Title: Ramiro Debbe
1BRAHMS Overview
5th International Conference on Physics and
Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma
Ramiro Debbe for the BRAHMS collaboration Physics
2Outline of the presentation
- A brief summary of particle production in Au-Au
collisions at vsNN 200GeV. - Intermediate Pt physics. Pt suppression and the
formation of an opaque dense medium and will
discuss its behavior as function of rapidity and
centrality. - Summary
3The BRAHMS Detector
4Event characterization
The centrality of the collision for the results
that will be presented is defined as fractions of
the total multiplicity measured with the TMA in
The centrality of Au-Au collisions can also be
defined with the ZDC and BB or TMA correlations.
Our triggers are defined with the ZDC and BB,
pp and dAu collisions were triggered with the
INEL detectors.
5Charged particle production
This is one of the first measurements at RHIC
with a multiplicity density unexpectedly low. It
may indicate the high degree of coherence in high
energy AA collisions.
It already shows a bell shape and a slow growth
as function of centrality.
6Rapidity Densities in Au-Au at ?sNN 200 GeV
Integrated multiplicities (Gaussian fit) N(??)
1780 N(?) 1760 N(K) 290 N(K?)
240 N(pbar) 85
Total number of ?Kp gt 4000 (consistent with
the dNch/d? measurement)
The longitudinal expansion does not modify much
the shapes of the thermal source or the PDF of
the colliding ions.
7Particle Yields
Top 5 central collisions
8Transverse Dynamics
?,K,p spectra described by blast wave model We
see a weak rapidity dependence of both T and ?
- Kinetic frezze out temp. T?115 Mev, ?T?0.7c at
y0 - Flow velocity decreases with rapidity.
- Lower density ? lower pressure ? less flow
- Temperature increases.
- Lower density ? faster freeze out ? higher
BRAHMS preliminary
9Baryon number transport
Even at this high energy, there is a non-zero net
proton at mid-rapidity. Baryon junctions can have
a small-x component that would bring baryon
number to mid-rapidity.
No weak decay corrections Once the corrections
are included nB2.030.08np
AuAu ?s200GeV 0-10 central
10Rapidity loss
The average rapidity loss at RHIC energies does
not scale as the ones measured at lower energy
736 of the beam energy available for particle
PRL 93, 1020301, (2003)
11Energy Balance
- Fit ?, K and p distributions (dN/dy and ?mT? vs
y) - ? total energy of ?, K and p
- Assume reasonable distribution
- for particles we dont detect (?0,n,?)
- Calculate the total energy
12Strangeness production
Mid-rapidity RHIC is well beyond the resonance
gas of CERN. It appears that the production of
K- and K is becoming similar .
At forward rapidities, the baryon chemical
potential has grown by 5 and we may be entering
again a CERN like system.
13Particle abundances and statistical models
For a fixed chemical freeze out temperature. The
ratios of anti-particle to particle correlate
along the Becattini et al. calculation based on
their statistical model.
??s 0
14Results from pp collisions
We found remarkable similarity in the baryon
number transport in AuAu and pp collisions as
seen in the anti-proton/proton ratio.
The AuAu results were extracted from 0-20
central events.
15Transverse Spin Asymmetries An
- An e /P with P 40-45
- (N /L - N-/L-) / (N /L N-/L-)
ltegt 0.022 gt AN 0.05 - 0.005 - 0.015 in
0.17 lt xF lt 0.32
ltegt -0.035 gt AN -0.08 - 0.005 - 0.015 in
0.17 lt xF lt 0.32
16PT suppression can be related to two possible
Modification of the wave function in the initial
Quantum evolution at high rapidity. Gluon
emmission tamed by fusion. dNg/d(ln1/x) ?s (2Ng
- Ng2) The growth of the numerator in RABor Rcp
is slower than that of the denominator.
Cronin type enhancement by coherent multiple
scattering at y0
17pT suppression cont.
Energy loss in a medium formed after the
Energy loss is encoded in the fragmentation of
the final state parton. The number of
interactions (each emitting a gluon) depends on
the density of the medium.
