Title: openBmap'org
1 openBmap.org
- A global map of communicating objects
creative commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
2Use case 1 Taking photos with your GPS mobile
Send Photos and GeoTags to your ISP account
Private domain
GeoTags are GSM datas and/or GPS datas
links to your ISP account
update your facebook account
Your Facebook account
Mapping manager
3Use case 2 Take photos with your mobile phone
Send Photos and GeoTags to your ISP account
Private domain
GPS GeoTag requested from GSM GeoTag
links to your ISP account
update your facebook account
Your Facebook account
Mapping manager
4RealtimeBlog mobile application
Photos jpg files
GeoTag XML files
ltlogfile part_number"HTC123456789" gt ltscan
time"20080615224933"gt ltgsm mcc"208"
mnc"01" lac"38662" id"421" ss"-51" /gt
ltgps time"20080615204933" lat"48,74" lng"2,32"
alt"100" /gt lt/scangt lt/logfilegt
Private domain
5GeoTag files manager
- generates kml files from your Photos and GeoTag
files - Use case 1 sends GSM and GPS GeoTags to Mapping
manager - Use case 2 receives GPS GeoTags from Mapping
Photos and timestamps are not sent outside your
private domain (no tracking possible)?
Private domain
6Mapping manager
- collects raw GeoTags - GPS and GSM datas
(online)? - processes raw data to generate zones (offline
java program)? - provides access to previously generated zones
(online) - kml files
- REST service
7RealtimeBlog facebook application
- Manages facebook users and openBmap users
- Notifies your facebook friends with your photo
uploads with links to the previously kml files
8 openBmap.org