Title: STAR Project
1 STAR Project
- Good Practice in Induction
- Tony Cook
- Tell you a bit about the STAR project
- Discuss purpose of induction
- Outline a model of retention and discuss where
induction fits in - Show you some data to illustrate the importance
of the student view - Discuss process of induction
3The STAR Project
- Four themes
- Prior to entry
- Induction
- Flexible progression
- Accessibility
4Managing transition
Independent, enthusiastic, involved,
communicative, present, sober
End point
Start point
- What do you consider to be the purpose of
induction? - Write down the three most important things you do
in induction.
6A model of retention
Pre-entry factors
Social- with peers, with staff Academic-
workload, concordance, adaptability Campus-
Finance, Domestic issues
Goals, Expectations, Qualifications, Skills
base, Institutional commitment.
Decisions about staying and Leaving. Motivation
influencing performance
After Tinto
7The story so far
- Guidelines out for consultation
- Questionnaire survey of BioScience departments
- Staff interviews
- Student focus groups
- Miniprojects
- Sponsored case studies
8Activities in the pre teaching week.
Data from questionnaires
9Why do students leave early?
Data from University of Ulster 2001/2
(institutional data)
10Student free-response
24 13
Consortium data
11Student comments
- At risk students
- confused, work given without explanation
- not what I expected- very misleading
- stressful because of lack of chemistry
- Not at risk
- challenging but a good experience
- interesting, exciting, but its lacking in skills
- enjoyed it, many new friends and learnt a lot
- Score your practice against the audit
- Consider questions where you scored 3 or lower.
- Does it address a relevant problem?
- How could you raise your score?