Gluon density of the formed medium (rapidity
18Invariant yields of charged particles in AuAu
and dAu
Arsene et al.PRL 91 2003
20RAuAu of Pions and Protons
It is clear that baryons have a different
No feed down corrections applied
21dAu nuclear modification factor
The absence of suppression in dAu at y0 and
back-to-back correlations have been considered
necessary conditions to the formation of a dense
and opaque medium the suppression seen in AuAu
is a final state effect.
But the possibility of a saturated Au cannot be
22Spectra from d-Au and p-p collisions
Upper panels show an outline of the data used
construct the spectra. At each angle, one or
several magnetic field settings were
used. Spectra are acceptance and detector
efficiency corrected, other corrections as
momentum resolution and binning effects were not
23RdAu as function of rapidity
Cronin like enhancement at ?0. Clear suppression
as ? changes up to 3.2 Same ratio made with dn/d?
follows the low pT RdAu
PRL 94 (2004)
Minimum bias with lt Ncollgt 7.20.3
24Rcp ratios
At ? 0 the central events have the ratio
systematically above that of semi-central events.
We see a reversal of behavior as we study events
at ?3.2
1/ltNcoll centralgt NABcentral(pT,h)
1/ltNcoll periphgt NABperiph(pT,h)
25Particle identification in d-Au collisions
26Identified particles in d-Au at ?3.2
Many protons in the most forward dAu. Is this
beam fragmentation?
80 of the negative charged particles at ?3 are
27RdAu for anti-protons and pions (min bias)
This will not be the first time baryons show a
different nuclear modification factor. PHENIX
reported such difference at y0 in AuAu and dAu
28RAuAu at ?sNN 62.4 GeV
Nuclear modification factor RAuAu - different
centrality classes
29Rcp of charged hadrons at ?3.2
BRAHMS Preliminary
- Strong centrality dependence
- Rcp(0-10) lt Rcp(20-40)
- No significant h dependence
- in 0lthlt3.2
- Maximum at pT2GeV/c
- Rcp() gt Rcp(-)
- Systematic Errors
- - 10-15 overall
- - 10 p-by-p
BRAHMS PRL 91 (2003)
30Rcp for Identified particles at y3
BRAHMS Preliminary
- Suppression for all particles
- maximum at pT2GeV/c
- Rcp() Rcp(-) for p, K, p
- Rcp(p) gt Rcp(K) gt Rcp(p)
- We have now a wide view of bulk particle
production in AuAu collisions. There are no
extended plateaus in the density distributions,
70 of the beam energy is made available for
particle production in central AuAu. - Forward physics has proved to be a fertile
ground for discovery and an important ingredient
of our understanding of the new medium formed at
32The BRAHMS Collaboration
- 12 institutions-
- I.Arsene10,I.G. Bearden7, D. Beavis1, C.
Besliu10, Y. Blyakhman6, J.Brzychczyk4, - B. Budick6,H. Bøggild7 ,C. Chasman1, C. H.
Christensen7, P. Christiansen7, - J.Cibor4,R.Debbe1,J. J. Gaardhøje7,M.
Germinario7, K. Hagel8, - O. Hansen7, H. Ito11, E. Jacobsen7, A. Jipa10,
J. I. Jordre10, F. Jundt2, - C.E.Jørgensen7, E. J. Kim5, T. Kozik3,
T.M.Larsen12, J. H. Lee1, Y. K.Lee5, - G. Løvhøjden2, Z. Majka3, A. Makeev8, B.
McBreen1, M. Murray8, J. Natowitz8, - B. Neuman11,B.S.Nielsen7, K. Olchanski1, D.
Ouerdane7, R.Planeta4, F. Rami2, - D. Roehrich9, B. H. Samset12, S. J. Sanders11,
I. S. Sgura10, R.A.Sheetz1, Z.Sosin3, - P. Staszel7, T.S. Tveter12, F.Videbæk1, R. Wada8
,A.Wieloch3,Z. Yin9 - 1Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, 2IReS and
Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France - 3Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland,
4Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland - 5Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, 6New
York University, USA - 7Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, University
of Copenhagen, Denmark - 8Texas AM University, College Station. USA,
9University of Bergen, Norway - 10University of Bucharest, Romania, 11University
of Kansas, Lawrence,USA - 12 University of Oslo Norway
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34p/p ratios
BRAHMS Preliminary
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