Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1Beam Position Measurements in TTF Cavities using
Dipole Higher Order Modes
G. Devanz, O. Napoly, CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette A.
Gössel, S. Schreiber, M. Wendt, DESY, Hamburg
- Beat the 300-500 µm pre-alignement of
cavities-modules in the Linac - de ? dycav2
- Use well-measured dipole modes TE111 and TM110 to
monitor the beam position w.r.t. cavity
electrical axis. This is the NLC method, but we
dont know a priori the polarisation of the
modes. - No cavity movers, but one steerer / module and
the knowledge of the real orbit is of great help
for tuning bumps. - How refined signal acquisition needs to be ?
- It is a bunch train measurement
3TTF 9-cell cavity HOMs
- Modes Below cutoff
- ? no propagation
- R/Q easy to compute
- in one cavity.
Frequency GHz R/Q O/cm2
TE111_6 1.705 11.1
TE111_7 1.730 15.6
TM110_4 1.865 6.4
TM110_5 1.875 9.0
R. Wanzenberg
4HOM couplers as BPMs
Output power P (beam loading) from a dipole mode
in a cavity
1st polarization P1 C1 r 2 cos2(F) 2nd
polarization P2 C2 r 2 sin2(F)
? r 2 P1 / C1 P2 / C2
C1 and C2 are calculated from fi , R/Q , Qi
of the HOM 1st power measurement ? r2
x2y2 2nd power measurement with known beam
offset dy ? y and x
5Data Acquisition
Module II
Module III
q 3.5 nC fb 2.25 MHz Tp 780 ms
Agilent E8563E spectrum analyser
Spectrum analyser
- used as a parametric bandpass filter
- central frequency
- resolution bandwidth
- signals in time domain
Att 10 dB
zero span
6Cable calibration
Cables inside cryostat reflection measurement
with network analyser
Cables outside cryostat attenuation
measurement with power-meter
7Check on monopole HOMs
- check calculations
- check cable attenuation
Choose HOM
- well known HOM ? non propagating bands
- high R/Q to get strong signal
8Dipole mode measurements
2 positions computed using 2 modes with the same
High gradient in cavities ( 20 MV/m) ? orbit is
expected to cross ACC1 module axis
if entering at an offset
- First experiment HOM parameters not all
accurate - Data acquisition not optimum
- Some selected encouraging results
- Program for a PhD student co-financed by
Saclay-DESY (selection committee in June) - Need 1) accurate information on TE111 and
TM110 mode parameters - 2) HOM signals transported out of the tunnel,
with well calibrated cables, for at least one
module. - Most of the measurements can be done in
parasitic mode