Title: 1970s to Modern America
11970s to Modern America 1. How did Gerald Ford
become President? 2. What goal did Ford have in
regards to the office of the President? 3. What
event cast a shadow on the integrity of Fords
Presidency? 4. What was the primary domestic
concern for much of Fords administration? 5.
Which 1970s politician was known as an
outsider 6. Explain how he was an outsider? 7.
How did Carter try to deal with the energy crisis
in America? 8. What did the Carter administration
do with the Panama Canal? 9. The Camp David
Accords were an agreement between which
nations? 10. Who was the Ayatollah Khomeini? 11.
Which book of the 70s helped raise concerns over
the environment? 12. How did the government
respond to the increased concerns? 13. What
occurred at Three Mile Island that concerned many
Americans? 14. Who won the election of 1980? 15.
Which political group is given the credit for the
philosophical shift in government? 16. Name the
economic system that promoted lower taxes in
order to spur economic growth? 17. Who did
President Reagan call the evil empire? 18. What
is the Star Wars System? 19. What industry had
to be rescued by the federal government due to
deregulation? 20. Which man followed Reagans
eight year term? 21. What economic problem would
plague his presidency? 22. What is the AIDS
epidemic that started to spread in the 80s? 23.
This woman became the nations first female
Supreme Court Justice during the 80s?
21970s to Modern America 24. This woman became
the first female to run on a major ticket as a
candidate for Vice-President? 25. Name the
political scandal that erupted over military
support of an anti-communist group in
Nicaragua? 26. What major event in the Cold War
happened in 1989? 27. Who was the leader of the
Soviet Union during its last few years in
existence? 28. What policy did he use to open
political speech in the USSR? 29. What policy did
he use to reform the economic system of the
USSR? 30. Which man became the new leader of
Russia after a communist coup attempt failed in
1991. 31. What did Iraq do in 1990 that angered
much of the world? 32. What was the name of the
military operation to force Iraqs
withdrawal? 33. Name the three candidates in the
1992 election? 34. The main point of that
campaign was what issue? 35. Identify NAFTA? 36.
Identify the Brady Bill? 37. What was the name
for the Republican partys goal to reduce the
size of the government? 38. What events seemed to
dominate the 2nd term of the Clinton
administration? 39. What was controversial about
the election of 2000? 40. What occurred on Sept.
11th, 2001?