Title: Chapter 1: Benefits and Risks Associated With Exercise
1Chapter 1 Benefits and Risks Associated With
How we keep our jobs Benefits of Exercise How
not to lose jobs Risks Associated with Exercise
- Attitudes about exercise vs. physical activity
have changed in recent years - Movement away from supervised, controlled,
expensive exercise programming - Physical Activity bodily movement that is
produced by contraction of skeletal muscle and
that substantially increases energy expenditure - (less than 20 minutes per session, at less
than 50 of VO2max or equal to 3-6 METS, 3-4 mph
walking or 15-20 minutes/miles) - EXERCISE a subclass of physical activity
planned, structural, and repetitive bodily
fitness - PHYSICAL FITNESS set of attributes that people
have or achieve that relates to the ability to
perform PA
2 Surgeon General Report on Physical Activity and
Health (CDC, 1996) Significant health benefits
can be obtained by including a moderate amount of
physical activity (e.g., 30 minutes of brisk
walking, or raking leaves, 15 minutes of running,
or 45 minutes of playing volleyball) on most, if
not all, days of the week. Through a modest
increase in daily activity, most Americans can
improve their health and quality of
life. Additional health benefits can be gained
through greater amounts of physical activity.
People who can maintain a regular regimen of
activity that is of longer duration or of more
vigorous intensity are likely to derive greater
benefits TAKE HOME MESSAGE Some activity is
better than none and more activity is better than
3Benefits of Regular Physical Activity and/or
Exercise PAGE 5, Box 1-1 in your Textbook (the
GREEN box) 2 BIG categories Improvement in
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Function and
Reduction in Coronary Artery Disease Risk
4Risks of Testing
- Safety depends on knowing when not to perform
the test - when to terminate the test
- Risk of death during or immediately after
exercise testing is less than or equal to .01 - Risk of acute MI during or immediately after
exercise testing is less than or equal to .04 - Risk of a complication requiring hospitalization
(including acute MI and/or serious arrhythmias)
is less than or equal to .2 - RISK OF SUBMAXIMAL TESTING IS EVEN LOWER
5Characteristics Associated With Exercise-Related
Cardiovascular Complications (Circulation 1978
57 920-924) PAGE 13, Box 1-2 (GREEN BOX)
6- Reducing Risk of Complications During Exercise
- Ensure medical clearance and follow-up
- Provide on-site medical supervision, if
necessary - Establish an Emergency Plan
- Promote participation in education
- Initially encourage mild to moderate exercise
intensity - Use continuous or instantaneous EKG monitoring
for selected patients - Emphasize proper warm-up and cool-down before
and after vigorous exercise, including stretching - Modify recreational game rules and minimize
competition - Maintain supervision during the recovery period
- Take precautions in the cold
- Consider added cardiac demands in the heat and