Title: Review Session: Monday, Dec' 8
1Review Session Monday, Dec. 8 6 pm BI
212 Exam Wednesday, Dec. 10 1030 am FH 4
2Holiday Concerts Whatcom Chorale Sunday, Dec.
14 3pm and 730 pm WWU PAC Concert Hall Music
by Charpentier, Saint-Saens, Berlioz and some
French carols.
3Figure 14-15 Effect of pH on the initial rate of
the reaction catalyzed by the enzyme fumarase.
Page 487
4Catalytic Mechanism Determination
1) kinetic analysis - what is the kinetic
signature? - mode of inhibition revealed
- determine rates for individual steps - does
order of addition matter? (sequential vs.
Ping-Pong) 2) active site modification
(irreversible inhibitors) - derivatize protein
identify the modified sidechain(s) 3) structure
determination (e.g. RNase A, lysozyme, serine
5Figure 15-3 The bovine pancreatic RNase
Acatalyzed hydrolysis of RNA is a two-step
process with the intermediate formation of a
2,3 -cyclic nucleotide.
Reverse rxn with water as leaving group
His 12 general base Nucleophillic attack His 9
protonates leaving group
Page 499
general acid/base catalysis
6Figure 15-2 The pH dependence of Vmax/KM in the
RNase Acatalyzed hydrolysis of cytidine-2,3
-cyclic phosphate.
Page 499
7Enzymatic catalysis proceeds by one or more of
1) general acid/base catalysis (GABC) 2)
covalent catalysis 3) Metal ion catalysis 4)
electrostatic stabilization 5) proximity effects
6) preferential stabilization of the
8Covalent catalysis
Is characterized by the formation of a covalent
Enz-S adduct that alters the reaction
pathway Nucleophiles many amino acid side
chains (H, K, C, S, D, E, Y), some coenzymes
(TPP) Electrophiles some coenzymes (e.g. PLP)
9Stryer Fig. 9.1
10Stryer Fig. 9.2 Identifying an active ser--Out
of 28 ser, only 195 is labeled
11Figure 15-19 Reaction of TPCK with chymotrypsin
to alkylate His 57.
Page 517
An affinity label
12This assay allows the use of ester hydrolysis to
help formulate a kinetic model for catalysis by
Stryer Fig. 9.3 Chromogenic substrate (like V2
p. 516)
13Slow hydrolysis of ES
Fast release of PNP
Stryer Fig. 9.3 Kinetics indicate a 2-step
14Figure 15-18 Time course of p-nitrophenylacetate
hydrolysis as catalyzed by two different
concentrations of chymotrypsin.
Page 516
15Figure 15-20a X-Ray structure of bovine
trypsin.(a) A drawing of the enzyme in complex
with substrate analog.
Page 518
Similar backbone structrures for chymotrypsin and
16Figure 15-20b X-Ray structure of bovine trypsin.
(b) A ribbon diagram of trypsin.
Page 519
17Figure 15-21 The active site residues of
Page 520
Catalytic Triad
18Stryer Fig. 9.5 Covalent catalysis
19Figure 15-25a Transition state stabilization in
the serine proteases. (a) The Michaelis complex.
Page 524
20Figure 15-25b Transition state stabilization in
the serine proteases. (b) The tetrahedral
Page 524
Preferential binding to transition state 3 new
H bonds from after distortion
21Figure 15-23 Catalytic mechanism ofthe serine
His 57 GB Stablilized by H bond to asp 102
Page 522
Reverse His 57 GA
22Table 15-4 A Selection of Serine Proteases.
Page 516
23Specificity of ser proteases determined by
different binding pockets Chy--slit lined by
hydrophobic residues Tryp- asp at bottom of
pocket Elastase Pocket blocked by val-thr
midway down the pocket.
24Figure 15-20cX-Ray structure of bovine trypsin.
(c) A drawing showing the surface of trypsin
(blue) superimposed on its polypeptide backbone
Page 519
25(No Transcript)
26Example of convergent evolution.
27Figure 15-22 Relative positions of the active
site residues in subtilisin, chymotrypsin, serine
carboxypeptidase II, and ClpP protease.
From E. coli
From wheat germ
Page 521
28Figure 15-27 Activation of trypsinogen to form
Page 527
29Figure 15-28 Activation of chymotrypsinogen by
proteolytic cleavage.
Page 528
30Figure 15-24a TrypsinBPTI complex. (a) The
X-ray structure shown as a cutaway surface
drawing indicating how trypsin (red) binds BPTI
Page 523
31Figure 15-24b TrypsinBPTI complex. (b) Trypsin
Ser 195, the active Ser, is in closer-than-van
der Waals contact with the carbonyl carbon of
BPTIs scissile peptide.
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