3Measurements on a train by DLR
- Part of GJU-funded GIRASOLE project
- Measurements during train ride
- Route leading from Munich to Hamburg
- Measurements in L1/E1 E6 E5a/b
- Snapshots of approx. 25 ms every 1.5 minutes
- Produced gt 160 GBytes of measurements
4Measurement Campaign Equipment
- Measurement van (property of ESA)
- Spectrum Analyser
- ESA-Equipment
- Agilent E4443A
- GPS-Systems
- Ashtech G12
- Leica GSP1200
- Antennas
- Hemispherical Antenna
- GPS-Antennas
- Directional Antennas
5Encounter Wideband Interference
- 7 MHz wide
- -87.4 dBm average Power
- Equals to 42.6 dB Interference-to-Signal-Ratio
GPS carrier
Galileo BOC(1,1) carriers
6Encounter Wideband Interference
- 7 MHz wide
- -87.4 dBm average Power
- Equals to 42.6 dB Interference-to-Signal-Ratio
- TDMA system
- Slot size 552 µs
- Used over whole L1 band
GPS carrier
Galileo BOC(1,1) carriers
7Encounter Wideband Interference
- 7 MHz wide
- -87.4 dBm average Power
- Equals to 42.6 dB Interference-to-Signal-Ratio
- TDMA system
- Slot size 552 µs
- Used over whole L1 band
- Several sub carriers with 2 MHz bandwidth each
GPS carrier
Galileo BOC(1,1) carriers
8Multiple Encounters 1st Encounter at Bremen
Train Station
9Multiple Encounters Located between Bremen and
10Multiple Encounters Hamburg
Train Station
Hamburg Harbour
11Modeling of Interference
- Red generated Signal
- 3x BPSK (2 MHz symbol rate)
- Rectangular symbols
- 3 MHz between carriers
- 7 MHz total
- Time Slots of 552 µs
- Blue measured band limited Signal
The blue and red signals have different power
levels for visibility only!
12Impact Equipment and Assumptions
- DLR Software Receiver
- GPS/Galileo/GIOVE-A Acquisition and Tracking
- 4 MHz Bandwidth (3 dB), 4 Bit ADC
- Code Tracking 20 ms Integration 1 Hz Loop
Bandwidth - Carrier Tracking 10 ms Integration 5 Hz Loop
Bandwidth - Hardware
- Generators
- Extended Spirent 7790 GNSS Signal Generator (DLR
MASTER) - Agilent E8267D Signal Generator
- Receivers
- NordNAV R30 (4 MHz, 4 Bit ADC)
- Novatel Aviation Receiver
- In both cases Simulation with worst case
(Interference on L1 centre frequency)
13Impact Software Results - GPS
- Loss of Lock at 35 dB ISR
- Unable to Acquire at 25 dB ISR
14Impact Software Results - Galileo E1
- Loss of Lock at 35 dB ISR
- Unable to Acquire at 30 dB ISR
15Impact Hardware Results for GPS
- NordNAV
- Loss of Lock at 40 dB ISR
- Unable to Acquire at 33 dB ISR
- Novatel
- Loss of Lock at 40 dB ISR
- Unable to Acquire at 26 dB ISR
Remember The measured average power was 42.6 dB
16Conclusions and Future Work
- Conclusions
- An interference source was identified that is a
potentially big threat to Galileo AND future GPS
receivers - The interference was categorised and modelled to
be of wideband TDMA structure - The impact on future Galileo AND GPS receivers
was verified by software and hardware tools and
is considered as potentially severe - Future Work
- Further analysis of the existing measurements to
identify more potential interference - Identification of this TDMA interference source
- Usage of this information for detection and
mitigation purposes
17Thank You!