Title: SmokeCheck'org
Educating Wisconsin Retailers To Not Sell Tobacco
2What is SmokeCheck.org? ? State statute requires
that every licensed tobacco retailer train its
employees about state laws prohibiting tobacco
sales to minors AND keep a record of that
training on file. ? SmokeCheck.org is the free,
web-based training curriculum that WI Wins
provides to assist retailers in satisfying this
3How can SmokeCheck.org help retailers? ? Better
trained clerks means fewer sales, which means
fewer fines for both clerks and retailers. If
your clerk is not properly trained and completes
an illegal sale, both the clerk and the retailer
is eligible for a citation. ? Training has never
been easier - a free online training saves you
time and money.
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7Study Guides
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9The Test
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13If you fail
14If you pass
15Certificate (online)
16Certificate (print)
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