ENP: Political Dimension - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ENP: Political Dimension


The PCA framework was designed to help countries emerged after the dissolution ... to the conflicts settlement in Abkhazia, Georgia and Tskinvali Region/South Ossetia ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ENP: Political Dimension

ENP Political Dimension
  • Kakha Gogolashvili
  • Geplac Project Director
  • Batumi, 26-30 June, 2008

European Integration
  • Economic Integration
  • Free Trade Area
  • Customs Union
  • Single Market, Economic and Monetary Union
  • Political Cooperation and Political Union
  • Security
  • International Affairs
  • Defense
  • Justice and Home Affairs
  • - Migration
  • - Drugs
  • - Terrorism
  • - Corruption

EU Foreign Policy Instruments
  • International Agreements
  • Common Strategies
  • Common Positions
  • Joint Actions

EU International Agreements
  • Trade, Economic and Commercial Cooperation
  • Association Agreement
  • Europe Agreement
  • Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
  • Stabilization and Association Agreement
  • Lome Convention

  • PCA

Original Idea
  • The PCA framework was designed to help countries
    emerged after the dissolution of the Soviet Union
    to strengthen their sovereignty and develop into
    functioning democracies and market economies.

  • Framework for Political Dialogue
  • Support in the consolidation of Democracy
  • Support in the development of Market Economy
  • Establishment of international rules for trade
  • Provide base for cooperation in different fields

Political Dialogue
  • Increasing political relations with the EU and
    community of democratic nations
  • Convergence of positions on international issues
  • Cooperation on matters strengthening security and
    stability in Europe
  • Promotion of HR and other democratic values

  • Most Favored Nation treatment (MFN)
  • Free Transit of goods
  • No Quantitative Restrictions
  • Safeguards and Antidumping measures
  • Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
  • Except trade in textile and nuclear materials

Business, Investments
  • Establishments of Companies
  • Operation of Companies
  • Treatment of subsidiaries and branches
  • Employment rules

Business, Investments
  • Establishments of Companies
  • Operation of Companies
  • Treatment of subsidiaries and branches
  • Employment rules

  • Current Payment and Capital
  • Intellectual and commercial property protection
  • Legislative cooperation (art. 43)

  • Cooperation Council
  • Cooperation Committee
  • Parliamentary Cooperation Committee
  • Subcommittees

Reasons of difficulties in PCA implementation
  • Absence of
  • Conditionality
  • Action motivating tool
  • Effective external monitoring mechanism

  • The ENP goes beyond the existing Partnership
    and Co- operation Agreement to offer the prospect
    of an increasingly close relationship with the
    EU, involving a significant degree of economic
    integration and a deepening of political

Basic Pinciples
  • Joint ownership
  • Differentiation

Basic Notions
  • ENP Strategy Paper
  • Country Report and Action Plan
  • European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument
  • Neighborhood (Enhanced) Agreement

Genesis of ENP
  • April 2002 The General Affairs Council requests
    the Commission and the High Representative for
    CFSP to elaborate ideas on the EUs relations
    with its neighbors.
  • December 2002 EC President Prodi proposes A
    Policy of Proximity a ring of friends.
  • December 2002 the Copenhagen European Council
    declares that the Union remains determined to
    promote stability and prosperity within and
    beyond the new borders of the Union.
  • March 2003 EC Communication Wider Europe
    Neighbourhood A New Framework for Relations with
    our Eastern and Southern Neighbours
  • July 2003 EC Communication 393 Paving the way
    for a New Neighbourhood Instrument
  • December 2003 the European Council adopts the
    Solana document A Secure Europe in a Better
  • May 2004 EC Communication European
    Neighboorhoud Policy Strategy Paper

ENP Action Plan Priorities Ar-
  • Strengthening the rule of law, of democratic
    structures and pluralism (e.g. the reform of
    electoral legislation in line with Council of
    Europe (CoE) and Organisation for Security and
    Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) recommendations and
    the holding of democratic elections
    constitutional reform taking into account CoE
    recommendations reform of local
  • Strengthening respect for human rights and
    fundamental freedoms, especially regarding
    freedom of expression and freedom of assembly
  • Improvements in the business climate as well as
    public sector modernisation
  • Further efforts to tackle corruption and fraud
  • Reform of tax and customs administrations and
  • Progress in poverty reduction
  • Progress on sustainable development and
    environmental protection
  • The decommissioning of the Medzamor Nuclear Power
  • Progress towards conflict resolution and enhanced
    regional cooperation.

ENP Action Plan Priorities - Az-
  • Strengthening the rule of law, democratic
    structures and pluralism (improved institutional
    division of powers, reform of local self
    government) and strengthening of electoral
    legislation and processes so as to enhance
    democratic election standards
  • Implementation of effective reform in field of
    rule of law (judiciary, law enforcement agencies)
  • Enhanced protection of human rights and of
    freedom and independence of the media
  • Increased efforts towards a balanced development
    of the overall economic system
  • Improvements in the business climate as well as
    public sector modernisation
  • Reform of tax and customs administrations and
  • Effective combating of corruption and fraud
  • Increased transparency in the management of oil
    revenues and in the privatisation process
  • Progress in poverty reduction, sustainable
    development and environmental protection
  • Progress in WTO accession
  • Progress in conflict resolution and enhanced
    regional cooperation.

