- By Anil Kumar Philippe Canal
- July 1, 2008
- Q A
- IMPORTANCE ( Necessary, Recommended, Optional )
- IMPACT (High, Low)
- ACTION PLAN by Project Lead
Recommendation Status Importance Impact Action
Buy Incident Support for BIRT Negotiation between Actuate and Fermi Purchasing failed Necessary High Re-submit the requisition in FY2009
Transition Support of Development Databases to DBI/DBA group Need clarification Necessary High Completely dependent on whether the DBA has enough effort to provide the numbers of installation/reinstallation currently being done.
Expedite the transition of Operational support to Grid Facilities In progress Necessary High July 15 milestone
Sign off on Supported Browsers In progress Necessary High Expecting answer/decision from OSG
5Recommendations Contd
Recommendation Status Importance Impact Action
Formalize the requirement Document for Authentication For Report Viewing On Hold Necessary High Currently on hold pending decision on whether this requirement should be dropped 3 FTE weeks would be needed
Develop Data Model for Authentication Versus Hard Coded Rules in the code Done Necessary High
Investigate why HIBERNATE creates Duplicate Indices FY08 Necessary High To be looked into after 0.36 release.
Normalize the GRATIA Data Model FY09 if time permits or performance requires Necessary High Need review of the possible 'normalization' and their impact 2-3 FTE week to investigate. Strawman evaluation is that the benefit do not justify the cost (development and data reprocessing)
6Recommendations Contd
Recommendation Status Importance Impact Action
Practice and Document Backup/Recovery Strategies Done Necessary High Planning on incorporating the recovery from backup in the integration testing.
Expedite setting up the integration environment for simulation tests. In progress Necessary High about 2 FTE Months are currently allocated to this. Currently in planning phase of what can be accomplished
Convert the Storage Engine to INNODB Done Necessary High
Sign off on Requirement Document from Fermi Grid In progress Necessary High Expecting clarification from FermiGrid.
7Recommendations Contd
Recommendation Status Importance Impact Action
Sign off on Requirement Document from WLCG Grid Outside of Project Necessary High The WLCG part is being spawn into its own project. Requirement gathering should be handled within this context. 3 FTE weeks.
Formal Training on New Releases/New Tools adopted In progress Recommended High Planning on having presentation after each significant release (semi-annually)
Formal Training on Project Management Best Practices Recommended High To be considered depending on the size of the project in coming year
Implement/Adopt Issue/Bug Tracker In progress Recommended Low Currently using OSG's footprint. Bug tracker also enabled on source forge (Will start advertising after trial period)
8Recommendations - Contd
Recommendation Status Importance Impact Action
Schedule every six month GRATIA "Taking Stock" Meetings In progress Recommended Low Next meeting will be schedule in Fall 08.
Schedule Tuning Week for GRATIA once in a year FY09 Recommended High Tuning will be one of the support task in FY09
Schedule Security Week for GRATIA once in a year FY09 Recommended High Security Week will be one of the support task in FY09
Develop and Deploy the Data Warehouse Outside of project Recommended High Need further investigation on whether there is need, by whom and what it encompass 2 FTE weeks to investigate
Separate Database Instances for each stakeholder OSG, WLCG, Fermi Grid etc. FY09 / FermiGrid Recommended Low I think FermiGrid is planning on this separation in FY2009
Adopt the Project Management Component for Change/Configuration Management Recommended Low To be investigated.
9Recommendations Contd
Recommendation Status Importance Impact Action
Improve Communication to Stakeholders for Delivery Schedules, Formal Training on New Interfaces to users. In progress Recommended High Planning on having presentation after each significant release (semi-annually)
Re-evaluate the DB Technology Postgres / Oracle not planning Optional Low A database engine change would not fit in the current effort profile. A strawman evaluation does not reveal any large benefit that would offset the cost
Re-evaluate comprehensive BI tool e.g. Pentaho not planning Optional Low No plan on pursuing a change of BI tool at this point. Pentaho was not a match. BIRT is adequate and any change would be very costly
- Vicky White Head, Computing Division Fermi Lab
- Ruth Pordes Executive Director, OSG
- Mark Kaletka Associate Head, Lab and Scientific
Core Services - Igor Mandrichenko Head, Databases and
Applications. - Philippe Canal Project Lead
- Chris Green Software for probes, collectors
activities. Also responsible for DAQ,
data-storage and general infrastructure - Penelope Constanta Reporting Infrastructure
- Jeff Mack Reports
- John Weigland Schema, Testing, Feeding Data to
customers such as WLCG - Margherita Vittone Authentication
- Diana Bonham DBA
- Steve Timm System Admin
- Julie Trumbo Group Leader Databases
Administration - Eileen Berman Head Grid Facilities
- Ian Fisk Head CMS
11Q A