ENP Action Plan Priorities - Geo-
  • Strengthening respect for the rule of law (reform
    of judiciary, law enforcement agencies,
    penitentiary) and enhanced human rights
  • Strengthening of democratic structures and
    pluralism (reform of parliament, strengthening
    independence of media, reform of local self
    government, electoral reform)
  • Improvements in the business climate as well as
    public sector modernisation
  • Reform of tax and customs administrations and
    legislation and strengthening the fight against
    corruption and fraud
  • A transparent privatization process
  • Progress in poverty reduction, sustainable
    development environmental protection
  • Progress in the resolution of conflicts and
    enhanced regional cooperation.
  • Prudent macroeconomic policies need to be
    maintained to support effective implementation of
    an Action Plan.

Reform of the whole judicial system in line with
European standards
  • ensuring proper separation of powers
  • improvement of training of judges, prosecutors,
    and officials in judiciary
  • improved access to justice notably through the
    establishment of an effective legal aid system
  • penitentiary and probation service
  • system of execution of Court decisions

  • Security

  • At a certain level of inequality in terms of
    access to core Global Public Goods, the resulting
    political instability and extremism, economic
    unpredictability and massive migration flows risk
    to become uncontrollable.
  • Rik Coolsaet Valérie Arnould , Global
    Governance The Next Frontier.

Global Public Goods
  • international stability and security,
  • open and inclusive economic system,
  • enforceable legal order,
  • global welfare in all its dimensions as an
    equivalent to national welfare systems.

  • Conflict Resolution

Priority 6 romote peaceful resolution of
internal conflicts
  • Contribute to the conflicts settlement in
    Abkhazia, Georgia and Tskinvali Region/South
  • enhanced efforts at confidence building
  • consideration of further economic assistance in
    light of the progress in the conflict settlement
  • Include the issue of territorial integrity of
    Georgia and settlement of Georgia's internal
    conflicts in EU-Russia political dialogue

The Neighbourhood Policys overall objectives
could be summarized as
  • preventing conflicts in the EUs neighbourhood
    and acts of aggression against the EU itself
  • settling ongoing disputes and conflicts
  • establishing close economic and political
    partnerships based on shared values, prosperity
    and security
  • controlling migration and all forms of illegal
    trafficking into the EU
  • protecting the security of EU citizens living
  • Rik Coolsaet Sven Biscop (eds.), A European
    Security Concept for the 21st Century.

  • Upgrading of trade incentives (better trade
  • Special schemes (or means) to encourage
    European investment in the country
  • Establishing more liberal conditions for
    access of Georgian citizens
  • Better and more intensive use of European
    Commission funds for the education and training
    of SC nationals
  • Political support vis-a-vis external threat
  • Enforced cooperation in Justice and Home
    Affairs issues and assistance in developing
    effective law enforcement structures, customs
    and border control institutions
  • Intensive assistance in the issue of the main
    concern conflict resolution.

  • Democracy

The Treaty on EU,Maastricht (1992), references to
  • framework of the provisions on a common foreign
    and security policy according to article 11(1),
    in fact, the development and consolidation of
    democracy is among the objectives of the Union s
  • article 177 (2) of the Treaty Establishing a
    European Community (TEC) Community policy in
    the sphere of development cooperation should
    contribute to the general objective of developing
    and consolidating democracy

Democracy for EU
  • raison dêtre
  • Community of values
  • Civilian Superpower
  • EU views the promotion of democracy as being
    inseparable from the attainment of peace and
    sufficient levels of material development. In
    other words, the promotion of democracy is also a
    security issue for the EU

Guaranteesof Democracy
  • liberty of association and organization, liberty
    of thinking and
  • expression, right to vote, right of the political
    leaders to compete for the electoral support,
    alternative sources of
  • information, possibility to be elected, free and
    fair elections, institutions that make the
    government policies depend
  • on the vote. The rule of law must be added to all
    these instruments.

  • Priority area 1 
  • Strengthen rule of law especially through reform
    of the judicial system, including the
    penitentiary system, and through rebuilding state
    institutions. Strengthen democratic institutions
    and respect for human rights and fundamental
    freedoms in compliance with international
    commitments of Georgia (PCA, Council of Europe,
    OSCE, UN)

Priority area 7
  • Cooperation on Foreign and Security Policy
  • Enhance EU-Georgia cooperation on Common Foreign
    and Security Policy, including European Security
    and Defence Policy
  • Georgia may be invited, on a case by case basis,
    to align itself with EU positions on regional and
    international issues.
  • Develop possibilities for enhanced EU Georgian
    consultations on crisis management.

Similarities in Accession Partnerships and ENP
  • EU has asked CEEs to implement the following main
    political priorities
  • reform of the judiciary (in particular
    independence of the judiciary),
  • fight against corruption, reform of the
    administration and decentralization,
  • real guarantee of political,
  • civil, and economic and social rights and
    protection of minorities

EU and its Neighbourhood
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